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The elevator opens and we stand aside as a couple and a doctor exit. As the door dings closed behind us, Rodney shows me his phone and a mug shot of my brother stares at me.

“It’s… Benny.” I breathe out and search Rodney’s tired face.

He turns off the screen and puts his phone back into the pocket of his suit trousers. “This is who Sandy is saying killed Doc and made her go crazy.”

I reach for the handrail behind me and shake my head. “What are you talking about? My brother has been gone for almost a year. And who’s Doc?” I must look unsteady because he reaches a hand out to steady me.

“Sandy is the wife of Doc. Doc is or was part of the Disciples.” He clears his throat. “He um, it has been rumored that he and Jason hypothetically made a street drug.”

I shake my head, my mind spinning. “I don’t know anything about that.”

“Good, so when they interview you, you say exactly that.” I almost roll my eyes, but I’m too tired and can only stare at him.

“From what I’m getting from one of my guys inside the Burbank PD, Sandy is saying that Benny killed Doc. That he was threatening them and when Doc didn’t do what he wanted, he killed him.” The elevator slowly opens and Rodney takes my arm again. My eyes dart around as my mind spins like a hamster going around its wheel.

“I don’t understand. This woman is insane! She shot Jason! I hope she dies a painful death at the hands of one of Jason’s gang.”

Rodney stops and stares at me like I’m insane and maybe I am. But that bitch almost took my life, and that, I won’t ever forgive. He coughs and escorts me past the nurses’ station where they all stare at us.

“Please, keep that last part to yourself, Eve. Stick to you know nothing and haven’t seen or heard from your brother in close to a year.”

“Whatever,” I mumble. “My head hurts and I need some clothes. I’m staying with Jason. Who do I talk to that about?”

We stop at room C49 and Rodney turns to me. “Eve, I honestly feel that you will be safer staying with me and Sarah. She’ll love having you.” He smiles and even though he looks like he wants to drop from exhaustion his eyes are shiny and kind. But I don’t need kind; I need Jason.

“Thank you, Rodney.” He smiles a little wider. “But I intend on staying here until Jason gets released.” I pat his shoulder and brush past him to the door. A large window greets me. The sun is casting a pretty glow on the two blond heads. I stop for a moment, causing Rodney to propel right into me.

“Oh, excuse us,” Rodney says to the tall blond woman from before. She sits on the edge of the bed, crying. Jason is propped up with an IV.

I must make a noise because they both turn and I’m lost in the most incredible green eyes. They’re bloodshot but he’s awake and alive and everything stops for me. I breathe in his breath from across the space. My love for this man consumes me, overpowers me. He is my everything. I don’t care that we’re not alone in the room or that this woman is staring at me. I run to him and he smiles as I throw myself at him. He grunts but laughs.

“I’m fine, Angel.” He strokes my back since I seem to have latched onto his chest. The smell of disinfectant makes me slightly nauseous and I bury my face in his neck. He touches my cheek. I stay still and listen to the strong beat of his heart and enjoy the warmth of his skin.

“Eve… baby, sit up. I want you to meet my mother.”

His mother? I bolt up to look at the blond woman staring at us in what looks like shock if her open mouth is any indication.

“Um… hi.” All of a sudden I’m shy. I mean, I’ve never met anyone’s mother. She stands peering at me with the same green eyes as her son—one of those women you can tell used to be beautiful but sun and whatever else life has thrown at her has made her age. She’s tall and thin, but her skin is almost too tan and the lines around her red lips tell me that she smokes. Her long blond hair is almost down to her butt.

“Jason?” She looks at me then her son, her voice so raspy it reminds me of Emma Stone’s.

He holds my hand, probably because he senses my neediness. It’s obvious: I can’t seem to stop touching him.

“Mom, this is Eve. She’s my girlfriend.” He knows I hate being called an “ole lady” and smiles. “And the mother of my children.” The room is all of a sudden warm and I plop down on the chair next to him. Did he say children? I grip the arms so tightly my nails leave marks.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic