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Yes, she totally judged assholes who beat their wives. She forced herself to stand still because while Bobby was a pathetic piece of crap, Donny was a predator. He was the truly dangerous one and he was close, that pistol at the ready.

“What do you think you’re getting out of this?” Mabel seemed to be trying to go for reason. “Bobby, you have to know that the sheriff is in love with Lila. You kill her and he won’t stop looking for you. For what it’s worth, neither will my husband. Oh, Dale will come after you in a scooter, but he’s surprisingly mean.”

Armie would be here soon. How long would it take to finish up the session? How much would Noelle want to do? A spark of terror ran through her.

God, would Armie show up with Noelle? Panic threatened. She couldn’t put Noelle in the line of fire.

“I’ll take you to Carrie. You should talk to her. Maybe you can work this out.” She wouldn’t, but she would do anything to draw this man away from a place where he could potentially hurt Noelle. If it had simply been Armie she was worried about, she would have settled in and let him do his job, but if Noelle was with him . . .

Mabel’s eyes went wide. “But, Lila . . .”

Bobby’s arm relaxed slightly and his face had softened. “You know where Carrie is? She didn’t just run? I knew you probably gave her some money and helped her out, but I didn’t know you took her somewhere.”

He was the weak link. He still wanted to find his wife. Bobby likely thought he was in love with her. His love would be the death of her if he had his way, but she would manipulate those feelings if it meant getting them out of here before putting Noelle on the line.

“I know exactly where she is.” She had him. If she played her cards right, she might be able to get them all out of this building. “I dropped her off. I can talk to her, get her to meet with you. This doesn’t have to end badly.”

When she got him to the car, she would try to figure a way out. The last thing she would do was take him to New Orleans. Armie would see her car was still here. He would see that the back door of the clinic had been jimmied and investigate. He would find the gasoline and make the right connections. God, she hoped the car they were in had GPS he could track.

He would find her. He wouldn’t stop until he found her because that man loved her. She was back in the place where she was fighting for her life, but this time she knew the man who loved her would be by her side. Not physically, of course, but his heart would be with her.

He would be out there and all she needed to do was survive long enough for him to find her.

“I would like to see her,” Bobby said gravely. “I need to apologize to her for that last night. She made me mad.”

“I’m sure she wants to apologize to you, too.” She was close to convincing him.

“Lila, what are you doing?” Mabel asked.

She shook her head vigorously. “We can’t fight them. Maybe we made a mistake. I can take him to her. I know she wants to see him.”

Her heart was racing because they could be here at any moment. Armie would never be able to handle something else happening to Noelle.

“Come on,” she said. “She’s in a safe house. It won’t take us long to get there, but we should go now. The sheriff is on his way.”

Donny frowned his brother’s way. “Tell me you’re not this stupid.”

“It’s not stupid to want my wife back,” Bobby argued.

Donny shook his head. “It’s stupid to think this woman is telling you the truth.” He stood in front of her. “I didn’t want to do this, but we’ve got no choice now. We’ll leave them here and let the fire do its work. Don’t worry. We’ve got an excellent alibi, and I’m sure you’ve pissed off plenty of people. Time to go night-night.”

She started to back away, but he was too quick. He caught her arm and then brought the pistol down on her head. She heard Mabel shouting as the world went dark.

She prayed for one more moment with Armie. Just one where she could tell him she loved him.* * *• • •

Armie jogged down the block, needing so badly to see her. He hoped she hadn’t run. