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“Yeah, you did it.” I emerge from the pool not caring if he does see my erection. Actually he needs to see it. I pull Eve’s chair closer and instead of growling “mine” at my brother, I refill my glass.

Edge shakes his head. “I’m gonna let you two carry on with the lessons.” He laughs as he stands, grabs his drink, and heads back toward the house.

Her eyes follow him, and as he turns the corner, she shifts her gaze to me. “Jason, you made him feel like a third wheel. He’s sensitive, you know.” She shields her eyes so she can see me.

I almost choke on my drink. “Really?”

“Yes. He’s in love with Dolly and feels like shit that he cheated on her. He’s tortured because he can’t give her what she wants.” She says all this with her feet tucked under her as she sips her margarita and glares at me like it’s my fault Edge couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

“I’m sorry—how do you know this?” I pull the legs of her chair closer to face me.

“You’re kidding, right?” She looks at me like I’m clueless. It almost makes me laugh, but she’s being serious so I watch as she takes her finger and stirs the icy drink then puts it in her mouth to suck. My cock jerks. “We talk. I mean, besides Dewey and Amy, he’s my only friend around here.”

“He’s not your friend, babe.” Gritting my teeth, I try to keep my temper down. “What he and Dolly had was a teenage fling. Then they were basically fuck buddies on and off for years.”

She shrugs and looks around the pool area then back at me. “If you say so.”

“Eve,” I say, unsure why I’m so aggravated all of a sudden. Her eyes narrow on mine, but she’s listening.

“Men like us can’t get serious with one woman. We aren’t programmed to be monogamous.”

She looks down at her drink then back up at me. “Maybe you can’t be with just one woman, but I watch the way he is with her. He loves her, and I guarantee if he could have a do-over on that night, he would never have allowed your dirty skank of a girlfriend to wrap her disgusting lips around his cock.”

“What the fuck? Who the hell are you to judge?” I stand up and pull her out of her chair. “You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I never want to hear the word cock come out of this mouth.” I grab her chin and rub her full lips with my thumb. “Unless it’s to say thank you to me for letting you have mine.”

I tighten my grip. She jerks her head away, turns, and bolts toward the house. I’m so stunned, I almost can’t believe this woman is running from me. She’s quick as I lunge at her. The patio chairs tumble to the side and I toss one in the pool trying to grab her.

“Motherfucker… I swear to God, Eve.” It falls on deaf ears—she’s already opening the sliding glass doors.

I should stop and think instead of chasing after her. She’s got some balls thinking she can run away from me. My cock hardens, almost to the point of being painful, as thoughts of throwing her on the bed and showing her who’s boss run through my head. I own this wild gypsy. She needs to learn this.

Barreling through the glass patio door, I notice Edge and a couple of other Disciples who were playing pool are now looking at me. Led Zeppelin is screaming and the room stinks of weed already.

“Don’t disturb me,” I snarl, not caring what they think.

I take the stairs two at a time, gritting my teeth as I see a flash of blond hair and hear the slam of our door. Ryder is smoking and leaning against his door, his brown eyes full of interest as he arches a dark brow.

“You okay there, Prez? You let me know if you need some help.” His chuckle is almost my undoing as he slams his door. I stop outside our door and breathe for a second. She has to have locked the door so I already have the key out. To my surprise, it opens right up and as always, I go on alert. She isn’t stupid and can’t possibly think she’s going to win, right? She has to know I can’t and will never allow this kind of behavior. Slowly I enter and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. The curtains are closed giving the bedroom a much smaller feel. Maybe it’s our crazy chemistry bouncing off the walls, but it’s thick and I adjust my cock so it’s not throbbing against the Velcro on my board shorts. My eyes scan the room only to land on the bathroom door: it’s closed. Breathing heavily, I move toward her like a dog smells a bitch in heat. I try the door, and again, I’m surprised when it opens right up. I look around and don’t see her. Flipping on the light, I pull open my shower door and there she is in the corner. I freeze—not because she’s afraid. If anything, her eyes hold nothing but defiance. She’s angry and if I was a nicer man I would pull her up and kiss away her anger. Like a tornado, she’s seething with it. Her harsh breath makes her spectacular tits rise up and down in her gold bikini.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic