Page 32 of Mafia Casanova

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“Oh okay, so you’re not beautiful? Because I think you are, and Uncle Romeo said you were, but maybe he wasn’t the truth?”

“Telling the truth.” I corrected. “And um—”

“She is.” Romeo stepped in. “Stunning, and since you’re the man of the house, it’s your job to tell her that, all right, Naz?”

He nodded his head. “Don’t worry, Uncle Romeo; I’ll tell her, and you’ll tell her, and then Daddy will be happy in Heaven.”

I seriously doubted that, but I said nothing as Naz made his way over to the door. “Bye. Mom loves you. We don’t want to be late!”

“Where’s my kiss?” I crossed my arms.

“Oops!” He ran back over to me, hugged my legs, and when I bent over to his level, pressed a soft kiss to my mouth. “Loves you.”

“Loves you too.” I patted his soft cheek. He smiled up at me but didn’t go back to the door.


“Mom,” he said in a loud whisper. “You have to say goodbye to Uncle Romeo too.”

No, I really didn’t.

I forced a smile. “Bye, Romeo.”

“Mommmmmm, he needs a goodbye kiss too. You always say that you have to kiss before you leave the house, just in case you don’t gets to kiss again. Remember?”

Yup, strangling Romeo later. He laughed with Naz and then nodded his head at me like it was true.

Son of a bitch.

“Right,” I agreed, clenching my teeth.

I turned to Romeo and stood up on my tiptoes, bringing my mouth to the side of his cheek only to have him turn at the last minute as my lips collided with the corner of his arrogant smile.

“Mama.” Naz started clapping. “That was a great kiss! Right, Uncle Romeo? Wasn’t it your favorites?”

My heart slammed against my ribs as his dark eyes flickered to mine before answering. “My favorite of all time.” He tore his gaze from me and started guiding Naz toward the door.

“Mom’s a good kisser.” Naz didn’t miss a beat as he continued to chatter on about my superb kissing skills. Even as they opened the door and went outside, I could see Naz’s little mouth moving and Romeo laughing.

It was insane how easy it was for them.

To just…co-exist.

Especially after the fact that I’d shoved Romeo out of our lives to prevent a war between the brothers.

Right now, the only reason I had to keep him at arm’s length had everything to do with protecting myself and my son. But the main reason, the main wall that had stood between us, had been obliterated the minute Tristian died.

All I had left was my hatred for the man who told me he loved me with one breath, then exhaled poison with the next.

I had to remember who Romeo was.

I had to remember who I was.

Even if that meant digging up every painful memory, every hateful experience, every rejection he threw my way. Yes, even if it meant remembering what I wanted to forget.

I fell for him once.

Loved him with my soul.

Only to have him laugh in my face.

He was nothing to me.

Nothing, but a bodyguard.

Nothing but my husband’s brother.


Nothing at all.

Then why couldn’t I stop thinking about him and our future all damn day?CHAPTER SIXTEEN“Now make a wish and take a bite. One bite, and all your dreams will come true.” —The Evil Queen


Then: Two years laterI hadn’t seen him since he’d held back my hair in the bathroom when I was still pregnant with Nazario, who we now called Naz for short.


He hadn’t so much as said a goodbye, an I’ll see you later, a take care.


Not one damn thing.

I knew in my heart it was my husband’s doing. He threw his brother out of our lives without thinking twice about it. I could see the remorse in his gaze when someone brought up Romeo’s name in our presence. Everyone said Romeo was just busy.




He’d become more ruthless. The man I remembered was gone. In his place stood a monster I didn’t know I’d ever see again. I thought about him often.

When I was alone.

With company.

In his brother’s arms.

Especially in moments like these where he used to show up only for me. A handful of gifts in tow. I had no idea how he’d figured it out, but every year on my birthday, his presents were things I’d seen throughout the year that I wanted. One year it was this snow globe of The Rockefeller Center, another it was a historical novel written by my favorite author that was signed and personalized to me.

The best was when he reserved an air balloon ride over the Hamptons at dawn. He actually went with me. To see the world come alive with him standing by my side was a memory I’d take to my grave. If I closed my eyes, I could still see us there on top of the world.

Tags: M. Robinson, Rachel Van Dyken Erotic