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She tosses her honey waves off her shoulder and reaches for her dad’s skinny, blue-veined hand and strokes it. “I guess I’ll be back tomorrow.” She stands up and kisses his forehead, and even drunk, I still look away. She’s gonna be a fucking mess when he kicks it and now she’s pregnant.

“Come on, Angel.” I reach a bloody-knuckled hand at her. She stiffens and James starts to hiss, but she obeys.

“I thought you were at the clubhouse sleeping with whores,” she whispers as I drag her out of the room.

Edge, who was waiting at the door, falls in behind as I literally pull her with me. The poor woman behind the reception desk stands up but sits when she sees me glare.

“I’m not in the mood for your mouth.” I open the truck’s door and Eve gives me a look. I’m drunk enough to laugh at how she’s trying to actually be fierce.

“Well, I’m not in the mood to be jerked around and unless you want me to puke on you, I’d stop any fast movements.”

Edge coughs as he grins. Looking away, he gets into the driver’s seat. I stop and take in this woman who has addicted my mind. She’s beautiful, but it’s more than that. For whatever reason, she’s what I crave.

I lock eyes with her and can’t help but smirk. “Come on, my little badass. In the truck… please.”

She huffs and frowns but does get in. Crossing her arms and legs, she turns her head away. I almost laugh at her nerve. If she was a man she’d probably be dead. Clearly, she’s delusional if she thinks I’ll tolerate her ignoring me. I reach for her arm. She glares, but I ignore it as I slide her warm body next to me. The tingle of touching her almost buzzes with energy. It’s uncanny; I need her, want her, she’s mine, and I’m sick of being in turmoil over her.

“I heard about our baby’s heartbeat,” I whisper against her forehead. That gets her attention.

She looks up at me. “What?”

“Dewey told me.” Her eyes travel my face, which probably looks a mess. I didn’t check if any blood remained on me from earlier. I haven’t tasted any, so hopefully I look better than I feel.

“Jason… you didn’t hurt him, did you?” Her blue eyes are so sincere and full of concern a wave of jealousy takes hold followed by anger that she would think I would hurt Dewey.

“If you think I’d ever hurt Dewey, you don’t know me at all.”

She looks down at her hands then back at me, her eyes shiny with tears. Sniffing, she looks out the window at nothing but darkness and street lights.

“I thought you were staying at the clubhouse.” Her voice catches at the end. I stretch my legs out sideways and pull her so that she has no choice but to rest on my chest.

“Shh, I’m tired.”

“Yeah, you look like you’ve been busy today.” I stay silent. How else am I going to defend myself. “Whatever,” she mumbles but stays quiet as I hold her.

Edge turns up my road and she feels so good in my arms I almost tell him to keep driving. Her even breathing makes me squeeze her. For whatever reason, everything about Eve does it for me. I want to take care of her. Christ, I want her so bad that I’m not even upset she’s pregnant. The Tahoe stops and Edge turns to face me.

“You want me to pick you up in the morning, Prez?” His eyes are filled with understanding, almost longing.

“Yeah, get me in the morning.” I open the door and lift her into my arms. How the hell has she become my life? Holding her tight, I walk to the front door and wait for Edge to unlock it and punch the alarm.

“I’m happy for you, man,” he says.

Before I can say anything, he’s shut the door. Eve stirs. Her dark, sooty eyelashes blink open as she looks confused for a moment.

“I got you, Angel. Go back to sleep,” I murmur as I walk us to our bedroom.

“I fell asleep?” She seems alarmed.

“You’re pregnant. It’s normal.” It sounds foreign to me. Pregnant. Eve and I are going to have a baby. Suddenly I want to hear everything from her. I need a shower—anything to erase what I did earlier.

As I start the shower, I watch her take off her clothes in the walk-in closet. I wash quickly, the need to be with her so strong it’s like I’m possessed or an alien has taken over my body. But instead of a little outer space man it’s a woman with long golden hair and eyes that are so blue I get lost in them. I finish and wrap a towel around my waist. Eve is already in bed with the covers up so high all I can see are her slender arms and hair spread out on the pillow. Turning off the light, I look out my window. The lights of the city twinkle and glow. Usually I close the blinds so that it’s pitch black, but tonight I want the moonlight along with the city below. Tossing my towel, I climb into bed and reach for my Angel. She goes willingly, and her coconut-scented hair wraps around me like smoke at a campfire. She sighs and says something about French fries. I grin as I kiss her forehead. Eve talks in her sleep. So far, it’s usually about food. Only once did she call out for her mother when having a nightmare. Christ, we’re both so scarred and fucked up, how is this even possible we’re having a kid?

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic