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He stands like a god of a beast. Magnificent and untamed. My breath stutters in my throat and desire flutters in my core. What is wrong with me?

“Darrel.” His voice radiates off the walls and all eyes swing to his. Green fire pours out of them as he looks at me. He doesn’t have to tell me to go to him. I do. Like a moth goes to a flame, I go to my king.

“Did you touch her?” His voice is eerily calm and I see fear flicker for a second in the other man’s eyes.

He chuckles and holds his hands out looking at his buddies for support. “You always share, Blade. This one might be the most beautiful, but pussy is pus—” Jason pulls me behind him. In a blink he has his hand around the bald guy’s throat.

Hands pull me back into the crowd and I see Ryder, Edge, and four other Disciples surround Blade. I pull my arm preparing to knee whoever is taking me away from Jason in the nuts.

“Try it, wildcat,” he snarls, and I glance up into blue eyes so dark they almost look black. Axel has me and he is furious. “If I were you, I would sit down and shut up, Eve. You’ve caused enough problems.” He moves me to the booth.

“Axel…” I try to pull back. “Jason needs me. Axel what the hell?” He swings toward me.

“Do you think our lives are a fucking joke? This is us. We’re not good men, and now you have Blade all screwed in the head. He’s changing and that makes him dangerous. Meaning he’s not thinking clearly because he has you in his brain.” He points to his head. “I can’t make him not want you—you’re in his blood—but I can keep you safe so he can do what he needs to do.”

“This was not my fault. I was on my way to the restroom and that piece of shit grabbed me. Oh, as Blade’s whore I’m supposed to tell him that scumbag wants his shit.” Suddenly I’m not trying to get away.

“Axel… I don’t feel good.” He looks at me.

“Christ.” He takes me over to the restroom and zooms us in as if it’s no big deal that a huge hot biker guy is in the women’s room.

“Hey Axel,” I hear as I burst into the stall and barely make it to the toilet. I hadn’t had any food so all that comes up is my cocktail and shot. I lean my head against the cool metal wall, not even caring that it’s probably full of germs. My mouth stops watering as my stomach settles until I hear, “Is she okay?”

“Too much to drink. She’s fine, Nicole,” Axel snaps.

“She’s not pregnant, is she?” And my stomach that was starting to calm starts to knot again as I lean over and retch again.

“Fuck no, and if I hear any rumor that she is, I’ll know it was you.”

I brace myself and push my hair back. “I’m definitely not pregnant,” I snap at both of them as I try to rinse my mouth.

“Phew… That”—she points to the stall I vacated—“reminded me of the early days of my pregnancy.” She smiles at me, fluffs her hair in the mirror, and sashays out. I close my eyes. Nightmare. When I open them, two sapphire eyes stare at me as if he can read my mind.

“You’re not, right?” he demands.

I look at him through the mirror then back at my pale face.

“There is no way I’m pregnant.” I roll my eyes and almost tell him that I can’t, but why try to convince someone who is suspicious of everybody? “I’m not used to drinking and the excitement—that’s all.”

“That’s good, for your sake.” He slowly nods and opens the bathroom door. Two girls giggle as we step out.

“I’m tired,” I snap. His threat not only bothers me, but it’s none of his business. “I’d like to go home. Or should I wait for Jason?”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m sending you home.” He propels me out to the blaring music and neon lights. I barely get to grab my bag before he is urging me down the stairs. I don’t even get to say goodbye to anyone. They’re all on the dance floor. The laser lights downstairs are going wild with the beat of the music, but now it’s making me nauseous. Axel guides me outside and the fresh cool air hits my face like a welcome friend. I take a huge gulp and close my eyes as Axel barks an order. Some guy named Tim apparently will be taking me home. A couple of girls scream and laugh next to me waiting for the valet, their loud, excited voices announcing where they are going next. I feel ancient, and I have to be younger than them. I can’t believe that was my first nightclub experience. If I wasn’t feeling woozy, I’d be pissed. As it is, I’m somewhat grateful when the door shuts behind me. As I reach over and turn the vents on me, I wonder If I got a bug or something. The last couple of days I’ve felt crappy. Closing my eyes, I let Tim the prospect drive me home.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic