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“Well, Kendall and I were talking and we had this crazy idea, but it’s really not that crazy and I kind of like it. I’m just not sure how you’re going to feel about it.”

“Lay it on me, Pixie.”

“Okay, but just keep an open mind.”

He cups my face. We’re lying in bed facing one another, bodies aligned, and I’m pretty sure I could convince him with sex, but I want him to agree on his own free will. “You can tell me or ask me anything.”

“Right. Well, Kendall and I were talking,” I start.

“So you’ve said.” He grins.

“Shush, let me get this out. So, Kendall and I were talking and how would you feel ifKentmarriedus?” I rush to get it all out.

“Come on, baby, you can do better than that. Say it so I can understand you.” He’s grinning, which means he heard me. He’s just torturing me.

“How would you feel if Kent married us? He’s perfect. All laidback and chill. I think it would be fun.”

He smiles. “You know, out of all of us, I can see him doing that. Well, I can see Seth as well, but I can’t see him taking it serious.”

“Exactly. Kent is perfect. I’m pretty sure he can get ordained online. You think he’d do it?”

“Yeah, I do. Is that what you want?”

“It is. I want those we love around us. Just something small and simple.”

“I’ll make it happen.” He rolls over and grabs his phone. I watch as he taps away on the screen and holds it between us.

“What’s up?” Kent’s deep voice answers.

“Need a favor,” Mark says. “Oh, and you’re on speaker. Dawn is here with me.”

“Hey, gorgeous,” Kent says sweetly.

Mark grunts.

I laugh. “Hey, Kent.”

“What’s the favor? Need a sitter?” he asks.

“No, but Dawn and I were wondering if you’d be willing to become ordained and marry us?” Mark just throws it out there.

“Sure, I can just do that online or something, right? I love you both, but I am not going back to school.”

We both laugh. “Yeah, online. I’ll look into what you need exactly,” I tell him. “We’ll cover the cost.”

“Nah, don’t worry about it. So, when’s the big day?”

I glance over at Mark.

“Soon, the next month or so maybe?” he tells him.

“I’m in. I’m honored. Where is this shindig taking place?”

“Here, at our house,” I say.

“Seth is gonna be so jealous,” he jokes.

“Nah, he knows he can’t be trusted.” Mark laughs.

“Just let me know what I need to do.”

“Thank you, Kenton,” I say sweetly, using his full name.

“You’re welcome, doll,” he says, and Mark hits End.

“Hey, you hung up on him.”

“He deserved it.”

“He’s going to marry us.”

“More talking about that, less talking about him,” he says, pretending to be put off. “Come here.” Hand on my hip, he tugs me closer. He slides his leg between mine and kisses me. It’s slow and teasing. His tongue lazily duels with mine.

“Are you teasing me on purpose?” I ask against his lips.


“How much longer until the good stuff?” I manage to ask without laughing.

“Woman.” He rolls on top of me and settles between my thighs. He presses his hard length into my center and I moan. “This what you want?”

“More,” I say, gripping the sheets.

“I’ll give you more.” He trails kisses down my neck just as Daisy lets out a scream.

We both freeze waiting to see what’s next, and it’s full-on crying. He sighs and rests his forehead against mine. “Daisy girl has impeccable timing.” He moves off me and climbs out of bed. “I’ll go get her,” he says.

With a huff, I wait for him to come back to me with an unhappy baby. Instead, he calls for me through the monitor.

“Uh, babe, can you come in here?” he asks.

I try to see what’s going on, but Mark is just standing by the crib and Daisy is still crying. He’s trying to console her but not making a move to pick her up. Jumping out of bed, I make my way to her room. As soon as I enter, the smell hits me.

“Oh, girlie, what do we have going on in here?”

“It’s everywhere, Dawn. Ev-er-y-where,” he says dramatically. “What do we do?”

“We clean her up.”

“She’s covered in shit,” he exclaims. His eyes go wide. “Don’t talk like Daddy,” he tells her.

