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“Christ.” Jason reaches for me and his warm lips find mine. It’s tender and tears well in my eyes again. He breaks away. “I’ll be back shortly.” Then he looks at my poor dad, whose eyes are huge and fists are clenched. “You look good, James.”

My father hisses out what sounds like “fuck you.” Jason grins and looks at me. “Call me if you need me.” I nod and sink into a leather chair watching him leave, then turn to smile at my dad. He stares at the closed door. Sighing, I get up and pull the chair close to him so I can face him. It smells like Lysol in here and I flash to Amy constantly spraying the clubhouse. His room has a large, beautiful window that faces the backyard of this place. The yellow walls and green lawn and flowers make it look like a picture.

“Daddy, are they treating you good?” He is still looking at the door and turns his blue eyes on me.

“Don’t tell me you are with him.”

“I don’t want to talk about Jason. How are they trea—”

“Jason?” he gasps out. “That’s Blade. He got that name because he cuts people up.” His hands shake as he wipes the side of his nose, which is running because of the oxygen.

“Okay… Blade. Let’s not get all worked up.” I try to soothe him.

He sits and looks at me. “You think you’re in love?”

Instantly, my cheeks turn pink. Shit, this is not good. My dad is all upset. Maybe I should lie.

I go to open my mouth and he turns away. “The thought of you whoring yourself makes me sick.”

Speechless, I’m also paranoid Jason will walk in. “Daddy, you don’t know him,” I hiss under my breath. “He’s different with me.”

He reaches into his pocket and brings out a Kleenex. “You aren’t nothing but a plaything for him, Evie. I thought you were strong.”

I lean forward and take his clammy hand. “I am strong. And you have nothing to worry about. All you need to do is get better and—”

“I ain’t getting better, Evie. I’m dying. No matter how much money Blade spends, it’s not going to change that I’m dying and you’re sleeping with a man who will never put you first or a ring on that finger.” He slumps back, but he’s glaring at me like if he had the strength he would paddle my butt. “He’s a killer and he took you,” he rasps.

“Yeah, well we can thank Benny for that.” I stand up. The room is light and airy but it’s warm and I need some space.

“He’s your brother.”

“He sacrificed both of us.” I look out his window. This place is unbelievable with all the grass and flowers, not to mention the professional landscaping. That’s what the compound needs: some flowers. Maybe it wouldn’t always smell of gasoline and oil. I spin toward my dad. “I’m working on taking care of you.” He looks from me to the door.

“He tossing you out?”

“No… and I’m working on making sure he is going to keep me.”

“You are my pride. Don’t give him your heart. You’ve got plenty of time to find the right man.”

I look up at the ceiling wondering if I should tell him the truth. Before I can say anything Jason strides in along with a doctor. I pull my T-shirt down, hoping I don’t look trashy. The middle-aged doctor smiles at my dad and me.

“You must be Evie.” He holds out his hand. I reluctantly shake it. I hate shaking hands—it always seems so phony. “Your father talks about you all the time.” He looks smart, meaning he has salt-and-pepper hair with dark thick-rimmed glasses.

“Um… yes, that’s me.” I look at Jason who stands next to the doctor, his eyes unreadable. With his arms crossed, I can’t help but glance at his biceps.

“Well, we are happy that we are keeping your father as comfortable as we can.”

I stare at the doctor. “What does that mean?” It comes out harsh and I hear my dad wheeze harder.

“Excuse me.” The doctor moves to my father and looks at his eyes then at Jason. I guess he’s forgotten I’m here.

“I’m going to give him something to help relax him. This has been a busy day.” The doctor goes to the door, and I move to stop him but Jason takes my arm.

“It’s okay, Angel. Let him help your dad,” he whispers in my ear, and I sag into him. Tears, fucking wretched tears, are threatening to fall again.

“James, we’re gonna let you rest. Eve will be back tomorrow to visit if you would like.”

I look at him. Green eyes swirl in front of me and I almost feel as if I might be lightheaded.

“Really? I can come back?”

Jason looks aggravated but stays quiet with a nod.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic