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“Yes. You know he would rather you do that than Uber.”

“Thanks, Marshall.”

“You sure you’re okay?” he asks.

“I’m sure. I’ll see you on Monday, if not before then.”

“Text me and let me know you make it home okay.”

“Will do. Bye.” I end the call.

Grabbing my purse, I make sure I have the spare set of car keys for each of Owen’s cars that he insisted I have. Luckily, I find them in the bottom of my purse. Next, I unlock my bottom drawer and retrieve the envelope that has the pictures. The evidence that I’ll be presenting to the police later this afternoon.

I just need a minute to myself. To process what’s going on, and how I might lose the love of my life and his family over this.Chapter 27MarshallI told myself that I wasn’t going to hover over Layla today. Owen and Royce are protective of their women. If she says she’s fine, she’s fine. However, I told him I would take care of her, and I meant it. Glancing at the clock, I see it’s lunchtime. Saving the document I’m working on, I head to Layla’s desk to see if she feels like eating anything.

I stop when I hear her voice. “I hate you.” I’ve never heard Layla talk like that, and the venom in her voice tells me she means those three words with everything inside her.

“I can’t get that kind of money,” she says.

Who in the fuck is she talking to? She’s obviously on the phone since I don’t hear another voice.

“N-No. I won’t do it. I won’t take from him, or any of them to feed your habit.”

Him? Is she talking about Owen? I move a little closer to try and get a look at her desk. Sure enough, she’s on the phone. Her hand is pressed to her forehead, and she’s visibly upset.

“I’m an adult. You can no longer control me. Go fuck yourself.” She slams down the phone, and I’m ready to go to her to see what the hell is going on, but give her a minute to compose herself. When she picks up the phone again, and I hear my desk phone ringing in the distance, as quickly and quietly as I can, I rush back to my office.

I get to the phone in time to have her tell me she’s not feeling well after all, and that she’s going home. I remind her that she rode with Owen, and insist that she take his car, that I’ll make sure he gets home to her. I know O gave her keys. He was bitching the other day that she wanted to buy a car when he has one that she can drive. I get her wanting her independence, and so does he. He just wants to take care of her.

“Text me and let me know you make it home okay.”

“Will do. Bye.”

Ending the call, I stand at my office door and listen for the elevator. Her heels click against the floor, the door whoosh open, and then silence. My feet carry me back to my desk, and I call Sawyer. “Hey, Sawyer. Layla had to go home today. She’s not feeling well.”

“Really? I’m such a bad friend. I’ve been buried in work all morning trying to get caught up before next week I didn’t even realize.”

“Headache,” I tell her.

“Oh, well, I’ll save what I’m working on and move to her desk.”

“Thanks. I’m actually heading out for the day. Something came up.”

“I see how it is. Everyone leaves me all alone.”

“There’s security downstairs,” I remind her. “No one is getting to this floor unless they are approved.”

“Oh, I know. I was just kidding. I’ll see you Sunday for dinner?” she asks.

“I’ll be there,” I assure her before ending the call. Turning off my computer, I grab my phone and keys and head out. Once I’m in my car, I head to Royce’s house. I call him on the way.

“Hey, what’s up?” he asks.

“You still with Owen?”

“Yeah, we actually just finished up our meeting.”

“Good. I’ll meet the three of you at your place.”

“What’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you when you get there. Just make sure you bring Owen, and Grant too. I’m calling Conrad.”

“Is it Mom and Dad?” There is worry in his tone.

“No. But we need to rally, brother.”

“Noted. We’re on our way.”

The line goes dead, so I call Conrad. “Hey, Con,” I say when he answers.

“What’s up?”

“You still working with Dad today?”

“No, we just finished up. The old man can still work like he’s in his twenties.” Conrad laughs.

“No doubt. Hey, can you meet up with us over at Royce’s place?”

“Sure, what’s up?” His voice changes. He knows me well enough to know if I’m not joking around, it’s serious.

“Just meet us there. I’ll explain when I get there. I think it would be easier to do it once.”

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Riggins Brothers Billionaire Romance