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Hunter takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the living room floor, and wraps his arms around me. We sway to the music, and I rest my head on his chest. He’s not as muscular as Cooper, but he still feels sturdy and in good shape. Don’t ask me what that means, because I’m not really sure either. What I do know is that this is nice. Dancing with a guy who’s not one of my close friends. It’s been way too long since I’ve let that happen.

When the music changes to a fast song, we begin to groove, rocking our hips. Our arms are swaying right along to the beat. I’m lost in the music, dancing my heart out when I feel a shove from behind me. I stumble into Hunter, at the same time that he’s shoved as well. I feel my legs fall out from under me as I land on the floor. I curl into myself to keep from getting trampled. Looking around, I search for Hunter, for anyone that can help me up, because from the alcohol and the fall, I’m not sure I can do it on my own.

I scream when two large hands slide under my arms and lift me to my feet. His scent captures me before my eyes can focus on him.


“My hero,” I slur, batting my eyelashes. At least that’s what I meant to do. In reality, I probably looked like one of those creepy baby dolls that blinks every time you move it. I shudder at the thought.

“Thanks, man.” Hunter approaches us. His eyes are wide, and his breathing is accelerated. “I was trying to get to her.”

“You should have tried harder. No, you should have held onto her and made sure she was safe.” Cooper growls the words.

“Coop.” I reach up, placing my hand on his cheek. His eyes instantly drop to me. “I’m okay.”

He gives me a stiff nod. “You’re not to leave my side the rest of the night.”

I should argue with him. I should tell him that he’s not the boss of me. I should tell him that it kills me to see all those women hanging off him when in my heart, I know it should be me. I don’t say any of those things. Instead, I nod, then turn my attention to Hunter. “Thank you for the dance,” I say politely.

He gives me a stiff nod, and I’ll never know if he was going to say anything because Cooper, with his arm tight around my waist, moves me through the crowd and over to the corner of the room where Tessa and Nixon are standing.

“Are you all right?” Tessa asks. She pulls away from Nixon to give me a hug.

“I’m fine. Just lost my footing when we got jostled in the crowd.”

“Fucker should have been watching. I knew I should have busted that up,” Cooper grumbles.

“What?” I ask him.

“I saw him lead you out there.” He motions to the middle of the floor. “I don’t know him; therefore, I don’t trust him. I wanted to pull you away from him, but these two,” he points to Tessa and Nixon, “talked me out of it.”

“He’s a nice guy.”

“Oh, yeah? When did you meet him?”


“Exactly.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “Reese, you have to be careful. You’ve been drinking, and you don’t know him. What if he slipped something into your drink? What if he got you so drunk you didn’t even know your own name and took advantage of you?”

“Being taken advantage of doesn’t sound so bad,” I tease. “It’s been too long.”

“What the fuck!” Cooper raises his voice. “Do you hear yourself right now? He could have raped you, Reese.”

“T-That’s not what I meant.” My foggy alcohol brain is trying to keep up. Surely, he knows that’s not what I meant. “I meant that it’s been a long time and random sex, it’s not so bad. I mean, I’m weeks away from graduating from college, and I’ve never had just random sex. It’s a pastime, right?”

“No, Reese.” His voice is low, his words tight. “It’s not a fucking pastime. You could have been hurt.”

“How? How could I have been hurt when you were watching me. You’re always fucking watching me. He’s the first guy who isn’t a close friend that’s noticed me in a long time. What’s bad about that, Cooper? Huh? You have girls hanging off you every fucking day, and I say nothing. I let you make your choices. As your best friend, I support you. Why can’t you do that for me?” I stomp off into the kitchen. I need more alcohol. I can’t have this conversation with him right now. I just can’t. I might say something that I regret, or that I can’t take back. What’s worse is, my lips are loose, and my heart is wide open. For him. I can’t tell him that I wish we were more; that would ruin what we have. I need to clear my head, and a shot sounds like a great way to do it.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Entangled Hearts Duet Romance