“Move, you big baby.” I hip check him and lift our soiled daughter from her crib. “Phew-ee, let’s get you to the tub.” Grabbing a blanket, I wrap it around her and then head to the bathroom. I admit I gag a few times during the process. As soon as she’s cleaned up, I hand her off to Mark while I take care of the crib.

“I should have done that,” he says apologetically. “That would have been more useful than standing there watching you.”

“You handed me a towel and the three extra wash cloths,” I remind him.

“Right, huge help,” he says sarcastically. “Is she sick? Should we take her to the doctor?”

“I don’t think so. No fever. She seems to be feeling fine. It’s time for her to eat, so feed her and see if she takes it. Babies just sometimes have explosive diapers.”

“You’re such a sweet little thing to have all that,” he tells her as they walk toward the kitchen to get a bottle.

I watch them go with a smile on my face. This isn’t how I thought my life would go, raising my infant niece as my own. I don’t regret that decision. As far as Mark, I love him with everything I am. He’s accepted Daisy as his with no hesitation. Late-night exploding diapers and all, I’m a lucky woman.

Chapter Twenty-Four


It’s poker night for the first time at my new place. When I volunteered, it was more because I assumed my girls would be here, close to me, than it being at my place. I didn’t think that through because they’re packing up and headed over to Ridge’s place for a girls’/kids’ night.

“Babe, you can stay,” I tell Dawn. I feel like I’m begging her.

“No way. Reagan is making that buffalo dip I love. I’m not missing out on that.”

“You sure? I have wings and pizza being delivered.”

“Hmm.” She taps her finger to her chin, pretending to think it over. “Nope.”

“So, what time will you be home?”

“I don’t know, later. How late do you play?”

“Don’t worry about that. You come back when you’re ready. We want to keep Daisy on a schedule, right? So, nine or so?”

“Mark.” She throws her head back and laughs. “It’s seven thirty now. We’re just going to be at Ridge and Kendall’s. It’s a ten-minute drive from here.”

“I know. I just feel like I’m kicking you out of your own house, and well, if I’m here, I want my girls here too.”

“As soon as the guys get here, you’ll forget all about missing us and be immersed in losing money.”

“Who says I’m going to lose?” I ask, taking Daisy from her and kissing her cheek.

“I mean, maybe you’ll win. We do have a wedding t

o pay for,” she teases.

“Our wedding is going to be the cheapest in history. No venue, my mom and Kendall’s are doing all the food. I can afford to lose a hand or two.”

“Diapers. We have to buy lots and lots of diapers.”

“And stinky formula,” I say in a high-pitched voice, and Daisy smiles. There is nothing in the world better than knowing that smile is because of me.

“Be careful and if you need me to come and get you later, let me know.”

“Mark.” She stops to look at me. “It’s poker night. Have a few beers. Relax. Enjoy a night with no fiancée and kid hanging around.”

“I want you here. Always,” I say adamantly.

“I know that, but you can still kick back and relax. We’re not drinking because we’ll have the kids. I’ll be home in a few hours. Relax.”

“Mommy says to relax,” I tell Daisy. “You would think she would know by now I’m always going to worry about both of you.”

“I love you.” She smiles up at me. “I’m all packed. You want to walk us out to the car?”

“You need her Pack ’n Play?”

“No, Kendall has one I can use.”

“All right, little lady, let’s get you loaded up in the car.” I carry her out to the garage and strap her into her seat, which we usually leave in the car unless we’re going into the store or something like that. We try not to take her out much. She’s still young and people have zero boundaries. They touch babies they don’t know and we don’t know where their hands have been. I shudder at the thought. “Be a good girl,” I say, kissing her cheek.

“Come here.” I pull Dawn to me and kiss the hell out of her. Desire washes over me and I’m close to canceling poker night to ravish her instead. I sleep next to her every single night, but we’re usually exhausted from taking care of Daisy, a long day at work, and the ten million other things that life seems to send our way. It’s been almost a week since I’ve been inside her, and that’s too damn long. “You’re mine tonight,” I tell her, grabbing her ass. Have I mentioned that I love her ass? Round and tight. It’s an ass that looks incredible in yoga pants, jeans, hell, even her scrubs.

“Promise?” she asks, breathless.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance