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“The other two daytime managers for the other clubs down there as well?” Czar asked, ignoring the byplay between his newest team member and Alena.

Absinthe knew Czar never missed anything. He was well aware of the tension between them. Alena wasn’t happy Destroyer was a member of their chapter and Destroyer was well aware of it. He simply didn’t care. No one could survive the prison he’d been in for the years he had without becoming one tough, brutal being. He was an enigma.

Absinthe had faith in the president of Torpedo Ink. Czar had never steered them wrong or misjudged anyone. He had personally vouched for Destroyer. That meant he knew more than the rest of them. He might not feel it was his right to share everything with them, but he believed in the man. That was enough for Absinthe. Clearly, it wasn’t for Alena and it might not be for some of the others. Destroyer would have to prove himself, although it looked as if he wasn’t in a hurry to make that happen.

“Wings is there, just to the left of Jacko. He’s daytime manager for the Felix Club,” Savage identified.

“Wings is reputed to have been the one to decide the fate of the woman they chose as their example for the other women to cooperate,” Absinthe said. “He came up with the punishment and wrote it all down step by step and sent it to the other managers so they’d all know exactly what to do when they took her. Code sent the emails to us. I read them and you know once I get that shit in my head, I can’t get it out.”

He rubbed at his neck, wishing Scarlet was there. He’d left her with Steele’s team. He knew they’d guard her, but he didn’t like the separation, especially on the heels of their traumatic wedding night. They didn’t have the best start to their marriage, but she was sticking with him. He didn’t know how much sleep she’d actually gotten the night before. He’d been so exhausted after his flashback and confessing everything to her that he’d fallen asleep almost immediately.

Scarlet was dozing when he’d woken in the middle of the night and kissed his way down her body, burying his mouth between her legs, waking her fully, devouring her until she was screaming for mercy. He’d buried himself in her again and again, looking into her green eyes, watching her face when she came apart, seeing the love there. It undid him. Overwhelmed him. It was almost unbelievable to think that she could feel that much for him when he’d told her the truth about his past, but it was there on her face and he was holding her hands, his cock buried deep, and there was no way for her to lie to him.

She had been the one to come to him close to dawn when he was sitting on the edge of the bed, nightmares close. She crawled off the bed, her body feline, sensual, her body movements so perfectly like a cat that he couldn’t stop looking at the way her muscles moved beneath her skin as she crawled up to him. He parted his thighs, beckoning his kitten to him. Immediately she responded, purring, crawling sensuously, rubbing along his inner thigh with her body, her hair, her cheek. She licked with her tongue, sending fire racing up his groin. His cock responded. Then she lapped at his sac so his balls tightened at the exquisite feeling. Her nails kneaded his muscle and her teeth nipped along his inner thigh then her tongue worked him, sliding up his balls to curl and tease along the base of his shaft.

He had dropped his hand in her hair and sighed contentedly, demons dispersing under her ministrations. He had been remembering how he had tried so hard to die. To just slip away after he had lost all those he had trained. Demyan had held him while Lana sang to comfort him. Steele healed his vicious wounds. The others had watched over him. All the while Demyan had whispered to him day and night about the kittens and how he needed them. How he loved them and wanted them to comfort him. How he had to care for them.

Demyan told him repeatedly that there was a kitten somewhere out in the world, one in desperate need of him, to take care of her, to provide for her, give her food and water. Give her special treats, the warmth of his cock. She wanted to snuggle with him. Show off for him with his brothers only so she was always safe. She couldn’t have any of those things without him. It was the only way they had gotten him to come back.

Scarlet had a mouth on her to rival the best of the best and she used it to give him paradise. She didn’t have her tail in and he missed seeing it, the way it rose up in between her gorgeous cheeks, a furry declaration of pride and sass, but it didn’t matter, she didn’t take her green eyes from his. There was love in her eyes and he needed that more than he needed a tail. She was his kitten, his kiska. She was his wife. His everything, because she chose to be. He hadn’t ordered her. He hadn’t used his voice.

Tags: Christine Feehan Torpedo Ink Romance