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“Jesus, what time did I pass out?” I look around the dark office. The air conditioner clicks on, blowing cool air in the room.

“Beer, Prez?” I never drink while I’m on my bike, but this morning I might have to make an exception.

I look around at the large gray safe sitting to my left. “Open the safe. I need a line if I’m gonna ride.” They both grin. Ryder punches in the code and we stare at all the goodies Derrick keeps in there.

“Fuck, this is why this guy is our partner.” Axel exhales.

I grunt, taking in the cash, guns, and whatever kind of drug you want. Along with bottles of Dom, Cristal, and other pricey shit. A bunch of passports and drivers’ licenses sit stacked in the corner.

“Toss me some coke.” I motion to Axel who has his nose stuck in the safe like it’s a refrigerator and he can’t wait to make himself something to eat. He tosses me a bag and I take Derrick’s envelope opener and bring the white powder to my nose.

“Yeah.” My eyes sting as the coke makes its way into my system. “All right, let’s do this. I’m gonna piss and let’s get the fuck out of here.” I swing open the black door and the smell of alcohol hits me as I walk to use the john.

“Tomas,” I yell over the music he’s playing as he scrubs the bar mats. He looks over at me and turns down the music.

“Make sure you use bleach. If a cop stopped in right now, it would be an expensive bribe.”

He looks around the large dark club, the only light from the open back door.


I nod, banging open the door. I piss, splash some water on my face, then take the stairs two at a time to see the damage in the VIP section. Numerous bikers lay buck naked with girls draped over them. Cricket and Dillon are in the corner fucking a girl, their exclamations of “fuck yeah” echoing in the room. I shake my head, thankful I passed out. The thought of waking up next to a naked girl I don’t know is completely unappealing.

“I’m riding out to Hemet. Cricket, when you’re done, take the guys and girls out of here. Tip the shit out of the poor assholes who clean this place up, and call me later.”

He doesn’t stop thrusting, but he does respond, “On it, Prez.”

I pull out my phone and scroll through my messages before I take the stairs. It’s only seven so Eve probably won’t be up, but I call her cell using the number Dolly gave me anyway. It rings and goes to voice mail, which pisses me off. I tend to get aggressive on coke, and as I’ve grown older, I rarely use it. The blood pumps in my temples as I run a hand through my hair and call again. It goes straight to voice mail. I take a breath and call Dewey.

On the fourth ring, “Yellow.”

“Took you long enough,” I say.


I sigh. “Yes, Dewey, it’s me. You taking care of my Angel?” When I realize what I’ve said, I almost bite my tongue.

“I’m watching her, Prez. Don’t you worry about anything. I’ve got it under control.”

“Where are you? You sound like you’re in a tunnel.” I walk outside to the sun where it’s warm enough for me not to worry about a jacket. I light up a cigarette trying to get the dumpster smell out of my nose. The alleyway is littered with broken-down cardboard boxes. Squinting at the people walking by with coffee, I grit my teeth. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that bump. I’m aggravated with everyone.

“Just outside your door.”

“Listen.” I inhale, the nicotine giving me a moment of calm. “I need you to wake up Eve. I need her.”

I hear him shuffling around then a loud shriek.

“Get the fuck out, you perv. I swear to God, I’ll cut off your penis this time.” I hold the phone away. Axel laughs behind me and I turn.

“I guess I should have told him to knock.”

More screaming. Poor Dewey is trying to apologize and tell her it’s me. “Tell him to fuck off,” she yells. I raise an eyebrow as Axel chuckles.

“Wildcat.” He shakes his head, stretches, and smashes his beer bottle at the wall. I frown and wonder if he snorted the same coke. He’s looking a little crazy.

My boots crunch as I walk through the shattered glass over to the street area. “Dewey?”

“Prez.” He’s panting. “I’m scared of her. She’s… not happy, and she told me to tell you to fu—”

“I know, I heard. When she’s calmed down, tell her I’ll be back in a couple of days and to turn her phone on. I want to be able to get ahold of her at all times. Got that, Dewey?”

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic