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“She’s a freak! Who watches people?” she hisses.

“You keep saying that! What exactly did she see?” His voice sounds impatient.

“What do you think, Brance? Reed was kissing me… and doing things…”

God, I love her. She’s stuttering, and I can’t help but smile. Leaning my arm in the doorway, I watch them quietly. Brance is now attacking her hair with a brush. The dark tresses look like shiny brown silk.

“So, she was watching you with Reed?” He waits. “Tess! Why are you getting shy? It’s me! What was Reed doing? Details.” He snaps his fingers.

“Okay… Calm down.” She turns to him.

“He was… you know… rubbing himself on me and touching my boobs and… Oh God, I’m mortified.” She covers her face.

He shakes his head pointing the silver hairbrush at her. “Fuuuck, I told you she is into dark shit. Did you see how submissive she is with Reed?”

“What?” She drops her hands. “You’re freaking me out. I can’t deal with this on my birthday. What does that even mean ‘dark shit’?”

“What do you think it means?” Brance is getting worked up. “She’s a bad egg, fucked in the head.” He waves the brush around wildly. “I’m sure she likes whips and chains. I have seen plenty of them with my father. We need to shut her down before she does any damage.” His voice is tight as he slams the brush down on Tess’s vanity.

O-kay, Brance is plotting, slamming, and upsetting Tess. Time to step in. The last thing I need is more drama tonight. I enter the room, moving past the frilly bed loaded with stuffed animals and pillows.

“What are you two doing?” They both jump. I take in Tess’s room. I’m guessing she politely declined Brance’s decorating skills, or he’s been too busy. Whatever, her room is still the same cheery yellow it always has been since we were little.

“Reed! I hate when you do that,” Tess screams, putting her hand to her chest.

Brance gets in my space. “I’m explaining that some people are just bad!” Jerking his head, he glowers at me. “And that girl is fucked in the head!”

Again, I’m surprised at him.

I mean, he’s right, there is something wrong with Lexi, but invading my space is only permissible with Tess. Pushing him away, I rub her arms soothingly.

“Calm down and stop scaring her, Brance.” I glare a warning at him. Snorting, he lifts an eyebrow at me.

Kissing her forehead, I say, “You know you have nothing to worry about, right?”

Tess licks her lips.

“Tess?” I frown at her lack of response.

“What on earth is going on?” Claire stumbles in, literally. “We have to cut the cake.”

Tess jumps again.

“Relax, Kitten.” Great, Brance has completely freaked her out.

“Hello?” Claire snaps her fingers, only they don’t snap.

“God,” Tess groans, watching Claire grab hold of the dresser for support. If it wasn’t so pathetic, I would give her credit. It takes skill to get fucked up and walk in five-inch heels. I can’t believe she’s still standing.

Tess sighs. “Maybe you should eat something, Mom, or have a glass of water.” She wrinkles her nose at her mother’s unsteady form.

Her mom waves her hand. “I’m fine.” She nearly trips over her train as she turns.

“Here, let me help, Momma Bear.” Brance takes her arm, steadying her. As he guides her, she clutches him as though he is her lifeline.

“Claire? Why gold in the hallways?” I have to ask as we trail behind them.

“Gold is the color of royalty, Reed.” Her voice is snippy.

“Um, you might want to research that one. I’m pretty sure it’s purple.” Snickering, I can’t help myself.

She stops, and without Brance supporting her, she would have face-planted. “Wait, what?”

“Claire, Reed is just aggravating you. You like gold. Don’t worry about what other people say.” His voice is soft like he’s talking to a baby.

“But…” She doesn’t get any more out since my mother is waiting with Tess’s cake.

“There you all are.” My mom practically dumps the cake into Claire’s hands, who still looks confused about my purple comment. Thankfully, my dad scurries over to help them with the cake.

They set it down and we all admire it. It’s large and silver with some sort of glittery shit on it.

“Shall we?” Claire asks, motioning for Letty to light the candles. Maria turns down the lights, the candles casting a pleasant yellow glow.

As I hold Tess from behind, we all sing “Happy Birthday,” then wait for Tess to make her wish. Here’s the thing: Tess takes forever making her wishes. From the time she was a child, she would sit with her eyes closed. Jax and I used to love to make fun of her. Finally, her eyes open and she blows out all her candles.

“Gift time!” I clap my hands, and everyone looks at me while I steer her into the main room. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can kick everyone out.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Entitled Duet Billionaire Romance