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“I told them earlier. They’re sad, but they understood. I’m going to head home to them now.”

“Be safe,” I tell her, wrapping her in a hug.

“Always.” With a wave, she’s out the door.

“How are you?” I ask Seth.

“I’m okay. Still in shock, I guess. Processing that she’s dying and now having… my baby.” He swallows hard. His arms pull me in close, offering comfort in his embrace.

“It’s a lot to take on.”

“Hey,” Kent says, breaking up our hug when he returns from starting Amelia’s car. “Your parents just pulled in.”

“Thank you for staying.”

“Anytime. Finley needs to see how much cooler I am than you.” He tries to lighten the situation.

“Twenty bucks says she has you joining a tea party or wearing makeup before the night is over.”

Kent shrugs. “That makes me the cool uncle.”

“Mommy, I’s got ice cweam.” Finley runs into the house like the tiny tornado that she is.

I can’t help but laugh at her. “I can see that. Hey, you remember Kent, right?” She nods. “He’s Seth’s friend. Well, he wants to read you a couple of stories.”

“Weally? I wuv stowies. Wet’s go.” She grabs his hand and pulls him off to her room.

“Sorry about that,” I tell Steve and Shannon. “Thank you for taking her. I normally would make her thank you as well, but….” My voice trails off.

“Oh.” Shannon waves me off. “She’s the sweetest little thing. She thanked us already. She’s such a joy.”

“Mom, Dad, we need to talk.” Seth goes right for it. He waits until his parents are sitting to start telling them about Amelia and the baby. His mom cries and his dad looks as though he could. They listen as he tells them what’s been going on.

“Wow,” Shannon says. I think she’s going to be upset, but a slow smile spreads across her face. “Another grandbaby to love.” She beams.

I want to hug the hell out of her for claiming my daughter as her own. They’ve welcomed us both with open arms, given us love and family that we’ve never had before. I will forever be grateful. Then again, I guess I have Seth to thank for that. He made me fall in love with him. By extension, we get his large family. His support system. We need them now more than ever.

“What do you need?” his dad asks.

“I don’t know.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “This is a crazy situation, but in a few short months, I’m going to have a son or daughter.” He swallows hard. “I’m going to need you.”

“Anything,” Shannon says. “Mara, honey, what about you? What do you need?”


“Yes, you,” she says with conviction. “She’s your best friend, and you’re going to be helping my son raise this baby. You are as much a part of this as Seth and Amelia.”

“I— Nothing that I can think of.”

“Well, when you do, you know how to get ahold of us. We love you.” She stands, as do Steve and Seth, and they all hug. I remain sitting until I see her hand held out for me. I take it, standing as well, and she hugs me tight. “I’m so happy he has you,” she whispers. “You call me if you need anything at all.” Pulling away, she moves, and Steve steps in her place and hugs me as well.

“We’re going to get out of your hair,” he tells us, stepping back. “You need us, you call.” His dad gives us both a pointed look that has us nodding our agreement.

“Give Finley a kiss for us,” Shannon says as she waves over her shoulder. A moment later, they are out the front door.

“That went well,” I say. It’s lame, but what else is there to say in this situation?

“Yeah.” Seth pulls me into his arms and rests his chin on top of my head. “This is all kinds of crazy, Mara. I don’t know how to act or how to feel.” He whispers his confession.

“Sef!” Finley comes racing into the foyer. She grabs onto Seth’s hand and pulls him down the hall. I trail along behind them, anxious to see what the fuss is all about. “Wook,” Finley points from the doorway of her bedroom inside with a giggle.

Sneaking my head under Seth’s arm, I peek in and see Kent sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor. He has a pink ribbon in his spiky dark hair and bright purple eyeshadow on his eyes. I love Seth, and all these guys, and admittedly, they’re hot, Kent included. I can’t stop the laugh that escapes me, not only at my daughter’s delight but at this man, beautifully ripped and covered in ink, wearing ribbons and eye shadow.

“Unca Kent is pwetty.” Finley giggles.

“Come here, you little bugger.” Kent crawls to his feet and scoops her up in his arms. He tickles her side until she’s gasping for air through her laughter.

I feel her joy in my soul. Seth wraps his arms around me, pulling me back to his chest, and I know he’s thinking the same thing. Amelia is going to miss this. All of it. My heart breaks for my best friend, for my boyfriend, and for their baby. I vow here and now to always be here for him or her. No matter what happens between Seth and me. I will always be here.

Chapter Seventeen

Seth 17

* * *

This last week has been a blur. I’m still struggling to wrap my head around the fact that I got one of my best friends pregnant, and she’s dying. What kind of messed-up shit is that? Is this the universe trying to punish me for something? No, it can’t be. Being a father, this baby is a blessing, not a punishment, but Amelia and her cancer, that feels like a whole lot of fucking punishment.

Our family has proven yet again that we take on life’s obstacles together. Together we rally, and that’s exactly what we’re doing this weekend. The women in our group have taken it upon themselves to mark off every item on Amelia’s bucket list. Specifically spending time with those Amelia loves and taking lots of pictures. That brings us to today.

It’s Saturday night, and we’re all at Mark and Dawn’s for dinner. All five of the ladies have cameras and have been snapping pictures all night. I know Mara has also informed Amelia that she’s taking a picture of her weekly, front, back and side angle to show the baby when he or she gets older.

That shit rips my gut into shreds when I think about it. My child will never know his momma, and I fucking hate it. I’m smiling and laughing because that’s what Amelia needs from me, but on the inside, I’m a fucking hurricane of emo

tions. It’s not fair; she deserves to be here to see our child grow up.

“So, I’ve been thinking,” Reagan says. “About this tattoo.”

“What about it?” Kendall asks her.

“Wait,” Amelia speaks up. “We have to take that one off the list.” She glances down to where her hand rests over the baby. “Precious cargo and all that.”

“Oh, I know. I’m just planning ahead. We can get these after you deliver the baby.”

“I-I don’t know how I’ll be,” Amelia confesses.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Anyway, I thought we could all get matching tattoos,” Reagan says. “I think we should all look for a design and then choose from there. We can get them in the same spot, or anywhere really.”

“I’m in,” Kendall says.

“Me too,” Dawn tells her.

“Me three,” Mara agrees.

Tipping back my bottle, I drain my beer and head to the small kitchen in the basement for another. I pass the door to the small bedroom, and that morning comes rushing back to me. It was a mistake. I was so drunk, and I seriously still don’t remember that night. I remember being torn up about liking Mara and the fact she lived so far away. I remember thinking if things were different I would make her mine. That led to drinking. I remember pounding back beer after beer, chased with shot after shot. That next morning, we were both mortified at what we’d done, and now here we are, a few months later, and that night resulted in a baby. My unborn son or daughter.

“Hey.” Ridge’s hand lands on my shoulder. “You good?”

I nod. I want to scream and yell and tell him no, I’m not good. How could I possibly be good? But I hold it in. Ridge has been through his own hell and was able to make it to the other side. I can do this. I can be strong for both of them. All of them.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance