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He stepped out of the hall and into the reception area. He could barely breathe.

Something banged against the walls, the sound louder than the crackling of the flames that had completely overtaken the reception desk.

Major was trying to get the doors open. Armie could find the fire extinguisher, but it was too out of control.

“Sheriff.” Roxie was behind him. “There are oxygen tanks in the back. We need to move fast.”

He hadn’t even thought about that. Where was she?

He waved a hand in front of his face and finally saw a body. He rushed to get to the still form on the floor. She wore scrubs but she was smaller and lighter than his love. Mabel. He checked her wrist and sure enough, she was alive.

If those tanks blew, the whole block might go up. “Roxie, get Mabel out of here and then come back for those tanks if it’s safe.”

“I can’t leave you,” she argued.

“You have to. Start getting those tanks out or we’re going to have more than this building to worry about.”

“He’s in here somewhere,” Roxie insisted.

He couldn’t worry about that now. “I gave you an order, Deputy. I have to find Lila. Get out and have Major help set up a perimeter.”

He moved on as Roxie holstered her weapon and picked up Mabel, getting her over her shoulder in a fireman’s hold. He glanced back and saw her running toward the door. She wouldn’t stay away for long. His orders wouldn’t keep her from putting herself on the line to try to save him.

Some of the smoke cleared and he saw her. Lila was lying on the ground facedown, her arm reaching toward him as if she’d known he was coming.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t alone. Bobby stood over her, the flames illuminating his body and the way he pointed his gun at Lila’s head.

“If I can’t be happy, why should you?” Bobby asked.

Armie lifted his weapon but he knew he would be far too late.

A flame from the couch licked up and struck like a snake. Bobby’s shirt caught fire and he jerked as he pulled the trigger, launching the bullet away from Lila, but toward another target. Armie felt the bullet hit his gut and the pain flashed through him. Bobby screamed as the fire engulfed him.

The sounds would haunt him, but he couldn’t give in to the horror. Lila was too close to that fire, and Bobby could still take her out if he fell on her. He thrashed and tried to drop to the floor, but it was too late.

Armie gripped Lila’s hand and dragged her back. The pain was starting to get to him, but he couldn’t falter. He forced his body to work, holstering his weapon. If another bullet was coming his way, there would be nothing to do but take it. He leaned down and lifted her up even as Bobby’s screams shook the building.

He had to get her out, get her breathing. Was she breathing?

Every step was agony, but he made it to the hall. The fire chased him and he knew there wouldn’t be a way to get those tanks out in time. Roxie met him halfway.

“Joe’s coming in,” she shouted.

He shook his head. “Tell everyone to get back. Those tanks are going to blow.”

She turned and shouted to the men starting to come into the building.

He ran, knowing their time was almost done. Lila hadn’t moved at all. She was dead weight in his arms, but he would stay with her. He would get her out or go with her.

He hit the back door running.

Then the world exploded. He held her close and prayed he could stay with her forever.chapter nineteenThe world was a foggy mess as Armie came to some semblance of consciousness. His whole body felt heavy. Voices pierced the veil of his haze.

“The doctor said it could be a few weeks before he’s on his feet again.”

“I doubt that, hon. That father of yours will be up and irritable as a bear in no time at all,” a familiar voice said. “I’m more worried about how he’s going to handle what happened to Lila.”

Lila. It all came rushing back. They’d been in a fire. They’d nearly died. He’d had her in his arms when the oxygen tanks had exploded.

What had happened to Lila?

“It’s such a shame.” That was Dixie’s voice. She’d been there.

“I know.” His daughter was here, too. “Dad’s going to be so upset.”

He was going to be sick. The fog was all around him and he had to fight his way out of it. Lila. What had happened to her?

He couldn’t have lost her. They’d been so close. They’d come so close to making it out and having the future he’d dreamed about.

“Lila.” The word was mumbled.


He felt someone touch his hand. Noelle. He opened his eyes and her face came into focus. “Where’s Lila?”

Tags: Lexi Blake Butterfly Bayou Romance