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“They were, but our computer crimes division is the best. Our guy was able to retrieve feed from your off-site server, even though your cameras were wiped after the fire. Gina was good, but we were better. She tried to cover her tracks well. We were able to use her IP address to follow her tracks. We learned that Gina also logged in multiple times a day into your computer system and made several adjustments to your calendars and orders, and were able to trace that she was the one who tripped your security systems a few weeks ago.”

“Finally,” Harrison says with a loud exhale. “I feel like we knew it was her these last eleven days, but having you confirm it is like a weight being lifted.”

“She was arrested?” Gabby asks, a sad look on her face. After all, she considered Gina a friend the last ten or so years.

“She was brought in last night. She denied everything, of course, but the DA is moving forward with charges. We have solid evidence. She won’t get off on this,” he says, placing the photos back in the folder. “There’s a good chance this will go to trial, if she keeps screaming innocence. If that happens, you’ll all be on the list of witnesses.”

“We’ll do whatever we have to do to bring her to justice,” Harrison informs the man across from him.

Detective Benson just nods. “Well, I’ve taken enough of your time on this Sunday afternoon,” he says as he stands up. “And congratulations on the baby. She’s a beauty,” he adds, a warm smile on his wrinkled face.

Harrison glances at me. “She’s her mother.” Even though that’s not really the case. Sophia is the spitting image of her daddy, with my nose.

Everyone stands up, and the guys walk the detective to the door. I don’t hear what they’re saying, but I’m sure it’s in appreciation of solving the case. After he’s gone, I snuggle into Harrison’s side, happy to know that the Gina mess is behind us. It’s still hard to believe one petite woman caused all this drama.

“So, we’re officially ready to reopen tomorrow morning,” Chase says.

Harrison gives him a nod. “We are. Everything is set,” he confirms.

They hired a cleaning company to come in and scrub everything down. Fortunately, the flooring is painted and sealed concrete, so there was only minimal water damage from the hoses, and that was contained mostly to the locker room. The rest of the building was covered in a bit of soot, but that washed up nicely after an extensive deep clean. They hired a local IT firm to rework their security and computer systems, ensuring no one would be getting back in anytime soon. All in all, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been.

“There’s just one problem left,” Chase says, adjusting Sophia into the crook of his arm.

“What’s that?” Harrison asks, pulling me tighter into his side.

“We still don’t have an office assistant,” his friend reminds him.

“Actually.” Gabby interrupts, stepping around Chase. “I was thinking… what if I was your assistant?” My sister seems nervous and watches Harrison’s expression closely, her own eyes giving away how nervous she is.

“You?” he asks, slightly confused.

“I thought you liked your job at World Travel,” I say, not really sure why she’s suddenly looking for a career change. It’s not that I don’t think Gabby could handle the job, and frankly, she’d be phenomenal as Harrison’s assistant, but she’s never once complained about her current position as a travel agent. She’s been there for years, ever since she graduated college.

My sister averts her eyes. “I do— did, I mean. They made cuts this week. I was laid off,” she adds with a shrug of her shoulders.

“What?” I gasp, shocked that my sister is suddenly without a job. She’s one of four travel agents in the small family-owned company.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Chase asks, his eyes breathing fire at my sister.

Again, she shrugs. “It just happened Friday afternoon,” she says quietly. “Anyway, I know my degree is in hospitality, but I’m a detail-oriented person. I’m timely and I’d never set the gym on fire intentionally,” she adds with a smile.

Harrison watches her for a few long seconds. “You’re serious?”

She nods. “I mean, unless you don’t think you can handle me whipping your ass into shape every day in the office.”

He offers her a warm smile. “I think I can handle you.” He looks over her shoulder at his friend and manager. “What do you think? Can you deal with Gabby telling you what to do on a daily basis?”

Chase gives him a pointed look. “And that would be different than now how?”

Gabby just shrugs. “It’s true. The man’s a mess.”

I can’t help but chuckle at their easy banter. Oh, there’s definitely something going on there. It’s been brewing for some time, but I’m not sure if either of them are ready to finally admit it. I guess only time will tell, especially if they’re going to be working together almost daily.

“Okay. You start Monday. Eight o’clock sharp.”

Gabby beams with excitement. “I’ll be there!”

Harrison turns to face me, keeping his arms wrapped around my waist. “I’m going to regret hiring your sister, aren’t I?” he whispers, swiping his lips across my forehead.

“Oh, definitely. You have no idea what you’re in for.” I giggle, knowing full well my sister is going to run that ship like a seasoned drill sergeant. He exhales and hugs me to his chest.

“Uh, guys?” Chase says, pulling our attention his way. “I’m pretty sure my beautiful goddaughter just shit all over me.”

Gabby gently moves his arm and peeks between him and the baby. “Oh my God!” She bursts into fits of laughter.

“Fix this,” he demands to my sister.

“No can do,” she says, taking a step to the side. “Uncle Chase is going to clean you up now, Princess. You be nice to him,” Gabby says aloud to her sleeping niece. Before she pulls away, she also whispers, “Make sure you pee on him too.” Then she kisses her forehead and heads toward the door.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“Gina’s in jail, which means I’m not in danger anymore. I’m going home to move Chase’s crap out onto the front porch. Then I’m opening a bottle of wine and watching American Horror Story on Netflix.”

“Dammit, woman!” Chase loudly whispers behind my sister so he doesn’t wake the baby. “You’re lucky I’m covered in baby shit right now or…”

“Or what? You’d stress eat ice cream and cover your face with a pillow because you’re being forced to watch scary movies and can’t sleep? Don’t worry, Chase. Your secret is safe with me, little chicken.” Gabby grins, a blinding smile on her face as she heads outside and gets in her car.

Chase sighs.

“You don’t like scary movies?” I ask when the silence is too much.

“Of course I do. I’m a man,” Chase argues.

“He hates them,” Harrison interjects with a smile.

“Fuck off.”

“Come on, Chase. Let’s get you and the princess cleaned up. Then Harrison can take you home since your ride left you high and dry,” I add, smiling at the tic of his jaw. Oh, Chase isn’t happy to be left behind.

We watch as our friend heads up to Sophia’s bedroom, already having a word with our daughter about her explosive diaper issue. “Wait,” Harrison says, stopping me. He returns his arms to my waist and pulls me in close. I can already feel his erection pressing against my stomach.

“Why, Mr. Drake, you seem mighty happy to see me,” I tease, running my lips along the edge of his jaw.

“Oh, I’m always happy to see you, baby. I was just thinking maybe we can do more of that other stuff you showed me early this morning,” he says, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“I do like the other stuff,” I tell him, my lips finding the corner of his mouth.

“My cock really liked it too.” Finally, his lips land on mine in a fierce kiss. “I love you, Winnie.”

“I love you too.”


p; His lips are urgent and hungry as he trails his hands down my sides and around to my backside, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Uh, guys? Still covered in baby shit up here!” Chase hollers down the stairs, making us both laugh.

I start to pull away to rescue our friend when Harrison grabs me again. “He can wait another minute,” he whispers before taking my lips once more in a fierce, hungry kiss that leaves me breathless and yearning for more.

“Not funny!” Chase yells, causing us both to break out into fits of laughter once more.

“Come on, my love. Let’s go rescue our friend from the poopy princess.”

Together, we head upstairs, hand in hand. I never thought this was how our story would go, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have a beautiful daughter and a redo with my husband slash ex-husband slash fiancé. Something tells me this time around will be different. This time around, we’ll get it right.

Because our story isn’t over.

It’s only beginning.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Fair Lakes Romance