Page 7 of Stefano's Peach

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It’s funny that all of this has barely taken a minute, but in that little amount of time, I know everything has just changed. I can see the evidence of her arousal as her nipples push against her blouse, offering themselves to me, taunting me. What the fuck is she doing in here? She is too fucking young to be trying to have a baby on her own. I look down at her ring finger as the thought of her belonging to someone else makes me feel like a hulk smash. When I see no mark or claim on her hand, I relax a little, but it still doesn’t answer the question.

“Miss Baldwin, you forgot your prenatal vitamins. You should start taking them today so when a couple selects you, you are already used to them.” the nurse says handing her a bag. Her cheeks get redder, obviously embarrassed by the dumb ass nurse breaching her confidentiality by telling her all of that in the middle of the waiting room. I will take care of that later. Right now, I need to get her into a room and let her know why she isn’t going to be carrying anyone else’s baby but ours. Taking my eyes off her for one moment to look for an empty room, I look back to where she is supposed to be and she is gone. I catch a flash of her gold hair trailing behind her as she runs out of the door.

“What was her name?” I ask the nurse.

“Who?” she asks me. I look at her giving her my bullshit face.

“Who the hell do you think. The young lady that just ran out of here. Who the fuck is she?”

“I’m sorry sir, patient confidentiality…”

“Screw your fucking policy. I need to know who she is. Is she here for insemination? Is it for her? Is she a surrogate?” I know I look like a maniac right now, but she is skating on thin ice.

“Sir, please. I can’t...”

“I will buy this whole damn clinic if you don’t tell me what I need to know. Who is she and why is she here?” she must see the insanity building in me. Walking away from the desk, she walks into an office of who I assume is the doctor. A man about the age of my uncle Ralph walks out of the office and looks at me.

“I understand we have a problem Mr…?”

“Baltierra, and yes, we are having a fucking problem. Your nurse won’t give me the name of the young girl that just walked out of here.” I know I sound like a crazy asshole right now. I know all about confidentiality. It is vital for my business but nothing about how I am feeling makes sense right now and I am not going to bother with trying to fix it.


“Enough with the damn sir. If I don't get some answers, I am going to have my lawyer buy this clinic by the end of the day and all of you will be without a job,” I say breathing as if I just ran a 10k. His face turns red as he tries to hold his composure. Welcome to the club. He huffs as he turns to his nurse and nods, giving her the go-ahead. She hands me the file and suddenly, air returns to the room. I step away from the desk and take a deep breath before opening it. Her name is Kalera. Unique, beautiful, and delicate, like her. Shit. She is only eighteen? Hell, Stefano, she is barely old enough for you to sniff her innocent, sticky pussy. Huh, apparently my cock doesn’t care. Hungry bastard.

Continuing to look over the file, she is from a small town I have never heard of in Oregon. My little one is a long way from home. She has a twin sister named Victoria and she is going to New York University. She’s smart. That is no cakewalk to get into. Expensive though. I wonder if that is why she is doing this. I find myself rubbing the photo in her file as I stare at her plump peach-colored lips. I bet her nipples are the same color and sweet like her pussy. I wonder if her little asshole is going to taste the same? Damn it. I have got to get it together. Adjusting my pants before I turn to the desk, I clear my throat. “I am assuming she was just in here for a preliminary exam before getting put on the list. Am I right?” The nurse looks toward the doctor for permission. Once again he nods, knowing I am not issuing idle threats.

“Yes,” she answers.

“Perfect. If you look on your list, I have an appointment with you today as well. I was in need of a surrogate... until now. This is what is going to happen instead. You are going to call her, tell her she has been chosen already, and set a date for two weeks from now, to give the vitamins time to work through her system, for her to come in and be inseminated. Instead of the normal way your clinic operates, you are going to use her own egg and my sperm and put it back inside of her. Do you understand?” they both look appalled at my words. Like I give a shit.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic