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I had a bio mid-term this morning, but that didn’t stop us last night when I got home to find both guys naked and erect, standing in the middle of the dorm room dragging my coat off my body the second I walked through the door. Last night ended with me on all fours, Anthony’s cock down my throat as Vin fucked me from behind, his long, thick cock hitting all the right places with every thrust. I never knew that I could take a cock as thick as his, never mind two at once. But there was something so hot about hearing them both groaning, and feeling Anthony’s cock twitch between my lips every time I moaned around his hard length, or being able to clench my pussy tight and feel Vin jump inside me at the same time.

I was sore all over this morning, but I didn’t regret a second of it. That is, not until I walked into my bio class and sat down in front of a mid-term test full of words I barely recognized. Vin smiled at me over his shoulder, trying to reassure me, but I couldn’t think straight. Couldn’t remember any of the terms on this test—all I could think about was how it felt when Vin came inside me with an animal, guttural groan. The way it tasted when Anthony finished a moment later, and his thick cum coated my throat. The way Vin reached around to tease my already-aching clit until I came too, all three of us collapsing in a sweaty heap on the floor of our dorm, catching our breath until we were ready to do it again…

Those kinds of thoughts obviously didn’t help me ace the test.

Now I’m left staring at my exam results, posted on our class website just a few hours later, feeling a sinking knot form in my stomach. Shit. C-.

That grade isn’t as bad as it could have been—considering how little I studied, I deserved much worse. But it’s not the kind of score that will have me acing this course, or getting good placement in a grad school after this.

When I came here, I swore I’d keep my head on straight. Focus on what mattered, and not get caught up in romances or anything stupid. Now, just a few weeks in, I’m already letting these guys go straight to my head. What is wrong with me?

I can’t keep doing this.

I walk back to my dorm, shoulders sagging. All I can think about, yet again, is the look on the guys’ faces when I walk in. I know just how they’ll seem. Anthony gazing at me with his usual bright sunny smile, tinted with a hint of desire. Vin giving me his dark, brooding bedroom eyes, ready to jump my bones the moment I enter. But I need to talk to them instead. I need to tell them to calm down because otherwise, I’ll flunk out of college long before we can fully live out every dirty dream we want to do to one another.

I just hope I can keep my brain in my head long enough to have that conversation. Because it’s not just the guys—every time I see them, I want to rip their clothes off, run my hands over their perfectly sculpted bodies, let them take me however they want to, whenever they want to…

I swallow hard outside the dorm room door and square my shoulders. Right. Here goes nothing.

I push the door open and step inside. For a moment, I feel cowardly relief—the room is dark, no sign of the guys anywhere.

Then arms wrap around me from behind and I feel a weight on my shoulders. I cry out in surprise, but not before a voice greets me.

“Guess who!”

My mouth drops open and I freeze in place, confused. I know that voice, of course. But how could…?

“Nita?” I ask, spinning around to take in my best friend’s inexplicable presence.

“How’s it going?” she asks, beaming.

“What are you doing here?” My head still swims. Last I knew she was on the West Coast.

“I had to come back home for some stuff, figured I’d take an extra Friday off and drop by.” She punches my arm, grinning. “Besides, I was worried about you.”


At the sound of my name, my stomach does another flip, and I turn to find Anthony in the doorway. He’s smiling, polite, but there’s clearly a question in his eyes.

“Hey Anthony,” I say, trying to warn him without speaking to hold his tongue. “This is my friend—”

“Nita,” he supplies with a grin. “We’ve met. How do you think she got into our room?”

Oh. Right. Duh.

“Thanks for that, by the way,” she says, batting her eyes. Then she spins back to me and flashes a wink, hopefully too quickly for Anthony to catch. “Anyway. I wanted to see how you’re doing in person. You know, after that grim text last week. Then I didn’t hear from you all week…”

Over her shoulder, I catch a glimpse of Anthony raising his eyebrows in question. Meanwhile, my mind races, trying to figure out what I last told her.

Oh. Crap. The night after Vin left me in the woods, and I assumed it was because of what I told him. About my virginity…

Anthony is still watching me closely, and I don’t want to get into the full conversation with Nita, not yet. It’s too much to explain. I just shake my head and force a wide, bright smile. “I’m doing good. Sorry, got caught up in school stuff.” Inadvertently, I glance down at the phone in my hand, still open to the page where my exam results show. Unfortunately, Nita follows my gaze, and her eyes widen.

