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A chuckle went through her. “Well, we didn’t have hours. Someone’s always showing up at Guidry Place.”

Which was precisely why he needed to figure out a way to spend nights with her. All week long every time he figured out a way to get his hands on her, one of her brothers would show up to help. Or her friends would drop by with snacks. It was lovely, but deeply frustrating.

He cupped her luscious backside and turned his chin up to look at her. “Maybe after we get caught a couple of times, they’ll know to knock before walking into your house.”

She gasped as he turned and moved them onto the bed. He covered her with his body and finally had her exactly where he wanted her.

“Harry,” she said with big wide eyes. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I think it’s the perfect idea.” It wasn’t. The perfect thing would be to spend every night and every morning with her, to tie himself so tightly to her that no one would expect she would be alone. He was fine with being known as the couple who couldn’t keep their hands off each other. It was true. Anytime she was in a room, he wanted to touch her.

He lowered his lips to hers and felt that sigh he’d talked about. It softened her and made him feel welcome. Like he was coming home. Her arms wrapped around him and drew him in. He kissed her over and over again, doing exactly what he’d wanted to do all week long—take his time, explore every inch of her body.

He loved the way she gasped when he kissed her breasts and settled his lips on her nipples, pulling on them and lavishing them with affection. The feel of her hands tightening on his back, the bite of her nails digging in, made his whole body tighten with anticipation.

But he wasn’t done with her yet. Not even close. He’d learned how good it could be to wait, to draw out the moment until he thought he couldn’t wait a single second longer to have her.

He kissed his way down her body. He wouldn’t make her wait at all. He would give her everything he had, and only when he thought she couldn’t take it anymore would he give in and seek his own pleasure.

“You’re going to drive me crazy, aren’t you?” She whispered the words as her hands fisted in the soft comforter that covered her bed.

It was like she could read his mind. He simply kissed her belly button and moved lower. He slid down her body until he found that sweet part of her that needed so much.

He groaned as he let himself taste her. She was honey and sunshine and sweet arousal.

She cried out and immediately he heard a little whine from the baby monitor.

“Oh no,” Sera said and started to move.

He pressed her legs back into the bed. “Give it a second, baby.”

She relaxed back and they both waited for a moment. Blissful silence. He grinned up at her.

“You need to be a little more quiet, baby.”

“But you’re making me crazy,” she whispered.

“And I’m going to make you even crazier.” He settled back down and eased a finger inside, seeking that sweet spot that would send her over the edge.

She reached out and grabbed a pillow, putting it over her face as she moaned out her pleasure.

He rolled off her and grabbed the condom he’d left on the bedside table.

“Give it to me, Harry.” She was on her knees, her hair wild around her shoulders.

She took his breath away. He handed her the condom and lay back. “You going to pay me back?”

Her lips curled up as she ripped open the condom. “I’m going to take what’s mine, Harry. You’re mine, aren’t you?”

He’d always known she could be fierce when she wanted to be. “I’m all yours.”

He was hers in a way he’d never belonged to anyone. She fit with him. She completed something deep inside him he hadn’t even known was lacking.

She reached down and took him in her hand, eliciting a groan from the back of his throat as she stroked him.

“You’re going to have to be quiet,” she said with a grin.

Yep, it was payback time. He bit back a groan as she rolled the condom on him. Now he was the one holding on to the comforter, trying his hardest not to lose control because she was a sexy goddess about to work her magic.

She took charge, straddling his body and leaning over to kiss him. He could feel the heat of her body as it skimmed against his skin. Everywhere she touched him seemed to heat and throb with the need for more. More touch. More connection. More her.

He flexed his hips, trying to find his way inside. She’d made him forget about anything but making love with her. She sat up and stared down at him for a moment, allowing him to memorize what she looked like, how gorgeous she was in the glowy light that came from the small lamp on her nightstand. He let his hands find her thighs and move up to her hips and waist.

Tags: Lexi Blake Butterfly Bayou Romance