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“Are you out of your mind? You have to tell them. Let them support you. You don’t have to do this on your own.”

“I-I can’t—” She breaks and tears race down her cheeks again. “I haven’t even told my parents. Dad’s health is going downhill, and his heart… he doesn’t need the stress.”

“Amelia, you could be dying. They deserve to know that. They’re going to want to spend as much time with you as they can and be there for you.”

“They’re so much older. I don’t want them having to take care of me, to clean up after me. I just… I can’t do it, Mara.”

“I know you’re scared, but you have to. I’ll do it with you. I’ll be there every single step of the way.”

“I don’t know.”

“How about we have everyone over to Seth’s tomorrow afternoon and tell them? Then you and I can go tell your parents together?”

“They’re getting older. Mom was in her mid-forties when they had me. I don’t want to put this pressure on them.”

“Trust me, as a parent, they’ll want to know. I’ll be right there with you. You’re not in this alone.”

“How did this night turn into this? I just wanted to keep you from making the biggest mistake of your life by letting Seth go and now this.” She waves her hand between the two of us.

“I’m here making sure you don’t make the biggest mistake of yours. You told me to let Seth love me, and I plan to do exactly that. But, Amelia, you need to let us love you too. All of us. You have this huge support system that I’m just now experiencing for the first time in my life. It’s incredible and you’ve had it all along. Let them help you. We’ve got you. No matter what the situation, no matter how sick you get. We’re all going to be right there by your side.”

“Okay. Tomorrow.”

“Noon. I’ll take care of getting everyone there. How about you and I sleep here tonight?” I suck in a breath trying to keep myself under control. I can’t think about what this really means. My chest hurts. There is literally an ache in my chest as I process what I’ve learned.

She’s dying.

My best friend is dying.

“No, you have to get home to Finley and Seth. I’m sure he’s pacing the floors.”

“I’ll call him and explain. I don’t want you being alone right now.”

“I’m going home. I’m exhausted even more so after this conversation. I’ll meet you at Seth’s tomorrow at noon.” She stands, and I do the same, hugging her tight.

“We’re going to fight this,” I say with conviction. She has to fight this. I won’t let her give up. I’ll be there for her, and I know they all will. They’ll rally because that’s what they do.

“You are the strongest person I know, Mara Reyes.” I fight the urge to scoff. She’s been dealing with this all on her own. She’s a fucking rock star. I can’t imagine how hard this has been on her.

“Right back at ya. Drive safe and call me anytime night or day if you need me.” I bite down on the inside of my cheek to keep from breaking down.

“I will. Thank you, Mara.”

“Thank you.” With one final hug, she disappears out of my house and I fight the urge to make her stay. As soon as the door is closed, I lose my battle with my tears. This can’t be happening. I can’t lose my best friend. Not now. Life is just starting to work out for me. I have so many people in my life, friends, my daughter is thriving and now this.


I hate that fucking word. That fucking disease. So many lives have been altered and touched by it. Wiping at my eyes, I go to Finley’s room and pack her clothes, pull-ups, her bear that Seth gave her, and her soft princess blanket she sleeps with every night. I grab the nightlight out of the hallway outlet, just in case. In my room, I do the same, making sure I have clothes for work for at least the first few days this week, toiletries, my cell charger, and call it good. That will have to do for now. Besides, I’m sure Seth will waste no time getting us packed up and moved. I take the bags out to my car and grab my reusable grocery bags. I go to the kitchen and clean out the refrigerated items and bring them too. I don’t want them to spoil, and besides, I went to the store early this morning for my lunches for this week. No need to go again when I can just bring it with me. Satisfied that I have what we need for now, I lock up and make my way to my car.

* * *

Me: Headed home.

* * *

Seth: You’re my home.

Ten minutes later, I’m pulling into his driveway. He has the garage door lifted and is standing on the step that leads into the house waiting for me. As soon as I pull inside and shut off the engine, he pushes the button to close the door and comes toward me. I’m out of the car and meeting him halfway as I wrap my arms around him and let his warmth comfort me.

“Let’s get you inside,” he says softly, guiding us into the house.

“Where’s Finley?” I ask, noticing the house is way too quiet.

“She’s asleep in her bedroom. We blew up the air mattress for her.”

“I brought a pull-up. They’re in my car.”

“I had one here. Pajamas too. She didn’t get a bath, but she’s fed and comfy in her room.

“Mara—” I hold my hand up to stop him.

“I cleaned out my refrigerator and brought my groceries over. We need to get them out of my car.”

“Okay.” I can hear the caution yet hope in his voice.

“There are two other bags as well. One for me and one for Finley.” This isn’t uncommon when we spend the night. “I’m letting you tell Mark I’m breaking my lease.”

“Wait. What?”

I smile up at him. “I love you, Seth Jennings. Thank you for being open and honest with me. It was before we were… what we are, and after talking to both you and Amelia, I have a better understanding of what happened that night.”

He lifts me from the floor so we are eye-to-eye. “Say it again.”

“I love you.” He kisses me quickly before setting my feet back on the floor. “I want the life you’ve imagined for us. I want to take a leap of faith with you.”

“You’re moving in?” he asks, a smile as wide as a country mile on his face.

“Yes. We’re moving in.”

“Fuck yes!” he shouts, lifting me off my feet and spinning us in a circle.


“Shh.” I laugh. “You’re going to wake Finley.” He stops spinning, kisses me hard, and once again sets me back on my feet.

“I’ll get the bags. Be right back.” A swift kiss and he’s rushing out to the garage, only to appear a few minutes later still smiling as if he’s just won the lottery. He quickly puts all the groceries away and leaves the two other bags filled with our things in the hallway.

“Can we talk?” I ask him.

“Sure.” He guides us to the couch.

“I have something to ask you. Can you call everyone and ask them to meet us here tomorrow at noon?”

“What’s going on?”

“C-Can you do that for me? After, I’ll tell you. I just… I want you to be able to get through the calls. Just call them for me. Family meeting, our house at noon.”

“Our house.” He leans in and kisses me. I watch as he calls each of the guys, asking them to be here with their wives, well, all of them except Kent—he’s still flying solo—tomorrow at noon.

“Now, tell me what’s going on.”

So I do. I tell him about my conversation with Amelia, how she described their night together as a drunken mistake, and he nods, not at all taking offense. Then I tell him about the cancer. His body is rigid and his face is a mirror of shock and concern. “That’s why she was drinking so heavily that night. She was told that day that something was wrong and that there was a chance it could be cancer.”

“Fuck,” he says, running his hands through his hair. “What does she need?”

“Well, I convinced her to tell everyone tomorrow, that’s why I wanted you to invite them over. She has some tests this week, and she gets the results on Thursday. Right now, she’s supposed to start chemotherapy on Friday, but she’s considering not going through with it.”

“What? What do you mean she’s considering not going through with it?”

“She said that there’s no cure for the type of cancer she has. The life expectancy is only 33 percent that she’ll live five years.” I repeat the stats that Amelia gave me.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance