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He throws his head back and laughs. “You think that you ought to clue her in?”

“There’s no rush. She’s been through a lot. One small step at a time. She’s healing.”

He nods. “She’s lucky to have you,” he says, going all serious on me.

“She’s lucky to have all of us. You were there,” I remind him.

“You’re family. So is she,” he adds. “So, you selling your old place?”

“Nah, I’m going to rent it.” I bought it cheap and did all the renovations myself. Well, the guys helped as well.

“Good source of income,” he agrees.

“That it is,” I say, tossing some noisemakers from their package onto the long table in the living room.

“I’m out. Heading home to change.”

“Thanks for your help.”

“Anytime, brother.” He waves over his shoulder and walks out the door.

Taking a look around, I see the end result of a couple hundred dollars’ worth of cheap decorations, and I’m pleased with myself. Kendall, Reagan, and Dawn are making some dips, Kent is in charge of chips and cookies of all things. His idea, not mine. I didn’t remind him that the kids are going to be here. I know he has a sweet tooth.

Balloons, streamers, and about a dozen other items declaring it the New Year adorn the room. I’ve yet to move any furniture, except for my bed, so it’s basically all open. I bought some paper plates, and forks, spoons, napkins, and cups. I plan on staying here tonight, and I’ve advised the guys that they are too. This place has five bedrooms, plus with a fully finished basement, there won’t be a need for anyone to worry about how they’re getting home. Although, they do need their own bedding. I better remind them while I’m thinking of it.

Group text: Bring blankets and pillows.

Group text: Air mattress if you have it. Only moved my bed.

Ridge: Kendall and I are at the store. Anyone need us to pick up anything?

It’s followed by a picture of an air mattress in their cart.

Seth: Get me one.

Kent: Me too.

Tyler: We’ll bring ours.

Seth: You have an air mattress?

Tyler: Yeah, we “camp out” with the boys in the living room. They love it.

I smile because the boys, his twins, are not even a year old yet. I’m not sure they really understand the concept of camping. However, after the year they’ve had, I’m sure having his wife and babies snuggled up with him at night is exactly what he wants. I know Reagan is big on a schedule for them, as is Kendall with Knox and Everly. My sister is as well with her two kids. Routine is key, she once told me. I never questioned her because what the fuck do I know about raising kids? I know my buddies fell into it seamlessly and they make that shit look easy.

Ridge: Kendall and I are stealing that idea.

Tyler: You’re welcome.

Ridge: Kendall wants to know if you have champagne?

Me: Yes.

Ridge: Glasses?

I add a picture of the plastic champagne glasses that are sitting on the kitchen counter with the rest of the party items I bought yesterday.

Ridge: She’s impressed.

Kent: Suck up.

Seth: Making us look bad.

Tyler: Good job, bro.

With a chuckle, I slide my phone back in my pocket and get back to work. I have to run to my parents’ to pick up a couple of tables and some chairs and then get back here to fire up the grill. It’s freezing-ass cold outside, but there is nothing better than grilled steak. I picked up some chicken for the ladies, well, Dawn mostly, she’s not much of a steak fan. Grabbing my keys, I lock up and head out.

I’m pulling into the driveway of the new house when my phone rings. Glancing at the screen, I see Dawn’s smiling face. “Hey,” I greet her.

“Hey, yourself. Just checking in to see if there’s anything I need to pick up on my way over?”

“I don’t think so. Honestly, I’m not sure. I’ve never been the host before.” I chuckle.

“Tell me what we’ve got so far.”

We. I rattle off what I know as far as food and drinks. “Oh, pack a bag. My bed is all moved so we’re staying here tonight.”

“You sure?”

She’s been doing that a lot lately. Asking if I’m sure I want to spend time with her. “Positive.”

“I haven’t exactly been fun to be around,” she muses.

“Pixie.” I pause, not really knowing what to say. “As long as we’re together, it’s all going to be okay.” That I can promise her. Because as long as I’m breathing, she has a place in my arms. No matter how far she falls, I’m going to be there.

“I don’t know what I would have done without you since… that night.”

“You don’t have to find out.”

“Mark, I— Thank you for all that you do for me.”



“Get your ass over here. It’s been two days since I’ve laid eyes on you.”

“You saw me yesterday morning.”

I glance at the clock on the dash. “It’s after three.”

“That’s hardly two days,” she counters, but I can hear the smile in her voice, which is what I wanted.

“It’s too damn long, woman. Pack a bag.”

“Okay. As soon as I get that done and load up the car, I’ll be over.”

“Be safe.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her that I love her, but I bite down to prevent the words from spilling over. I’m not telling her over the phone. No, I want her in front of me so I can see those hazel eyes as I tell her. I want her in my arms, feeling her next to me when I confess that she’s stolen my heart. Who knows, maybe tonight will be the night.

“Always,” she says before the line goes dead.

Climbing out of the truck, I slide my phone in my pocket and get busy carrying in the tables and chairs. Once I have them all set up in the living room, I remember that I don’t have clothes here either. It’s just before five. Everyone is supposed to be here around seven, so I still have time. Locking up, I dash back out into the cold December weather and head toward home, my old home. I hope to get everything moved this coming week and put it on the market for rent.

“Shit,” I mumble when I realize Dawn should be at the new place any minute. Digging my phone out of my pocket, I hit her contact, and the call connects through the truck’s speakers.

“You forget something?” she asks in greeting.

“I did actually. Clothes. I’m on my way to my place… my old place to pack a bag.”

“I’m actually not far from there. You want me to stop and help?”

“No, you can go on over to the new place.”

“Okay, I’ll just wait for you.”

“No, go on in.”

“Did you not lock the door?”

“No, I did. Check your key ring,” I say, smiling like a fool. I’m glad there’s no one in the truck with me to witness this. Then again, who am I kidding? I don’t give a fuck who knows or sees me.

“Is that…? How did you…?” she splutters.

“That, Pixie, is a key to my new place. I stopped by your office yesterday, and Kendall said you were slammed. Something about triplets or something. So I asked her to grab your keys for me. I slipped the key on and left.”

“You didn’t tell me.”

“Things have been so crazy with getting ready for tonight it slipped my mind when we talked last night.” She had to work late and I was exhausted from working all day, and then with moving my bed and dressers. Seth, Kent, and I went to grab a couple of beers and some dinner. She was drained, so we stayed at our own places. I hated it, not wanting her to be alone. I never want her to feel as if she’s all alone. Which is why as soon as I got the keys, I had one made and dropped it off to her at work. I want her to always know that she has a place in this world. With me.

“I-I don’t really know what to say to that,” she says softly.

“Say, ‘thank you, Mark. I’ll be at your place when you get there.’”

She laughs. A sound that I’ve not heard often enough from her lately. “Thank you, Mark. I’ll be at your place when you get there.”

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance