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I sigh. “Dude, we’re late as shit. Can it wait?”

He smiles and claps my shoulder. “You made the right choice. You and Eve are destined.”

My hand is on the doorknob. “You know you sound insane, right? Unless you dream about something bad, or something important, let’s not talk about it, okay?”

“Had to tell you. I didn’t want you to mess this up.” He grins like he’s a genius.

“If we’re destined, it won’t matter what I do.” I open the door and all my brothers stand.

Holding my hands up, I say, “Sorry, long night. Axel get me up to speed on what’s been going on. Can I get some breakfast?” I sit at the head of the long wooden table. Edge calls for my breakfast and I turn my attention to listening to all the shit that went down since I was gone.

“Some punk kids got a hold of our drug and tried to copy it. They failed and a couple kids OD’d.”

I look at Axel. “Did they die?”

“One did. The DEA decided to stop by and say hi. They know it’s not ours, but if they can put us down they will.” He leans back and lights a cigarette.

“How much did they want this time?”

“Ten grand and a friendly reminder that they are watching us.”

“Where’s Doc?”

“He’s dealing with shit with Sandy again. Said he’ll be here tonight,” Ox chimes in as he takes a sip of beer. I cock my brow at him.

“You’re not the only one who had a long night,” he mumbles.

Shaking my head, I look at my brothers. And I mean that literally. All of us served together or grew up together. All of us would lay down our lives for each other. “We’re getting too big. I want to pull back on our supply right now.”

“That’s a lot of money to lose,” Axel says.

“Better that than jail. What did you do about these punks ripping us off?”

“I personally took care of it. We won’t be hearing about them anymore.” Ryder sips his coffee and smokes. None of us need the money. We’ve all invested heavily in legitimate businesses and houses. I look around. Everyone looks tired. This burning the candle at both ends catches up with even the best of us. The only one who seems rested is Ryder.

“Good.” A light knock alerts us that my breakfast has arrived. Amy walks in carrying mine and a bunch of donuts for the guys.

“Thanks, Amy.” She nods and efficiently places my plate in front of me. Her father has been with the Disciples from the start. He was with my grandfather in Vietnam. We pay her a shitload of money. Not because she demands it, but because she works her ass off and the clubhouse would not survive without her. At fifty, she’s never left or hooked up with any of the guys. She seems happy being alone. She rules the clubhouse with a tight fist. Our food is amazing and my room is so clean you could eat off the floor.

“So, Eve needs clothes. Which one of you wants to volunteer their woman to help her?” Shoveling in a mouthful of scrambled eggs, I glance around the table.

“I called Dolly,” Edge informs me.

I raise an eyebrow. “Really?”

“What, you don’t want her to do it?”

“No, I think she’s perfect. Thought you weren’t talking anymore.”

“Well, I’m not. I did it for you.” He looks down at his phone.

I grab a slice of toast. “So, she’s here now?” He nods not looking up from his phone and I shake my head at his stupidity. If he loved her so much, he should have kept his dick in his pants. That’s all Dolly ever required. But we are who we are and it’s not like any of us are saints.

“I’ll be back.” I walk into the main room where the bar and a couple of pool tables are set up. A bunch of my guys are drinking and playing poker. They stand when I enter.

Sitting in the corner is Dolly on her phone. We call her that because she literally looks like a porcelain doll. Her dad was my dad’s VP, so we kind of grew up together.

“Hey you.”

Her big brown eyes blink up at me. “Hey you, I hear you got yourself an ole lady?”

I laugh. “I don’t know what I got. Listen, I gave her a handful of cash. If you need more, let me know?”

She stands, and I can’t help but smile. Dolly is all of five foot two and maybe one hundred pounds. Her dad bought her a hair salon when she graduated from cosmetology school. At first, it was a place for us to launder money. But she’s an excellent stylist and the salon has taken off.

“Oh, don’t you worry. I’ll take good care of her. When we come back tonight, you won’t recognize her.” She tosses her phone in her bag. “How’s Crystal taking it?” She looks around unable to hide her smirk.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic