Page 10 of More Than Most

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“It’s fine, baby. Ava comes to work with Mike all the time. Especially when she is pregnant because he doesn’t like to leave her alone.” I remember when he found out she was pregnant the first time. He lost it. He had couches brought into the building along with having an extra bathroom built in that was only for women. He said she needed a disease-free room to take care of her personal business. He only let her sit in his office most days. Away from the fumes he would say. She would simply roll her eyes at him and laugh as she kissed him and shook her head. I used to think he was overreacting. But I can totally see it now. She is not even pregnant yet...well...not that we know...and I am on high alert. I am also more than grateful that the bathroom he had built was on the other side of the building, away from the men’s room.

“Curtis. What brings you in this early? I thought you were doing nights?” I turn and see Mike walking up with his arm around Ava.

“I was.” I say pulling Yvette into my side. “But I no longer need to.” I say the last part looking at her, my chest swelling as her face heats up. Turning back toward my boss, his eyebrow quirks up as he looks at me.

“I see. Good for you. Are you going to introduce us? I assume she is going to be here often.” He’s got that right.

“Yvette, I would like for you to meet my boss Mike and his wife AvaLynn. This is my Yvette.”

“It is so nice to meet you, Yvette. It’s about time there is another woman here besides me. Being surrounded by all these men can be a bit much.” AvaLynn says shaking Yvette’s hand.

“You are not surrounded by anyone. You better not be. You should be in my office, doing whatever it is you do. Who the hell is around you when you’re here?” Mike asks her, his temper going up as he thinks about his wife talking to other men. I can’t say I blame him. I have clocked four of the guys looking at Lil Bit with merely curiosity in the few minutes we have been here, and I am barely stopping myself from bashing their heads in. I want no one looking at her.

“Oh, for goodness sake. Calm down. It was a joke. Geesh.” Ava says as she hits his chest and rolls her eyes.

“There is nothing funny about that, love. Now, has my son been fed?” His hand rubs her burgeoning belly as he looks at her with adoration. I can’t help but feel a bit of envy, wishing it was Yvette’s belly.

“He could use some food. Why are you offering?”

“Always. Come one. Let’s go eat. You got this, Curtis?” he looks at me before he walks away.

“I do. See you later.” He turns to go when Ava turns back to Yvette.

“Make sure to get my number from Curtis. We should go out. Us girls have to stick together. Ya know.” Mike and I share a look, the meaning clear. They won’t be going much of anywhere without us.

“I will. Thank you. My best friends are awesome too. You will love them.” Yvette tells her, her voice full of enthusiasm.

“Awesome. The more the merrier.” They walk out the door. Grabbing Yvette’s hand, I drag her to my office, my frustration and a plan old fashion need to stake my claim rearing its head. I lock the door and turn toward her.

“Pull your pants down and bend over. This is going to be quick, baby. I need to put my seed inside of you again and make sure everyone knows you belong to me. Do it!” I growl unbuckling my belt. She licks her lips and does what I say, her eyes getting cloudy and filled with want. Pushing her chest down onto my desk, I spread her legs farther and lean over her. “Did you like all the guys in the shop staring at you?” I say as I shove my cock inside of her, hard and with force. Our bodies meet with a loud smack, over and over. Her voice, carrying as she screams my name over and over. “That’s right baby. Scream it so everyone knows who you belong to.” Grabbing her hair, I pull it back and continue to fuck her like my life depends on it. Because it does.

“Curtis. Curtis. I’m coming!!!” she screams. Her pussy squeezes my cock and forces him to release the life that is going to make us a family.

“Fuck! Me too. Take it, baby. Take my son. Fucking take!” I roar. I swear my whole office shakes with the force of this release. She lays her head on my desk, breathing deeply in and out. I, however, am not done. “On your knees baby. Clean him off.” Holding her hand, I help her onto the floor and smack her lips with the head of my snake. “You wanted it didn’t you?”

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance