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“Thank you. The season’s over, so we need to plan some time to visit. Maybe a long weekend or something.”

“Sure, we can probably make that happen. I have to give two weeks’ notice for time off at the office, but that shouldn’t be an issue.”

“Reese, I—” He stops. “There are a lot of things that I need to say.”

“Everything all right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a few things I need to get off my chest.”

“Sure, I’m all ears. Kick ass out there. I’ll talk to you after?”


“Bye, Coop.”

“Bye.” He sounds subdued. I don’t know what’s bothering him, but whatever it is, I’ll be there to help him work it out. I’m sure this year has been full of changes and he just needs to talk about them. I mean, he’s in the freaking Super Bowl. He’s living his dream, and I’m sure that comes with a whole host of emotions.“Hell yes!” Trevor, Cooper’s dad yells as he stands from the couch as we watch Cooper run in his fifth touchdown of the game. With twenty seconds left on the clock, this run secures the win for the Defenders. My best friend is a freaking Super Bowl Champion.

The basement erupts in cheers, and we’re all being so loud I’m surprised it’s not rocking the foundation of the house. He did it. The Defenders did it! Gah! I can’t wait to hug him and tell him how fucking proud of him I am.

“Can you believe it? He won!” I cheer, leaping into Hunter’s arms. He catches me easily and spins me around.

“Like there was ever any doubt,” he says, smiling down at me.

“You’re incredible, you know that? You support me, no matter what.”

He bends down and presses his forehead to mine. “That’s why you love me.”

“That’s one of the reasons,” I admit.

“Yeah? You have a list?” he inquires.

“We don’t have enough time,” I counter, making him smile. Hunter is a great guy. He’s supportive in all aspects of my life, from work to spending time with my family, and even Cooper and his family. He never questions how close we are. He just accepts it.

“Try me.” His grin is wide.

“Let’s see. You’re handsome, smart, caring. You support me, stand beside me always.”

“Not bad,” he says, nodding. “Can I try?”

“Oh, sure, I mean, if you think you can do better,” I tease.

He smiles. “You’re beautiful inside and out.” He cradles my face in his hands. “You never cease to make me smile, and waking up next to you is something I want to do every day for the rest of my life.” He pulls away and drops to one knee.

“Oh my God. Hunter, wh-what are you doing?” I ask, rattled. My eyes dart around the room, and I see that we now have everyone’s attention. “Reese Latham. You are the love of my life. Will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?”

I hear a gasp and look over to find my mom and Ann, their arms locked and tears in their eyes. I look back down at Hunter, and he’s holding up a round solitaire diamond ring. “Reese, I’ve been carrying this ring with me for weeks, waiting for the right time to ask you. This moment, it felt right. I love you now and will love you always. Marry me?”

My heart is pounding so hard, I’m sure he can hear it. Hell, I think everyone in the room can hear it. Hunter is a good man, and I’d be lucky to call him my husband. I love him, maybe not like I love Cooper, but he and I don’t have that history. In time, we’ll get there. We have a lifetime to figure that out.

“Answer the man,” someone calls out.

I feel my phone ringing in my pocket, but it’s going to have to wait. “Yes,” I whisper.

“Yes?” he asks, almost sounding surprised.

I nod. “Yes.”

He slides the ring on my finger, then stands and kisses me. Not just a peck. No, he bends me over and kisses me long and hard. In front of everyone. When he stands me back up, he whispers in my ear, “I love you, Reese.”

I smile up at him. “I love you too.”

“Oh, it’s Cooper.” I hear Ann say. The room quiets a bit, but it’s still loud with everyone telling us congratulations. And there’s a noisemaker. I’m not sure where that came from, but Cliff, one of the guys my dad works with, places it to his lips, and the sound echoes throughout the room.

“Reese!” Ann calls out. She raises her phone in the air and motions for me to come to her. Hunter kisses my temple and releases me. “It’s Cooper.” Ann gives me a sad smile.

I take the phone from her and take the steps two at a time to get upstairs where it’s quiet, and I can hear him. “You did it,” I say once I reach the top step.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Entangled Hearts Duet Romance