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I made my way through the darkened hallways, cutting across moonlit beams that sliced through the windows.

Without really knowing why, I headed outside, sliding the oversized glass doors out of my way and padding by the pool. The fountains ran over a manufactured rock wall that concealed a grotto, and I found the ambient trickle of water to be ridiculously comforting. I almost curled up and sat cross legged by the poolside to drink it all in, but something drew me into the soft grass and toward the lake.

I found Cassian sitting there. His broad back highlighted with silver light and his strong, veined and muscle-clad arms planted to either side of him. He half-turned his head at the sound of my footsteps. “Sup, stalker?”

I gave a wry smile, sitting beside him and leaning on his shoulder. “I couldn’t sleep. You?”


We sat quietly for a while, neither of us feeling any need to break the silence. A thought bubbled to the surface unexpectedly, and I found myself voicing it before I could think twice.

“What if we’re not forever?”

Cassian tilted his head down at me. “What do you mean?”

“I know I should just be happy that we’re together now. But the more I feel for you, the more it terrifies me that it might not last.”

“Hey,” Cassian tilted my face up, planting a tender kiss on my lips. “We didn’t just happen to get together. There’s so much fucking gravity between us that it was inevitable. That’s what it is, Charli. Gravity. It has been since we were kids.”

“Gravity, huh?” I smiled out at the water. “I like that.”

He put his big arm around me, holding me tight. “Gravity doesn’t fade. Neither will we. Forever. That’s what this is. It’s for fucking ever, whether you like it or not.”

“I like it.”

He chuckled. “Also, if the whole gravity thing doesn’t work out. I also refuse to let you go anywhere. I’ll just pull your ass back in myself. So get used to it.”

I smiled. I knew adults would probably say I was just a dumb teenager for thinking I knew what love was. But I’d happily tell them they were just dumb adults for not realizing how obvious it was.

I loved him. I loved him so much it hurt. So much it made my heart want to sizzle with frustration.

We’d both pushed and pushed each other away as much as we could, but it only made the inevitable crash together stronger.43Epilogue - CharliEpilogue – Charli

Cassian had offers to play football for almost any school he could’ve ever wanted. Unfortunately, even my obsessive practice at sprinting only earned me a partial scholarship to a single, local college. But sure enough, Cassian had followed me there.

We were halfway through the football season, and he was single-handedly elevating the team to record breaking levels. He was also drawing attention from NFL scouts.

Watching him made me happy, because the last part of our senior year of high school had lifted a cloud from him. Football had been an outlet for his anger before. Now, he was passionate about it. He worked out even harder than before, and he took his practices seriously enough that he was studying playbooks before bed.

I had no illusions about my own future as a track star. I was passably average, and it was enough to help me pay for college. I still had to take a job waiting tables at a restaurant on campus to pay the rest. Cassian had tried a few times to help me financially, but eventually gave up.

I met him after his practice outside the school library. He wore a muscle shirt that gave a tantalizing view of his sculpted pecs and huge arms. I sank into his hug, kissing his neck and rubbing my nose against his chest until he laughed.

“So,” I said after we’d talked a few minutes. “I want you to meet my dad again. I know you knew him when we were kids, but this would be official. As my boyfriend.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “You’re sure?”

I nodded. “He behaved at graduation. He hasn’t been pestering me. And I checked in last week. He’s still holding his job in Silver Falls. If the rumors can be believed, he’s staying sober, too. I think it’s time I give him a chance to start making things right.”

Cassian kissed my nose. “I’ll play nice. But if he fucks with you—”

“I don’t need my black knight. Not for this. He’s my dad, and my problem.”

I could tell it tore Cassian up to accept that, but he nodded anyway. I loved that about him. He was almost comically protective—even to the point that he’d probably have to be banned from coming with me to doctor’s appointments for fear that he’d murder the first person to put their hands on me. Still, even through his over the top possessiveness of me, he cared more about my own growth. My well-being.

Tags: Penelope Bloom Ash and Innocence Romance