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Ox clears his throat and looks back at me. “Let him walk it off, Prez. He’ll be fine.”

I look over at him as I take a long drag of nicotine into my throat. “Doc was working with the Feds. Sandy’s involved and whoever she was talking to killed Doc.” I swallow the smoke and feel it burn all the way down my throat. I need to pick up Eve and get to a safe place. I feel like I’m high. My head is buzzing almost as if I’m in a tunnel and a bee is next to my ear. The doors open and I see my lawyer Rodney emerge, his dark suit out of place on this warm day. He has his arm around Eve as he ushers her out. My heart does this tightening thing.

“Stay here and keep the engine running.” It comes out as a growl. My whole body says, Get to her. Maybe it’s all the crazy training I’ve been through. But something’s wrong. I feel it, know it.

“You bitch! This is all your fault. Your fucking brother ruined everything, then Blade ruins everything.” Sandy stands two feet from Eve, her eyes darting around like a wild, caged animal’s.

I’m moving as I fast as I can because this can’t be happening. We’re in the middle of the Burbank Police Department. Sandy continues to scream at a shocked Rodney and Eve. Her greasy hair and fucked-up skin almost look like she’s been dipped in oil. I can smell her as she looks over at me either because I’m calling for Eve or Eve is calling for me. In slow motion I watch her hand go straight for her dirty backpack and I know what this insane bitch is thinking.

All my mind is saying over and over is get to her. It’s like blinking Christmas lights.

I’m so close. Why can’t Rodney take her inside? Why aren’t there any police? I’m screaming, but so is Sandy. No one but Eve seems to hear me. My eyes find hers and everything in me is in her. She has somehow become my reason for breathing. And at this very moment, I know what I need to do. What I will always do if I’m lucky enough to be able to spend more time with her.

I’ve had these moments in my life where my mind stops and focuses on the events that are happening. I see Eve’s beautiful blue eyes wide and defiant at Sandy. My whole body’s on alert. I don’t know how I know that Sandy is going to do the unforgivable but I do. For the first time in my life, I literally take a bullet for someone. The noises are muted now. And I’m falling. All I feel are cool hands on my hot face as I fall to the concrete. I have never minded dying. With all the shit I’ve done in my life, I certainly can’t be surprised. I close my eyes and I see a blond-haired boy who looks up at me with eyes so blue they can’t be real. He has to be mythical, a magical being because he smiles and calls me daddy. Then everything goes black.EVEI’m on the ground. Jason’s warm body has cushioned my fall. It takes me a moment to get my bearings. The smell of copper—or is it metal?—is all around me. I blink as I look at his beautiful face. His green eyes are almost black and I reach up to touch his face. Vaguely I hear the ravings of the woman who shot Jason.



I squirm as he tells me to stay still but I can feel warm wetness that I know is his blood flowing onto my belly. The woman screams like a caged beast, but all I can do is focus on Jason.

“Eve, Angel, you’re okay?” He hasn’t moved—it’s as if he can’t. Fear takes hold of my whole body and I realize I’m clinging to him and yelling.

His eyes blink and he lays his full lips, which always are warm, on my forehead, but this time, they’re cold.

“Jason… don’t you dare close your eyes.” I force myself to look around at the commotion. Cops are everywhere, guns are drawn, and that crazy bitch is restrained. Dirt and smoke cause me to choke or maybe it’s only my own tears.

“Eve? Are you hurt?” He grunts it out.

“No.” I grab his face with two hands. “She shot you.” Then I look over at Ox who is struggling to get to us and I hear Rodney tell me I need to let go of Jason, that the paramedics must get to him. I nod and Jason grunts again. But his lips are still on my fevered skin.

“It’s a boy, Angel. I see him.”

“Jason? What the fuck? Someone help me.” I look up as Axel screams and two police taser him. Someone lifts Jason off me and I watch in muted slow motion as they give him oxygen and suddenly I’m in the ambulance with him along with Rodney.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic