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We did it. Twenty-eight to fourteen. We brought home another CU championship. My eyes get just a little bit misty as I stand in the end zone. I just caught the final pass from the final play of the night. We have four touchdowns and all of them were mine. Sure, it was a team effort, but it was my legs and my hands carrying the ball that led us to victory. Hank’s cannon of an arm, and the entire O-Line blocking, and the defense kicked ass. Hell, it was all of us combined, but the stats show those four passes landed in my hands, which resulted in numbers on the scoreboard. And Nixon with that fucking leg of his making all four field goals. We were on fire tonight, and the end result shows.

If this is my last game, what a way to go out.

My teammates attack me in the end zone, and we’re a pile of black and red as we jump up and down and hug, and yes, there are some tears and a whole hell of a lot of yelling.

“We fucking did it!” Nixon screams as he barrels into me. We hug it out, and we’re both wearing cheesy fucking grins. “Three years in a row, baby!” he cheers.

It’s chaos, pure chaos on the field. Staff, players, media, families. Confetti, streamers, hats, and T-shirts are being passed out. It’s absolute madness, so much so I can barely hear myself think.

“Cooper!” I faintly hear my name being called. I turn to look but don’t see anyone. I hear it again, and that’s when I see her. Reese. I should have known it was her. She’s probably the only person other than my parents that I could hear in this loud-ass stadium. That doesn’t even make sense when I think it, but it’s the truth. She comes rushing toward me. I open my arms, and she jumps into them. Her legs lock behind my back, and her arms grip me around the neck. It’s awkward with pads on, but it’s perfect. In this moment, Reese and her hug are exactly what I need.

“Hey, Reese’s Pieces,” I whisper in her ear.

She pulls back, her green eyes are bright and filled with excitement. “I’m so damn proud of you. You killed it, Coop. You fucking killed it.” She leans in close and gives me another squeeze before her legs release, and she slides down my body. Even with all the gear, my body still ignites from the contact. That’s been happening more and more lately. It’s been a struggle the past few months to not look at her and see the beautiful woman that she is. We’re no longer kids, and my cock is all too eager to notice.

Once her feet are planted on the ground, I sling my arm over her shoulder and bend my lips to her ear. “Watch.” I point to where Nixon and Tessa stand. They’re huddled close together, both wearing matching smiles. One of the assistant coaches walks up to Nixon and shakes his hand. I see it, the exchange of the ring, but I would have missed it had I not been looking for it.

Reese looks up at me. “What’s going on?”

“Just watch.” I keep my arm around her and hold her close to my chest. She gasps, and her hands fly to her mouth as Nixon drops to one knee and stares up at Tessa. “Oh my God,” Reese breathes.

The media catches on, as does everyone else in the stadium and out on the field. Suddenly, the jumbotron is displaying the proposal, and I’m sure that everyone watching at home is seeing this as well. You can’t make this shit up. It’s good TV, and I know we’ll be seeing highlights not only from the game but from this moment for weeks to come, especially as Nixon and I enter the draft.

Tessa nods as tears stream down her face. Nixon slides the ring onto her finger before standing and kissing her. “She said yes!” he shouts, pulling out of the kiss.

“I’m so excited.” Reese shimmies in my arms.

“I’m happy for them,” I agree. Before I can say anything else, a female reporter steps in front of us.

“Cooper, good game out there. How does it feel to bring home your third championship for Central University?”

“Incredible. My teammates and coaches were on point again this year. It’s a great feeling to go out on top.”

“You and Nixon Barnes are good friends. Any plans to follow in his footsteps? Is there a proposal in your future?”

“We’re just friends,” Reese and I say at the same time. I smile down at her, and she playfully rolls her eyes.

The reporter asks a few more football-related questions and moves on to the next guy. That’s how the next hour goes. Finally, when the dust has settled for the most part, I need a shower and out of these pads. “You and Tessa going to meet us outside the locker rooms?”

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Entangled Hearts Duet Romance