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“I miss you,” she confesses. “I miss us.”

“Are you ready to order?” our waitress asks.

I motion for Winnie to order and she rattles off a burger, fries, and chocolate milk. “I’ll have the same, but sweet tea for me,” I say, handing her our menus. “I could have ordered for you.” I chuckle. “You always get the same thing.”

“Why mess with a good thing. Their burgers are so good.” She moans.

“They are.” I reach under the table and adjust my dick. I can’t even listen to her talk about food and not get turned on. “So,” I say, changing the subject. “When should we tell our parents?”

“I don’t know. I was kind of wanting to wait until we reached the twelve-week mark.”

I nod. “You think Gabby and Chase will keep it under wraps until then?”

“I do. They know the position we’re in.”

“We did nothing wrong.”

“No, I know that. It’s just… awkward. I’m pregnant with my ex-husband’s baby. My ex-husband of only a matter of weeks.”

“Does that bother you? Are you… ashamed?”

“No,” she rushes to say. “I just want us to enjoy this a little longer without judgment or expectations.”

I can understand that. “Okay, you tell me when you’re ready.”

“Harrison?” a female voice says from beside me.

Turning, I see a blonde. I can’t remember her name for the life of me. I know I worked with her a few times at the gym. She was a little too handsy, so I passed her off to Chase who was all too willing to take her off my hands.

“I haven’t seen you at the gym,” she says, her voice high and whiney. It grates on my nerves.

“I’ve been busy,” I tell her. I’m short with her, but it pisses me off that she’s interrupting our dinner to talk shop. I’m not even her trainer.

“Chase is great and all, but I was hoping that you could start training me again too. Maybe even the three of us?” she says, licking her lips.

“I don’t do much training these days. Have you met my wife?” I motion to Winnie sitting across from me. “Gwen, this is… I’m sorry I seem to have forgotten your name,” I say as polite as I can, but still getting my point across. It’s an asshole move, but this chick deserves it. She’s being rude as hell. A simple wave or hello is okay, but she’s clearly butting in on purpose. I don’t like it.

“Nice to meet you…” Winnie pauses, waiting for the blonde to fill us both in.

“Michelle,” she spits out.

“Nice to meet you, Michelle,” Winnie says politely.

“I thought you were divorced?” she asks me.

“Nope.” I hate that she’s right, which only serves to piss me off even more.

“Since when?”

“Since the day I married the beautiful woman sitting across from me,” I say, looking into Winnie’s green eyes.

“I guess I’ll see you around, Harrison,” Michelle says, in a way that lets you know she has no intentions of backing down.

“I own the gym, so I’m sure that you will. However, let me make something clear with you, Michelle. I’m happily married and plan to stay that way. I would hate to have to pull your membership.” Her eyes flare and I can tell she’s now good and pissed too. Good. I couldn’t care less if she stops coming to the gym. I won’t stand for her trying to come between me and my wife.

“You wouldn’t.”

“That’s up to you. On a professional level, we’re good. You disrespect my wife again, in any way, you’re gone.”

“That’s no way to run a business.” She places her hands on her hips as if she’s edging for a fight.

“I couldn’t care less what you think or anyone else for that matter. My wife, that’s who I care about. So watch yourself, Michelle.”

“Whatever.” She tosses her long blonde hair over her shoulder and storms off.

“That was… unexpected.”

“Uncalled for is more like it.”

“You were kind of rude.”

“Good. That’s exactly what I was going for.”

She studies me. Our food is dropped off before she says anything. “That’s different.”

“I’ve tried life without you. It’s not something I ever want to experience again. I’m not going to let the Michelles of the world be the reason.”

“I can see right through her, and I know you, Harrison. Cheating was never the issue.”

“Good. I’m glad. Regardless, I have zero patience for her, or anyone like her. You’re sitting across from me. She acted like you weren’t even here.”

“But I am,” she says soothingly.

“Damn right, you are. I intend to do whatever it takes to make sure that never changes.”


“Yeah?” Her green eyes are bright even in the dim light of this corner booth.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Four words. Four words that seem to ease my soul and lift the bricks off my shoulders. We’ve only just started this dating thing, but I have her assurance that she’s with me in this. That’s more than I could have hoped for this soon. I’ll take it.

“I love you, Winnie. I love our baby, and if it takes being rude to any woman who thinks that she can come between us to prove that, I’m all over it.”

She laughs. “Eat your burger.” She reaches across the table and steals a fry, even though she has a plate full of her own. I put my arm around my plate, protecting my food, and she laughs even louder, the sound surrounding me.

It’s beautiful.


“I am eating for two,” she teases.

“In that case…” I act like I’m going to slide my plate to her, and she holds up her hands to stop me.

“Tell me what’s going on at the gym. Have you hired an admin assistant yet?”

I nod, holding up a finger letting her know I need to finish chewing before I can answer. “Yes. Chase and I interviewed the woman Gabby knows. We offered her the job earlier today. Just waiting to hear back.”

“Good. It sounds like she’ll be a good fit.”

“Yeah, seems like she has the industry knowledge.” I grab a fry and smother it in ketchup. “How about you? Any interesting stories from your kids?” I ask, popping the fry into my mouth.

“Every day. Today, it was show-and-tell. Jess brought her clogging shoes and showed us how she’s learning to clog. She’s just learning, so she’s basically just bouncing around making noises with her shoes. The class all clapped for her and cheered her on. Anyway, when she was seated, Joey raised his hand. He wasn’t on the list for show-and-tell, but I called him up to the front of the class. When I asked him what his talent was, he said: “I can clog too.” I was intrigued so I asked him to show the class even without his shoes. He said, ‘Mrs. Drake, I clog toilets.’ He fell into a fit of giggles as did the rest of the class.”

“Where do these kids come up with these things? I don’t know how you keep a straight face.”

“It’s hard at times. Luckily on days like today, they’re too busy laughing. I have time to compose myself before getting them in order.”

“I can’t wait.” I place my crumpled napkin on my plate. “I can’t wait for our baby to get here, and witness all the crazy things he or she says and does. I mean, Chase and Gabby alone are bad influences enough. Not to mention, other kids,” I say jokingly.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Fair Lakes Romance