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“Whatever.” She laughs, shaking her head.

“I’ll take that as a yes. What do you ladies want to eat?”

“Honestly, Finley would be happy with a Happy Meal from McDonald’s.”

“What about Momma?” I tuck her hair behind her ear as I speak.

“Where do you think she got her love of chicken nuggets?” she asks, making me laugh. “Actually, we’re on a budget, so things like McDonald’s are a treat for her. For both of us. She’ll love it. But you don’t have to do that.”

“Mara.” I wait until I know I have her full attention. “I want to. Next time though, I’m taking you ladies out.”

“Who says there’s going to be a next time?” she sasses.

“Trust me, beautiful.” I lean in and kiss her cheek. “There’s going to be a next time.” Standing before I make a fool of myself and attack her lips with mine, I hold out my hand to help her up. “Get some sleep,” I say as we walk toward the front door. “Make sure you lock up behind me.”

“I can handle it.”

“Yeah, I know you can.” Stepping in close, I wrap her in a hug. “What you don’t realize is that you no longer have to do it alone.” Pulling back, I give her a wink and rush through the cold out to my truck. I should have started it earlier, but I had to leave before I begged her to let me stay.

Chapter Four

Mara 4

* * *

Today could not have gone any better. Sonia, Kendall’s mom, was amazing with Finley. My girl took to her right away and they were immediate friends. It takes a lot of the worry from my shoulders, with moving away and starting this new job. However, it feels like I have more friends here than I did back home, and we’ve only spent one night in our new place. Amelia was right—her friends are great. I’m so glad I took a leap of faith and moved.

When I pull up to the house, I see his big blue truck in the driveway. I drive past him and into the attached garage. This isn’t a luxury we had at our old place. I love not having to take Finley out in the cold snow and rain. This house is definitely going to have me spoiled with this garage.

“Sef!” Finley claps when he opens her door for her. He has her out of her seat and in his arms before I’m even out of the car.

“How is it she’s taken with you so fast?” I ask, shaking my head. “She even remembers your name.” I know I sound like a broken record, but it’s astonishing to me. This isn’t like my daughter at all.

“The ladies love me, Mara.” I have to fight to not roll my eyes.

“Come on, ladies’ man, let’s go inside where it’s warm.” I hit the button to close the garage door, and then lead the way into the house.

“I got you something, but I have to run out to my truck,” Seth tells Finley. “I’ll be right back.” He sets her on the couch and makes eye contact with me, I’m assuming to make sure I’m there to keep an eye on her before rushing out the front door to his truck. He’s back in a flash carrying a small black soft-sided cooler.

“What’s that?”

“Dinner.” He places the cooler on the table and then holds his arms out for Finley, and of course, she reaches for him. He’s her new best friend, after all. Aside from Sonia, that is. My girl is making all kinds of new friends. It makes my heart smile to see her so happy.


“Yep. I got my girls their favorite.” He grins. “Chicken nuggets.” He says it like he’s telling us we won the lottery with flair and a pitch to his voice. Finley giggles. “These aren’t just any chicken nuggets. No, these are the best nuggets.” Reaching into the bag, he pulls out a small white Chick-fil-A box. “Now, your mommy said you like McDonald’s, but I wanted you to try my favorite nuggets.”

He carries her into the kitchen, and puts her in her booster seat, and pushes her chair up to the table. “You’re going to spoil her,” I say, gripping the back of one of the chairs. This is only a four-person table; it’s just Finley and me, so we don’t need anything bigger than that.

“And?” he counters. “Be right back, kiddo.” He ruffles her curls and rushes back to the living room with the cooler.

I watch him as he unpacks four more boxes of nuggets and three containers of their waffle fries. “Uh, Seth, it’s just the three of us.”

“I know. I should have gotten another nugget,” he says, opening one of the boxes and popping a nugget in his mouth.

Finley does the same thing. “Finley, small bites,” I remind her. She reaches into her mouth, pulls out the now soggy nugget, takes a bite, grins, and offers the rest to Seth.

“I’ve got my own. Those are yours.” He grabs another nugget from his box, only this time he takes a small bite, which prompts Finley to mimic him and do the same with her soggy nugget.

“I wasn’t sure if you were still stopping by,” I say, taking a seat when he points at the box of nuggets and fries he slid in front of me on the table.

“I told you I’d be here.”

“Thank you for dinner,” I say, opening my box of nuggets.

“Anks,” Finley says, grinning at Seth with a mouthful of french fries.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full of food,” I tell her. Not that it does any good.

“You’re welcome, Finny.” Seth smiles at her. “So, what’s left to unpack?” he asks, his eyes darting around the kitchen.

“This room is done, thanks to the girls yesterday. I have most of my room done as well. I did that after Finley went to bed last night. I have a few boxes with pictures to hang on the walls. I should probably ask Mark before I do that, though, huh?”

“Nope. We’re in construction; that’s what we do. He’s not going to be upset over a few nails. I brought some tools, so I can hang them. Just tell me where you want them.”

“You’re pretty handy to have around,” I tease.

“Mara, Mara, Mara, we haven’t even scratched the surface.” He gives me a wi

cked grin.

I cross my legs to ward off the ache he causes. I can only imagine what he’s capable of. “Well, regardless,” I say coolly, effectively hiding my body’s reaction to him. “Thank you for your help. I appreciate it very much.”

“You ready for tomorrow?” he asks.

“Yes and no. I’m nervous leaving Finley, but Kendall’s mom is wonderful and Finley took to her right away.”

“She’s great. They’re good people.”

I nod. “I can’t believe I’m here,” I say, my eyes surveying the room. “All these months we’ve been talking and texting, and now here we are. Having dinner in my new place.”

“I’m glad you’re here.” I raise my eyebrows and he grins wolfishly. “What? I am. Not that I didn’t like our texting marathons, but this is so much better. I get to see you, and…” He reaches out and runs his index finger down my cheek. “…touch you.”

I shiver. “Yeah?” I ask, breathless.

Finley drops her sippy cup on the floor, and Seth bends over to pick it up. “Here you go, sweetheart.” He holds it out for her and she grins.


“So polite.” He glances over at me. “You really have done a great job with her.”

I smile at my daughter. “Thank you. We’ve muddled through the best way we know how.”

“Well, you’re kicking a— butt and taking names,” he says, catching himself.

Finley starts playing with her food instead of eating it and I know she’s done. “All right, little miss, it’s bath time for you.” I stand and remove her from her booster seat. “You want to stick around?”

“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll clean up in here while you take care of bath time.” He stands and starts gathering our trash. I stand here with my daughter in my arms, just watching him. I was a little worried about the move for so many reasons, but Seth, he makes me forget all of them.

“Seth.” I wait for him to look up at me. “I’m glad you’re here.” The confession comes freely. I really like this guy, and for some reason, he likes both me and my daughter. I’m going to take a leap of faith and see where this goes.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance