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“You wouldn’t want him if he was normal.” I tell my reflection. “Shit.” I grip the edge of the sink. What is happening to me? Not only do I want him, but I think this sensation that rips at my heart anytime he smiles at me or ignores me might be…?

I shake my head. “You can’t, Eve. You cannot fall in love with Jason.” He’s supposed to fall in love with me, not the other way around. Staring at myself, I try to deny the truth: that I, Eve Smith, might be having strong feelings for the president of one of the most dangerous MCs on the West Coast.

I exhale and breathe in. I can’t. He basically kidnapped me and could at any moment discard me. But that doesn’t stop the very real fact that I get turned on by his fierceness, his power. Is that love? The sad thing is that this man lights me on fire. He challenges me in a way that makes me want to please him. When he is near me, he makes me feel safe and wanted like I never thought existed. I’m connected to him in a way I never imagined.

I twist open the sparkly pink lip gloss and shimmer up my lips. After one last look, I shut off the bathroom light.

“Let’s see if you can ignore me tonight, Jason.” I don’t even care that I’m talking to myself. It gives me courage. With my bag in hand, I lock the door behind me.

The ride to the club is filled with quiet but obvious disapproval from Edge and pleasant nonstop chatter from Dewey. The valet comes out to open my door and park the Tahoe. I can already hear the music pumping and pulsing inside. Strobe lights dance around as I look over at a patio overflowing with people. Laughter and smoke permeate the air as Edge reaches for my arm. He doesn’t get stopped as he nods at the large bouncer dressed in all black. We walk in like we own the place. It’s dark in here with twinkling lights all around along with the strobe light and lasers bouncing off the walls and ceiling. The place is packed, wall-to-wall people, most in line for alcohol.

“Where’s Dolly?” I yell.

Edge doesn’t respond and propels me forward and over to some dark stairs. Fluorescent purple light shines down on us. As the music changes, so does the light. Another bouncer nods at us at the top and opens the red velvet cord to let us enter.

“I guess they know you here.” I turn to him.

“Eve, until Blade shows up, I need you to stay with me.”

I nod. His eyes are taking in the place and it’s clear he’s on alert. I guess this is the way they live. This is my first time in a club, so maybe it’s normal to be aware of everyone. Jason does the same thing—even walking into our bedroom, he always goes first, his eyes searching.

He guides me through the crowd of people, most of them wearing Disciples cuts but some obviously friends of Dolly’s. Many have purple or blue hair. He lets go of me to reach for a woman dressed in a red, skintight slip dress and black pumps with striking red bottoms. She turns and smiles up at him. My heart thuds as I witness their eyes lock. On her head is a tiara with blinking lights that say Birthday Girl.

“Oh my God, he actually let you come?” Dolly detaches herself from Edge and grabs me for a hug.

“Dolly… you look beautiful.” Looking at her happy and healthy makes me feel drastically less guilty about last month.

“No, you’re striking. Turn around.” I laugh feeling like a load I didn’t realize I was holding has been taken off my chest. I spin and she reaches for Edge.

“No looking,” she snaps and he arches a brow.

“I only have eyes for one woman. I wish to hell she’d trust me on that,” he grumbles.

“Eve, you want something to drink?”

I look at them both and it all makes sense. I almost sigh since I’m rooting for them.

“Oh yes.” Dolly wiggles her body against his. “Shots, please. Doug and I are drinking Cosmopolitans, so three.” She smiles at him and I look away. The hunger in their gazes is too depressing since I haven’t seen Jason and he seems determined to keep it that way. Suddenly I’m tired, which is crazy since it’s not even ten yet.

Arms wrap around me from behind, I swing around to a smiling Doug who is wearing a dark suit and a blinking tiara.

“Hello beautiful.” He dips his nose to my neck.

“Doug… knock it off.” Edge’s eyes are serious.

Doug laughs then says, “Oh Edge, always a pleasure, and since Blade is stupid enough to let his queen alone, I shall volunteer to babysit her.” He winks at Edge.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic