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Her breath slammed out of her body, her fingers pinching her other nipple hard. She was more than sensitive. He swore he could feel a spasm between her legs through the silk holding him captive. He drew her breast into his mouth, his teeth tugging on her nipple, and then he flattened his tongue and drove it to the roof of his mouth. Before she could catch her breath, he suckled hard. Deep. Using teeth, tongue and the heated moist interior of his mouth, he drove her up fast.

She cried out, a small sound somewhere between fear and need. Instantly he pulled back, licking her nipple lightly, his mouth wandering over the soft mound, occasionally stopping to suck on her soft skin, raising bright red brands.

She smoothed back his hair, breathing hard. "Is it always like that?"

"It gets better, baby. This is just a small taste of what it will be like when you're in my bed."

Her eyes were enormous. Shocked. Hungry. Definitely wanting more.

"Tell me what you're feeling? Do you like this?"

She nodded slowly, her eyes so green they gleamed at him. She looked sexy, so hot he could barely breathe looking at her. She didn't have any inhibitions. She didn't make judgments about right and wrong. She was afraid, but it was all new, and she had trust issues. He had to give this to her. Let her feel in control.

"This is amazing. It is better when your mouth is on me," she admitted. "But it's scary at the same time."

"Doesn't that add to the excitement? To what you're feeling?"

She didn't take her gaze from his when she nodded.

"Untie me, baby. Let me show you what you really need."

She thought it over. He could see how much she wanted to, but she just couldn't. There was too much fear of the unknown--of him. He was incredibly strong, and he had his own talents. Just the difference in their sizes gave him all the advantages. He saw the regret in her eyes.

"You could do something to me I didn't like." You could hurt me.

He felt the echo of her fear in his gut. She really was terrified of him--of more than what he could do to her physically. And that made her terrified for him. She still thought of herself as a monster. If she were hurt, she would strike out.

"It's all right, Cayenne," he assured her gently. "This works for me, but you need to know, something doesn't work when you're in my bed, you just tell me, we'll stop immediately. Always. If you're just afraid because you don't know what is coming, we'll stop and talk about it. When you're in my bed, I want only pleasure for you--for us. So if you need this time to explore and feel in control, take it."

"You're not upset with me?"

"Baby." He said it softly. "How can I be upset with you? Look at you, you're absolutely beautiful and so sexy I can't believe what a lucky man I am. Of course I want my hands on you. And my mouth. I want my cock inside of you. I want to make you scream with pleasure."

She blinked. Her lashes fluttered and her face flushed. Her hands crept up to her breasts involuntarily. "You can do that?" Her voice came out breathy. Excited. Shocked.

"Yeah, baby, I can do that. Slide your hand down your body, Cayenne, but do it slow. Feel that glide of your palm. Over your belly. Down lower. In those tight curls. Stroke the hourglass with your fingers." He wanted to stroke that hourglass. His fingers itched to do so. His mouth salivated, needing to trace that red outline with his tongue.

She took a breath and then complied, following the image of his hand as it slid down her body from her breasts to her belly button.

"I'll be spending some time getting acquainted with your body, Cayenne," he said softly, his own breath hitching, becoming labored. She was more than sensual. Her fingers sliding down along the path in his mind. He couldn't feel the soft silk of her skin, but watching was hot.

"See all those drops of cream caught there? I'd use my tongue to get every last one. Curl your fingers inside where I want to touch. Feel all that sweet, spicy honey? That's mine. That's for me. I want that. I can't get it myself so you'll have to do it for me."

She gasped as her fingers disappeared inside. His breath slammed right out of his lungs, leaving him burning.

"Fuck, baby, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life. Feed it to me. I need that right now. Bring your fingers out coated with my honey and feed it to me." His voice was hoarse. His fist pumped harder.

She withdrew her fingers and held them out to him. He opened his mouth, without leaning toward her, forcing her to lean into him, burning his chest with her sex as she pushed her fingers gently into his mouth. He closed his lips around them, his tongue curling and stroking to get off every last drop of honey.

"That's not enough, baby," he said softly. "I need more. You can't just give me a taste and then take that away. It's mine, and now I'm starving for it. Crawl up here. Close. You'll be in control so don't be scared. I can't hold you down like I want to and eat you until you're screaming for mercy, but I can show you a little of what it can be like."

"I don't understand." But she was already moving her body toward his face, caught up in the sexual spell woven so tight between them--the temptation to know more drawing her to him.

"Open your knees wide, Cayenne. Scoot a little more until your thighs are on either side of my face." He breathed the wild, exotic scent of her into his lungs. Need was so strong he found himself shaking. He didn't do that. Ever.

He had never once, in all the fantasies he'd had, all the times he took a woman, envisioned this. Unable to use his hands. One fist tight around his throbbing, pulsing cock, so engorged his skin felt as if it might burst. If someone had asked, he would have said he would hate it, but now, he'd never burned hotter.

"If you get too scared, you can just inch away. But let me have this. You know it's mine. You know you are. Your body is. Push forward, baby and keep your knees wide. Put one hand on the mattress beside my head. Remember, you're in control. You need to grind down, do it. You need to move your hips, do it."

"I don't want to hurt you." The fear was pressing in on her again, but the lure of knowing more, receiving more pleasure--pleasure she'd never known in her life--sharing this with him, was even stronger.

Her gaze remained steady on his. "No one's ever given me the things you have, Trap. It's terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I dream of you. Usually when I dream, well--things aren't nice. But when you're there, you change everything. I didn't know I could feel like this. Physically or emotionally."

That was his woman, honest no matter what. She had no idea how to lie to him, and he loved that. He needed it. In his own way, the ride was both terrifying and exhilarating to him. He was taking his one shot at the dream of having someone of his own. Someone who really cared about him, not his money or prestige. Not the awards he'd gotten for his research or getting her picture in magazines or on television because she was on his arm. Never once, with all the times he'd been with a woman had his emotions been just as strong as his physical reaction, and with Cayenne, he found both were off the Richter scale.

"Neither did I," he admitted. For her. Because she deserved to know.

"Trap." She leaned down, right over the top of his face, creating a cocoon with her body, showing him just how flexible she really was. "I wouldn't want to share this kind of pleasure with another man." Her voice was a soft whisper, but the words penetrated deep, wrapped around his heart and squeezed like a vise at the admission.

"Baby," he said softly. "You're killing me. You have no idea what I want to do to you right now. It's a fucking good thing you've got me tied up in all your silk. Lean over me, one hand by my head. I want to eat all that honey. I'm starving for it."

He sounded starving for it, his voice hoarse with need. His mouth watered. She smelled like honeysuckle. Jasmine. A wild storm building.

She did exactly as he instructed, her eyes on his face as she pressed her hand into the mattress on one side of his head.

"Work your breast, Cayenne," he instructed. "Tilt into me."

Then his tongue was there. Right where he wanted.

Needed even. That first taste sent a shudder of pleasure through his body, and she jerked, gasped, a small cry escaping.

Yeah, baby, it's that good. This is what I can do to you. Take you all the way with my mouth. It's even better with my fingers. And when I get my cock inside you, you're going to be screaming for me.

I'm already going to be screaming. This is even more terrifying. But good. So good.

He wished he had his hands to hold her in place. Knees wide. Her body trembled continually, and her breath came in ragged pants as he stroked long, deep caresses, drawing out the honey and taking it into his mouth--taking her into his mouth. She tasted like heaven. Like his. He used his tongue like the weapon of seduction it was, pulling out every stop. Giving this time to her. Making it all about her.

Her little sobbing gasps began to rise from silent to a musical symphony he was fast becoming as addicted to as he was to her taste. When he began to gently suckle on her clit she jerked away from his assault.

No, no, baby. Let yourself go. Give yourself to me.

It's too much. I can't stand it. I can't.

Take a deep breath and relax. Let go. I swear to you, I've got you. I can't force you to do anything you don't want, Cayenne. This is all you, honey. You like this, right?

Too much. I like you too much.

There it was. Her fear that if she let go, she was giving herself fully to him. He couldn't combat that because it was the truth. He'd tried sweet and gentle. He tried going along with her to give her the confidence to come to him. He wanted this for her. He wanted her to know just how good it could be. It was time to take a different route, see if commanding her worked, because he wasn't getting anywhere with coaxing her.

Damn it, Cayenne. You fucking know you belong to me. You know it. Stop playing games in your head and just do what the fuck I tell you to do. I can't touch you and comfort you because you're the one dictating the terms here. You've handicapped me. Completely. This is it, all I can give you, so get your sweet little body where it belongs and let me give this to you.

Her eyes moved over his face. He kept his gaze on all that startling green. The facets were back, very much in evidence. She was trembling, but his demand worked. She swallowed hard and moved back over his face, closing her eyes.

No, baby, look at me. He gentled his voice. She was so beautiful. So vulnerable. He wanted her to come apart for him. For her. So she knew pleasure. He wanted to be the one who gave her pleasure. I want you to see me when I give this to you. You need to understand what's happening here. I want your acknowledgment that you do. I need to see that in your eyes.

He waited. He could feel her heartbeat, the pulse of life, of fear right there in the heart of sex. The scent of all that sweet, spicy honey waiting for him to collect called to him, but he held on, not moving. Waiting. She took a deep breath and lifted those long feathery lashes. Giving him that. Giving him her.

He settled his mouth over her and took what belonged to him. Nothing in his life had ever been as good as this moment. He took her back up slow. Leisurely. Talking to her softly. Intimately. Mind to mind. Whispering how beautiful she was. How brave. How lucky he was that she was his. To let go. Relax. Take the chance. With him. Trust him. He'd catch her. He'd be there for her. He made that vow. He would be there for her.

He knew she would capitulate, because if there was one thing for certain he knew about Cayenne, she didn't lack courage. She might be terrified, but she faced the unknown, head-on. Her breathing changed. The music started again. The ragged hitches in her breathing.

That's my girl. Let yourself go. Move your hips, baby. That's it. Don't stop, just let go. Grind down. Let go.

He stared into her green eyes. Saw shock. Saw dazed wonder. Saw the exact moment when she became his. Her mouth formed his name. He became her talisman. Her sword. Her shield. Her everything. She became his. His heart went crazy. That look pierced deeper even than his heart. He took her down gently, his tongue lapping. Tenderly. Wanting to hold her. Needing to hold her.

Baby, let me free now. You need my arms around you. My body sheltering yours. Come on, you can't still be afraid of me.

Her lashes fluttered. She took another breath, still trying to draw enough air into her lungs to stop the burning. She shook her head and moved back away from him, to stare down at his face. He smiled at her, trying to be encouraging.

"I've got you all over my face."

He did. She was everywhere. Just the scent of her was enough, but giving her that first orgasm had nearly sent him over the edge. Knowing he'd put that look on her face gave him more satisfaction than anything else. Deliberately he licked his lips, taking in the sensual treat.

"Babe. Let me loose."

She moved, that sensuous slide of her body back down over his to the end of the bed where she crouched, watching him. He'd never seen anything as beautiful as her naked body, the fluid way she moved, muscles rippling beneath all that soft, inviting skin. Her breasts were marked with his possession. Strawberries covering them. Red. Swollen. Her nipples tight.

"You take my breath away," he admitted. "So damned beautiful, Cayenne. Come on, baby. You had your fun. Untie me."

She shook her head, her gaze dropping to his cock. "I'm not finished. I want more. I need more, Trap."

His heart began to pound all over again. Hunger was stark and naked in her eyes. With her flushed body and her breasts swaying with every ragged breath, he nearly lost control right then, spilling more of his seed onto the throbbing, jerking head of his cock.

"I don't know if I can take much more," he said softly.

"You gave me such a gift, Trap. I need to know I can do the same for you."

