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I bolt up not caring that my chair tips over. Taking out my wallet, I drop a couple hundred and grab her arm as she pulls away.

“Fuck off,” she hisses, jerking her hand free. A couple sitting next to us gasps and I almost see red. In all my years, I have never been told to fuck off by a woman. It. Has. Never. Happened. Ever.

She breezes past the tables, her head held high like she’s in a god damn beauty pageant. I shove the valet ticket to the punk. He must feel the vibe that I might kill him if he even looks at Eve because he nods and gets the keys. I take them from him and grab her.

“Here.” I toss a fifty at him. She tries to jerk free, but there’s no fucking way. I pull her to my Viper and toss her in.

“Hey man, thanks,” the valet calls out, staring at the fifty.

I don’t respond and shut my door and start the engine. The loud click of me locking the doors should alert her that I’m beyond pissed. She crosses her arms and stares out the window.

“I warned you,” I say through gritted teeth. It’s all I trust myself to say at the moment. My hands grip the steering wheel so tight my knuckles crack. The pure anger that she still defies me pumps through me like a heart pumps blood. I actually feel high with it and accelerate down Ventura Boulevard, taking a fast left and gunning it up toward the hills that lead to my house. I bought this house as soon as I became president. It’s in the hills of Sherman Oaks, the view is incredible, and it’s close enough to the clubhouse that I can be there in no time. I let the Viper have its way with the twists and turns up the hill. Eve sways with the movement, her arms are crossed and that pisses me off more. Her eyes are focused on the scenery, but with it getting dark, she won’t get much until the morning. I pull into a cul-de-sac that I share with three other houses and push the remote for the garage to open.

Suddenly she turns. “I want to go back to the clubhouse.” I almost laugh. It wasn’t a plea; it was a demand and if I wasn’t so angry, I’d give her credit. Unfortunately for her, she brings out the most intense emotions in me. Her cheeks are flushed and her breathing is coming in short gasps. I guess it’s dawned on her that for the first time ever, we’re completely alone.

“No, Angel. It’s time you learn what your future is.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” she screams at my back as I exit and slam the door. She swings hers open and steps out. Our gazes lock and I stare as her chin comes up and her hand tightens around her purse. Badass floats through my brain and I sincerely hope for her sake she doesn’t pull her blade on me. I narrow my eyes almost daring her.

“I’d think about this, Angel.” My voice is soft, almost coaxing. She stands, frozen, her chest coming in fast deep breaths, eyes blazing with frustration and hurt.

“For your sake, beautiful, I’d do everything I demand tonight.”

She sniffs back her tears. “Fuck you, Jason,” she hisses softly.

“Jesus Christ.”

I reach for her and she yells, “I don’t want you to fuck around… I can’t handle it.” Her eyes are almost wild and her pain fuels my need for her. She will submit; she will be everything I want her to be. Clenching my jaw so hard it aches, I pull her in and toss her over my shoulder. Instead of feeling guilty, I’m relieved. Gone are all the soft feelings. All the shit I’ve been struggling with clouding my true nature. In one quick snap, the confusion is erased. Now I let my power pump through my blood, my dick so hard it’s almost painful.

Fuck you. I keep hearing it replay in my brain. She’s struggling and I slap her ass hard and she screams. Then she growls; it’s almost animalistic. I recognize that sound, that kind of energy.

It’s rage.

I’m taking away her power, sucking the last bit of her independence because after tonight, Eve will be tied to me body and soul. Bursting through the door, I bypass the kitchen and head straight for my bedroom where I throw her on my king-size bed.

She scrambles back like a caged beast and licks her lips. Her eyes darts around the room, which is nothing but large glass windows and the bright lights of LA at night.

“Strip,” I growl as I jerk off my vest and pull off my shirt. She’s panting and on her knees as if she’s looking for an escape.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic