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“That’s pretty cool, Finny. Did you get to see some sharks?”

“Big sarks.” She holds her arms out wide to demonstrate.

“Thanks for taking her,” he tells his parents.

“How did it go?” Shannon asks.

“It went… not like we hoped.” He glances over at me. “She’s saying she’s not going to get treatment.”

“Why on earth?” his mom replies.

“There’s no cure for what she has.” He goes on to tell them about the statistics of her making it five years.

“You know, I’ve oftentimes wondered what I’d do in that situation. I’ve seen far too many succumb to that disease and its treatments. It’s her decision and you have to respect that,” Steve says.

“Yeah, we know that. It’s just hard,” he tells them.

“No less difficult for her I’m sure. She may be putting on a strong front, but think about it from her perspective. I can’t imagine having to make that choice,” Shannon says sadly.

“I’m going to her appointment with her this week. Maybe there will be some new information that will change her mind,” I say, hopeful. I know it’s selfish of me, but I can’t seem to stop it. I’m not ready to lose her. I want her to fight, and maybe, just maybe, there will be a miracle. They happen every day, and if anyone deserves one, it’s her. It’s Amelia. I won’t push her, but deep in my heart, I will her to fight, to kick cancer’s ass. Then I’m reminded that there is no cure for small cell carcinoma. Grief hits me deep in my gut as I accept that reality.

There is no cure.

“Well, you let us know what we can do. If you need us to keep an eye on Finley, we’d be more than happy to.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that. She’s never had… grandparents in her life. Then again, neither have I,” I say absentmindedly. I immediately hold my hand over my mouth. I didn’t mean to say that.

“Well, now she does. And you, you have us too. All three of you,” Steve says. He places his arm around Shannon and she leans into him. “We’re going to go. You let us know what we can do.” He turns his attention to Finley. “Finley girl, how about giving Papaw a hug goodbye.” He looks at me and winks and I feel tears start to well.

She races to him and hugs him and then Shannon. She tells them thank-you again, which is prompted by Seth, and with a big wave, they’re off. “I wike sarks,” she says as soon as the door is shut.

“Me too,” Seth tells her. “In fact, I have something for you.” He stands and makes his way to the shelf underneath the TV. He pulls out a DVD and shows it to her. “How about we watch Shark Tale?” he asks.

“Yay!” Finley cheers.

She has no idea what it is, but it has shark in the title so she’s all-in.

“When did you get that?” I inquire.

“The other day. We stopped at Subway for lunch, which was inside the Walmart. Mark was picking up a princess movie for Daisy, and this one stood out. I thought she might like it after her adventure to the aquarium.”

“You’re a good man, Seth Jennings.”

“Just spoiling my girl,” he says fondly, running his hand over her dark curls.

Finley snuggles up to his chest, making my heart skip a beat. He puts his arm around her and pulls her close. Just like a father would do. Her eyes are already heavy as the movie starts to play. She’s had a big day and will be out in no time. My phone vibrates in my hand.

* * *

Amelia: It went okay. Lots of tears from all three of us.

* * *

Me: Do you need me to come over?

* * *

Amelia: No. Thank you. I’m exhausted.

* * *

Me: Did they change your mind?

* * *

Amelia: No.

* * *

Me: Love you.

* * *

Amelia: Love you too. We’ll talk tomorrow.

* * *

“Amelia?” Seth asks.

“Yeah. She said there were lots of tears. I asked her if they changed her mind. No,” I say, shaking my head while fighting off another round of tears.

“There’s still time. Maybe the doctors can change her mind at the appointment.”

“Maybe.” Although I don’t think so. Amelia has always been strong-willed. She makes up her mind, and that’s that.

Seth and I watch the movie even though Finley has long since passed out. Just as the credits start to roll, his phone rings. “Hello.” He pauses. “Hey, man. Really? Okay. Yeah. That works. Sounds good. Let me know if anything changes.” He waits and then laughs. “Could be worse, could be snow.” Another laugh. “Talk to ya later,” he says, ending the call.

“That was Ridge. I guess it’s going to rain all day tomorrow. We were supposed to start a demo for a new roof, but we can’t be sliding around the roof in the rain, so I get a rain day tomorrow.”

“That does sound dangerous. What are you going to do with yourself all day?”

“I don’t know. I can keep Finley with me.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to. Maybe she and I can go to your old place and start packing up her room?”

“You can’t move in the rain.”

“Dad has an enclosed trailer I can use. He used to be into show cars and hauled them around. He sold the car but kept the trailer. It’s come in handy several times.”

“I hate for you to use your day off for me and Finley. Go do something fun with the guys.”

“Do you not think that getting you both here under this roof, with all of your stuff is going to be a fun day for me?”

“You can’t move

us on your own in a day, Seth.” I know exactly what he’s thinking.

“Is that a challenge?”

“No.” I laugh. The look in his eyes tells me he would fight to make it happen.

“How about I just bring her bed, some toys, her dresser? Things to start getting her room set up?”

“I’m sure she would love that.”

He glances down at my daughter asleep on his lap. “I just want you both here.” He gazes up at me, his eyes soft and full of love. “I never want to know what a day of my future looks like without the two of you in it.”

That feeling, the want that makes my insides feel like mush returns. It’s beginning to be a constant when Seth is around. He makes me feel loved. Wanted. Cherished. I never want this feeling to end.

“Okay. But maybe we should take her to Sonia, so you can get some work done?”

“Nah, she’ll be fine with me. This way, I’ll be sure to grab what she really loves so I can bring it home first.”

Home. I repeat the word in my head as I try to wrap my head around the fact that I agreed to move in with him. Me and my daughter. I’ve never lived with a man, and the only person other than Finley I’ve lived with from my choosing is Amelia. I’m excited we’re moving forward. If I’ve learned anything in my life, it’s that nothing is guaranteed. Not even how much time we have on this earth. We have to live without fear or regret.

Chapter Thirteen

Seth 13

* * *

Today has been an adventure to say the least. I’ve watched my friends’ kids before, but always with help. Today, I was flying solo with Finley, and let me tell you, little miss thang can wear a man out. However, I enjoyed the day more than I thought I would. We started out by going to Mom and Dad’s and getting the trailer. Of course, Mom had us come in for some cookies and milk and then sent some home with us for a snack.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance