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The rest of the night we just hang out watching movies and eating pizza. Tessa and I ran to the store and got some brownie mix to make, and the guys devoured them before they were even cooled. We expected it because they always do, so we cut us both a small piece before we told them they were ready. All in all, a great night with great friends.Chapter 5CooperCollege: Sophomore Year“I’m back, bitches!” Trey yells as he exits the back door of the house.

It’s the weekend before classes start, and this is my new home. I’ll be living in the house, also known as the football house, with four of my teammates. I didn’t mind dorm life, but the freedom of living here is already proving to be better.

My current situation wouldn’t be possible in the dorms. We’ve got a fire going in the fire pit, and everyone is gathered around drinking beer. Yes, we’re underage, but we’re drinking responsibly. This is college, after all.

Nixon is cuddled up with Tessa in his lap. Those two are going strong. I wasn’t sure it would last when Reese first suggested fixing them up, but it turns out my best friend has a knack at matchmaking. Speaking of my best friend, she’s sitting next to me in her lawn chair. She’s wearing one of my CU hoodies that swallows her. It’s a good thing since she’s using it as a blanket to also cover her bare legs. She’s a tiny thing. At least a foot shorter than my six four. Her blonde hair is pulled up messily on top of her head, and her face is void of makeup. Not that she needs any. Reese is naturally beautiful. She’s the girl next door, the one that you take home to introduce to your parents.

Last year was a struggle for me as I had to learn to share her with my teammates. They’re my friends too, but Reese, she’s my best friend. There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for her. She hit it off with everyone she met, not that I’m surprised. My teammates all adore her, and they’ve all kind of taken her under their wing.

Speaking of my teammates. Levi, Dustin, and Hank are all sitting around the fire too. Dustin has a girl sitting on his lap. I don’t know her name, and I don’t care to. She eyed me up and down as soon as she walked through the door earlier tonight. No thanks. Anyone who is here with someone else and gives me that vibe, I’m out. He can have her.

My dating life in college has been dull. Sure, I’ve dated here and there, group things, but nothing that sticks. Not to sound conceited, but I’ve made a name for myself here at CU on the field. As a sophomore, there are already rumors that I could go to the big leagues. Me, Cooper Reeves, playing for the professional football league. I can remember Reese and me sitting outside on her back deck or mine, and we would talk about life and what we wanted. I always dreamed of playing professionally. What kid didn’t? I just never thought that would be me. I’ve busted my ass to get where I am, and I don’t need the distraction of a girlfriend, and even if I wanted one, how would I know they were with me for me? I’ll stick to Reese being my plus one when I need it. We have fun no matter where we are.

“We’re going to state again this year,” Hank says, plopping down on the grass.

“That’s the plan,” Nixon agrees with him.

“What’s going on here? Is this everyone?” Hank asks. His eyes scan each of us and then the yard.

“Just us. We told you, man, we’re laying low this year,” Levi explains.

“Why in the hell do you want to do that?”

“Two of our five roommates are married off, and this guy—” Trey points over to Levi. “—he’s all about keeping his nose clean,” Trey says.

“When Coach tells you scouts are watching, you take the shit to heart,” Levi counters. “That’s my end game. I don’t want to be stuck behind a desk the rest of my life. I want to play football.”

“And I’m not married off,” I grumble. I do not want to go over this shit all over again this year. Reese and I are close, inseparable even, but we’re not together. Why can they not get that through their thick skulls?

“I can’t even get her to let me move in.” Nixon pouts.

“What? You don’t want to live here?” Trey actually sounds offended.

“Wake up in a house smelling like sweaty balls or wake up with my girl? No contest, my man, no contest.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Trey grumbles.

“Can we at least make this night more interesting? You all are sitting around like you’re retired,” Hank jests.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Entangled Hearts Duet Romance