“You’re doing good, really?” she asks, snatching the phone before I can shut it off. She squints at the grade, frowning. “This isn’t like you, Cass. Are you really okay?”

“What’s not like her?” Anthony asks, leaning in, and Nita turns the phone around to show him the grade.

My cheeks flare red-hot, and I snatch it back. Not fast enough to hide the C- on the screen, though. “It’s just one test,” I mumble. “I can make up for it with some extra credit work.”

“Just one test, in your favorite class,” Nita counters, shaking her head. “You definitely need some friend love. I’ll stick around for a while.” She nudges me with a hip, grinning. “Study session tonight? You’re invited too if you want,” she adds to Anthony with a wink, and my cheeks flare for a completely different reason.

He smiles at her, and there’s an unpleasant curl of jealousy in my stomach. But is that even fair? What am I to the guys, just a hook-up? I’m not their girlfriend, am I? So could I be jealous if they wanted to flirt with someone else?

Nita catches my expression and frowns, and I shake my head with a sigh. “Sure. Study session later. But I’ve got to shower real quick, can I meet you downstairs?”

The moment she leaves, Anthony frowns at me. “What’s going on?” he asks gently. “Your friend is worried about you?”

“It’s just school stuff—”

“She didn’t see your grades until just now,” he points out. The door opens again and we both freeze, thinking it’s Nita returning. But it’s only Vin. He crosses the room to kiss my cheek, but I flinch, and now he’s frowning at me too.

“What’s up?” he asks, looking between Anthony and me, picking up on the tension in the room.

“Nita doesn’t know about us, does she?” Anthony asks. But the way he says it, it sounds like he’s upset, almost offended.

Vin tilts his head, eyebrows knitting together. “Nita, the one you mentioned before?” he says, eyes boring into mine. “Your best friend?”

“She showed up for a visit unexpectedly.” I wince, avoiding Anthony’s question.

He isn’t willing to let it drop. “You didn’t tell your best friend that you’re seeing us?”

“I…” I shake my head. Seeing them? Dating them? Is that what we’re doing? I can’t quite bring myself to ask, though, because I’m afraid of what their answer might be. “Nita’s pretty straight-laced. And she knows I’m a virgin. She’d freak out if she learned that my first time… That I’m seeing two guys at once right now. It’s strange, okay, you have to admit that much.” I bite my lip.

But t

he guys’ frowns only deepen. “Are you embarrassed by us?” Anthony scowls.

Vin, for his part, just watches us silently, processing. The pained look on his face sends an arrow straight to my heart. But what can I do? The situation isn’t normal. And Nita would freak out if she knew…

“It’s not that,” I protest. “I just… I need to give her some time. Before I spring something like this.”

“Give her some time,” Vin repeats. “Right.”

I grimace, closing my eyes so I don’t need to watch their faces anymore. “Is that okay?”

“For now,” Vin replies.

When I open my eyes again, both guys are gone, and I wonder with a sinking sensation in my chest if I’ve lost them both.

“Okay, what’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” I ask innocently. Nita sits across from me in the dimly-lit library, brow furrowed as she studies my face rather than the textbook open between us.

“You’re drifting. Did you even hear the last question I asked you?”

“Um… Something about cell structure?” I force a wide smile.

She rolls her eyes. “Cass, this isn’t like you. Normally you’re totally focused. Normally you’re the one making me pay attention. What’s really going on?”

“Nothing,” I reply, too fast and too nervously.

Those wide brown eyes of hers narrow. “Is it the guy you told me about?”

My face flushes. Nita saw Anthony in my room—hell, Anthony let her in. Plus, she’s observant—she probably noticed the photos Vin hung around his bed, of him in lacrosse gear or the picture of him and his little sister posing for the camera. Has she guessed that my complaints about the guy who wouldn’t bang a virgin were about Anthony or Vin? Or that the two guys I was choosing between are my roommates?

“It’s not exactly that…”

She rolls her eyes. “Cass, I told you, he’s an asshole, whoever he is. Get over him. And hey, weren’t there two guys chasing you for a while? Who’s the other one?”

Tags: Penny Wylder Erotic