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“God, I need a drink. I’m sorry, Tess, do you mind?” She doesn’t wait for me to answer but pulls out a bottle that was in her underwear drawer and takes a swig.

“Wow, Caroline,” I mumble as she takes another swig, closes it, and puts it back.

Holding up a manicured finger, she says, “You have to promise me, you will not tell anyone, especially the boys, that I have this in here.”

When I stand there, mute, she adds, “I mean it. This bottle is ridiculously expensive. I don’t want them getting their hands on it.”

“Okay.” This conversation is going to be awful if Caroline is drinking already.

She rolls her eyes. “Do not give me that innocent look. I know my sons steal bottles frequently.”

Sitting down, she crosses her legs then pats the spot next to her.

“Please have a seat, Tess.” Reluctantly I move to sit on a sofa that Napoleon once owned. Yes, this is my life. Caroline uncrosses her legs, then crosses them again.




“I know what you and my son feel for each other is unique. I also see that you have developed into a woman.” She motions with her hand. “You have breasts now and have started your period. I only wish I had your body.”

She laughs, and I stare at her and start to bounce my knee again. Caroline notices, frowns, but continues.

“Anyway, you know I love you like a daughter. I need you to know that ‘We’”—she uses air quotes—“meaning women hold the power.”

Leaning over to me, she grabs my hands. “Never let Reed pressure you into doing something that you are not ready for. I know he believes you are his. But you have to start being smart, Tess. Do not give up your virginity easily.” She gives my hands a squeeze and lets them go.

I almost fall off the sofa. Holy shit! She did not just say that.

Heat fills my cheeks and neck. I’m mortified, and all I want to do is grab Caroline’s hidden bottle and take a sip. Maybe it’s strong enough that I can forget we ever had this conversation. She must feel the same way because she jumps up and gets the bottle, taking a huge swig.

“Um… Caroline, Reed and I have only kissed. He doesn’t pressure me at all.” Hopefully I can assure her.

She looks at me. “Well, that will be changing faster than you know.” Pointing the bottle at me, she says, “Be smart. You are such an incredibly exquisite girl. I know you love Reed. But, don’t forget that there is a big world out there and settling down too soon…” Her voice trails off. She caps the bottle, setting it on her dresser.

Her eyes lock with mine. “Well, that would not be healthy for either one of you.” Then she takes a deep breath. I find myself following, dreading what is going to come next.

“And when you do start having sex, please tell me, or your mother, so we can get you on the pill. The last thing any of us needs to deal with is an unwanted pregnancy!”

The look she gives me is like she just ate a lemon or something worse.

I so want to crawl under her Persian rug and die with shame. Instead I clear my scratchy throat. “Caroline, Reed and I are not having sex.” I can barely say the word. “But… when we do, I will get on birth control.” My face is on fire.

Caroline puffs out some air, then smiles. “Good. See? That wasn’t so bad. So, no more sneaking in to sleep in Reed’s room because if he is anything like his father—”

I stand up before she can continue. I don’t want to hear or picture Brad and her having sex. Not because it’s gross—I mean Brad is hot and Caroline is pretty—but it’s something I don’t want to think about.

“Do you have any questions about sex, Tess? I know the boys are obsessed with watching porn, so if you have questions…” She gives me a supportive smile.

“Wait, what? Reed watches porn? How do you know that?”

She looks like she’s been caught stealing something. “Let’s say Jax is a genius with the computer, but Brad is still one step ahead of him.”

Shaking my head, I look at her bottle. Is she drunk? What does that even mean?

“No, I don’t have any questions yet.” I try to smile. At least she’s trying, no matter how humiliating.

“Please don’t worry, Caroline. I’ll be sleeping in my bed from now on. Is there anything else?” I need to get out of this room and find Reed. I’m starting to feel claustrophobic.

“No, that’s it.” She slaps her legs. “I am so happy that’s done. I’m going to call Brad and your mother and tell them I did it.” She seems proud of herself.

“Okay… Do you want me to send in Reed or Jax?”

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Entitled Duet Billionaire Romance