He groaned, his cock swelling in his fist. Aching like a bear. He tried to be as gentle as possible, talking to her as honestly as possible. "Baby," Trap said softly. "I'm trying to give you everything you need. I want that for you. I want to be that for you, but you're killing me here. I don't know how much more I can take."

Cayenne's lashes fluttered. Her palm shaped his ankle, fingers settling around on either side as if she had to hold on to anchor herself. "I'm not certain what you mean."

He tried to stifle another groan escaping in his spite of his resolve. "I don't want to come on my gut, honey. I prefer your body or your mouth. I don't want to be acting like some teenage boy with no control. That's not going to make much of an impression on you, now is it?"

She swallowed, and the action of her throat sent another groan rumbling up his chest. It wasn't a big jump to imagine his cock there, her swallowing as he pumped into her mouth. In his fist, he nearly exploded, pulsing, leaking so much that his shaft was slick from the movement of his thumb swiping and drawing the liquid down to coat the spiked steel in his palm.

"You're making an impression, Trap," she said softly. "I like the images in your head. Seeing what you're seeing and sharing the feeling makes my body feel hotter and more out of control. My breasts ache, and inside, something is coiling tight and burning me so that I feel restless and needy just like when you were eating me."

"That's exactly how you're supposed to feel, Cayenne. See? You're not going to have any problem with this. Untie me now, baby, and let me show you just how good this is."

She pressed her lips together and then resolutely shook her head. His breath left his lungs in an explosive roar of protest. He almost blew it by moving through the silk. He could move through walls. To rescue her, he'd done that. Silk would be easier, but Cayenne needed to feel in control. Trap imposed a rigid discipline, clenched his teeth and forced himself to remain still, not taking control from her, although he had known all along he could have. This night was hers. Whatever she needed--even if it killed him--and it might.

She moved again, one hand, one knee. Slow. He wasn't certain his heart could take the way her body undulated, fluid and sexy as she crawled toward him again from the end of the bed. She wedged her knee between his legs. He should have felt vulnerable, but he was a GhostWalker and he had

enhancements she wouldn't know or consider. Or if she did, she didn't realize just what he could do. Her concentration was fully on his erect cock. Jackhammers tripped in his head. His blood thundered in his ears and rushed through his veins with the force of a fireball. He liked that she was watching so intently. His fist tightened around his shaft. He pumped. Up. Down. A lazy slide, when there was nothing lazy in his mind.

Her other knee joined the one between his legs and he shifted to accommodate her, spreading wider. "What do you plan to do now, baby?"

His voice had gone low. Enticing. Smoldering. She was over the top of his thighs now, her face so close to his cock. Her lips just out of reach. There was no thrusting up, filling her mouth. She was in control, not him. His thighs were spread wide enough to allow her body between his legs. Her hair fell over his skin like a dark waterfall. He swore a thousand fingers danced over his thighs and brushed along his heavy sac.

"I want to taste you. Feel what it's like to have you in my mouth."

"You don't have to take that, Cayenne. I'll give that to you. But I need to touch you. Get this silk off me."

She shook her head without looking up. "You want your cock in my mouth. I see it in your mind. You want me sucking you. My hands on you. I'll give you that, but my way--not yours. I don't want to be afraid of you, Trap, or of any of the things you want to do to me."

"So this is an experiment?"

"It's how I have to learn."

Another groan escaped, this one deep and hungry. He had to give her this no matter the cost to him. "No biting, babe," he cautioned, his cock jerking hard in his fist at the thought.

Her gaze jumped back to his cock. A slow smile curved her mouth and lit the green of her eyes. "A little fear can add to the excitement of what we're doing here."

She quoted him nearly word for word--threw his words back in his face and left him wondering if she intended to bite him.

"You bite me and there's going to be all sorts of trouble. I love your ass. I really do. That sweet curve would look good with my handprints on it, all warmed up and nerve endings screaming for more. You'd be so wet for me, baby. Let me up. Let me make you feel good."

Tags: Christine Feehan GhostWalkers Paranormal