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“You fucked the giant biker?” I stare at her and the mental image of the two makes me blurt out, “How did you not get crushed? He was huge.”

She laughs. “Yeah, he’s a big boy in all the right places.”

I blink at her and she starts laughing again, then jumps up and grabs a bottle of water from our small refrigerator in the back. I kneel and focus on the task of opening our safe.

“It was amazing. I have never fucked a guy that perfect. Like his arms are like this.” She holds up both hands super wide. “And his penis is like this.” She measures a good size. Not as big as David’s but close.

She sips the water and stares blankly at the wall. “It’s my own fault. He wanted anal and I said yes, and now I can feel the infection coming on.”

I slam the safe shut. “Wait… you had anal with the biker?” I whisper.

“Yes,” she whispers back then giggles and groans. “It hurts.”

“You need to see your gyno. Tomorrow.” Looking around the office to make sure everything is done, I grab my purse.

“It was so worth it. Ryder rocked my world. I came more in one night than I have in years.” She opens up the bottle of water and starts to guzzle it. “But I hate the infection part.” She points the water bottle at me as she swallows. “Now get into details.”

“I didn’t do anal.”

“You ever try anal?” She takes another sip of water.

“Nooo, I would never.” I wouldn’t. Among the few boyfriends I’ve had, none of them mentioned it, so it was a nonissue.

“If I wasn’t in pain, I would laugh at your face. It’s so good if the guy knows what he’s doing.” She finishes the water and tosses it into the trash can.

“Um, I think I’m good. I hate infections so—”

“Oh, stop it. I should have taken a shower afterward, but he’s like a fuck machine. So we stayed up all night doing the nasty, and that man is nasty. Next time, I’ll clean up before we carry on.” She says all this as if we are talking about makeup or our favorite color. With a nod, I turn off the light.

“That hot biker guy should be your first. I bet he’s good at it,” she whispers as she passes so that I can lock the office door.

“Cindy! I’m not going to have anal—ever. Look at you.” I point at her crotch.

She shrugs. “It’s not that big of a deal. I’ll go home, drink some wine, and pass out. And get some medicine in the morning.” She looks down at her phone then at me. “Okay, my Lyft is here.”

I set the alarm as we both walk out. “I just… I mean, how did this happen? I saw you leave.”

She waves a hand as she walks up to the Lyft driver. “Long story, and I’m in pain. I need liquor. Ryder dropped me off on his bike this morning.”

The evening is warm but less than it has been. Maybe it’s starting to cool off a bit.

“See you tomorrow,” she says as she gets into the car.

“Go to the doctor,” I yell at her and shake my head. The car peels out of the empty driveway.

It’s pitch black. The stupid streetlight still hasn’t been fixed, and since it’s late, the traffic on the street is minimal. I do this every night and the hairs on the back of my neck never stand up. But I feel him. I turn in time for a strong hand to cover my mouth and a rock-hard body to almost knock the breath out of me. Terror makes me instantly fight.

“I ought to fucking spank the shit out of you. What the hell are you thinking being out here all alone?” I sag back into his arms. It’s not a murderer: it’s David.DAVID/POETI’m beyond pissed. It’s like a ringing has replaced all sound as I try to process what is wrong with Charlie.

I shake her and her head snaps back, but she’s smiling. Tears run down her exquisite face and again, it dawns on me that she likes to be scared or, at least, she likes the adrenaline.

“What the fuck are you thinking?” I hiss, my cock hardening at the sight of her wide-eyed stare and trembling lips. I don’t even know why I’m here. Well, that’s a lie—I do know. I’m an addict. I substitute one addiction for the next: drugs, booze, sex… it doesn’t matter. Anything to keep the monsters at bay.

She does that. Today, after Reed left, we had Church and I listened to everyone bitch about stupid shit.

Ryder had to escort two different brothers outside to settle it with fists. Lucky ran his mouth. It’s amazing no one stabbed each other.

And through it all, she called to me, that little bit of light that can give me peace. So instead of having one of the club’s bunnies take care of me, I got on my bike to ride, clear my head. But I didn’t. I came straight to her.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic