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What is wrong with me? I don’t hum and I don’t smile. I jerk one of his ugly black towels from the rack and dry myself off. I wish I could buy some pretty towels, maybe even a shelf to hold some of my stuff. This bathroom is so clean but completely bare. He doesn’t even have a hamper in here. I need to pull myself together. We’re not a couple yet. Throwing my wet hair up in a messy bun, I moisturize my face and put on some pink shimmering lip gloss. I’m tan and after hours of awesome sex, my cheeks are nice and rosy. I slip into a pink summer dress with crisscrossed straps and buttons going all the way down. I almost skip over to the dresser, and sure enough, he left me—holy shit—he left me $500.

I look around like someone might be watching me. All I see is the ugly Crystal picture with her ugly tits. As I grab a pair of white Converse sneakers, someone knocks on the door. This time, it actually is Dewey. With a look of determination on his sweet face, he wears a white T-shirt and his prospect badge is proudly displayed on the front of his cut. I’m starting to realize that these patches mean stuff. I’ll have to ask Jason because some are ugly. I smile at Dewey who instantly smiles back.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

“I was born ready.” I laugh at myself, and he looks confused. “Whatever… let’s hit it. Maybe we can go through McDonald’s drive-through and get a sausage biscuit and some hash browns, huh?”

“I was told to take you to the mall and back to Blade.” He walks ahead, keys in his hand, as we descend the stairs. It’s crowded—tons of new faces swarm the downstairs. On instinct, I move closer to Dewey as a bunch of bearded guys stop and start the usual degrading banter. This time I think someone says he wants to claim my ass.

Then silence, like all I hear are chairs and feet on the wood floor. And I know he’s behind me. I can feel him.

“This”—Blade reaches for me as I see Edge and Axel from the corner of my eyes—“is mine.” He turns my neck, and murmurs of “shit” and “we didn’t know” fill the room. “She wears my mark and the only one who claims her ass or anything else on her is me.” He growls as I look up at his pretty face except his eyes are serious and, same as in the shower, I sense his power. He’s the real deal. Anyone touches me, they would die and I don’t know if it would be quick. He laces my cold fingers with his strong, warm ones and escorts me to the front porch. He takes in my dress with one sweep then looks at my face.

“You okay?” He rubs his hands up and down my arms.

“Yes.” I breathe out, leaning closer to him and swallowing as I hear the music and loud chatter of bikes and laughter. “What’s happening? Is it a holiday?” I look around outside. Something has happened and it can’t be good.


“I’m here, Blade.” Despite his gentle face, he tries to look mean.

“You take care of my Angel.” He looks at my lips and, as if he can’t help himself, he pulls me in for a searing kiss. I close my eyes and feel the sun beat down on us as I kiss him back.

“Prez.” Axel’s voice breaks us apart. “The guys are ready.”

“Watch her.” He stares at Dewey then turns and walks inside. I face the bikers outside and almost smile at their stunned faces. Most are men but a few women are talking and smoking and looking at me.

Dewey takes my arm and opens the door to a black Chevy Tahoe. One older-looking woman walks over to me wearing a cut that says Property of Titan. “I’m Bella.” She holds out her hand.

I smile and shake it. “I’m Eve.”

She eyes me up and down. “Pretty little thing, aren’t you? I heard all the rumors. I’ve been around this club for twenty-five years. You let me know if you need help.”

Her soft, brown eyes seem sincere and I almost say I’ll be fine. Instead I say, “I will, and I have a lot of questions. If you have time, I’d love to pick your brain.”

She stares at me and smiles. “You’ll do fine.” She pats me on my shoulder and walks back to the group of bikers. An older, short man with a pot belly drapes an arm around her.

“I guess that’s Titan?” I say, hopping into the soft leather seat. I inhale the new car smell—it’s almost erotic. I’ve never smelled it before and now that I have, I never want to get out.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic