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I don’t want to prolong this. He needs to know what he’s getting into.

“I want you to know, I need you to know, that my father and my pack are coming after me.” My chest tightens at those words.

He has ahold of my hips and gently lifts me off of him, pushing himself up so he’s now leaning against the headboard. His face looks hard, set in stone. He looks brutal and savage, ready to take on anyone or anything.

I swallow and lick my lips, my heart racing, my wolf pacing inside of me. “I’m betrothed to another, and so I ran because that’s not the life I want. But I know they won’t stop until they find me.”

I hear his growl, the noise increasing as the seconds move by. His wolf is right at the surface, this ferocity causing the hairs on my hairs to stand on end.

“My father won’t stop. That’s why I ran. I wanted to find my mate, to find love. Being all but sold off to another wolf to strengthen our pack, to form some kind of alliance, is not how I see my life. It’s not how I’m going to live my life.” I feel tears start to track down my cheeks and Colt lifts his hands and rubs his fingers along the wetness, wiping them away.

“Mark my fucking words. No one is going to take you from me. No one is going to make you do anything you don’t want to. You’re mine, baby, my mate, my other half. If they want you, they’re going to have to go through me.” Colt shakes his head slowly. “And going through me isn’t fucking easy, especially not when it concerns my mate.”“You sure about this?” I ask as I shove my clothes in the bag and look up at Colt. He’s leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, this smug smile on his face. I straighten. “What?”

“Nothing, except you’re looking pretty fucking hot right now.” He pushes away from the wall and strides toward me. “I mean, look at you, all gorgeous and fucking primed for me.” I see the way his nostrils flare, knowing he scents my desire, knowing there is no hiding the fact I am wet and needy.

“You’re insatiable,” I whisper and hear him growl in response.

“Only for you. Only for my mate.” He kisses me passionately, possessively, and I melt against him.

I want nothing more than to say screw everything I’m going through and just be with Colt, right here, right now.

“Baby, I could mate with you all over again,” he all but growls against the side of my throat.

I can feel how hard he is, his stiff cock pressing against my belly. A fresh gush of moisture leaves me and I moan.

“But keeping you safe is more important.” He kisses the side of my throat and pulls away, and I don’t stop myself from whimpering in disappointment. “Later, baby. Later I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk comfortably.”

A flush steals over me.

He pulls back and winks, and if not for the fact I am a wolf and being mated is the one thing we all want, this reaction to Colt might scare the shit out of me. It’s just so intense, so consuming.

We grab our things and head out to where his car is parked beside mine. He said something about having a cabin out in the middle of nowhere, a place we can be alone, where no one will find us. It sounds like heaven to me.

Just as we are about to get in the car, the sound of an approaching vehicle has me looking up. My heart stalls when I see my father’s SUV, followed closely by two more dark vehicles.

“My father and the pack are here,” I say softly and Colt is in front of me a second later, keeping his arm behind him and his hand on my waist.

“They want you, they’ll have to come through me, Jasinda, and that’s not going to fucking happen.”8Colt“Jasinda, it’s time for you to come home. You’ve embarrassed your family long enough.”

I look at the older man who stepped out of the front vehicle. Even if he hadn’t spoken, I would have known he was Jasinda’s father. Their features are strikingly similar from the color of their hair and eyes to the shape of their faces. Although Jasinda is softer and beautiful, where her father comes off cold and hardened. Then again, that’s usually how an Alpha is. She may look like him, but that is where the similarities end.

“You are trespassing on Unforgiven Territory,” I say in a deep growl.

“Are you the pack leader?” he asks, and that familiar burn returns, but if this scruff thinks the fact that I don’t rule my own pack will stop me from defending and claiming my mate, he needs to think again. I will not allow him to give my female to another man.

Tags: Jenika Snow, Jordan Marie Unforgiven Country Fantasy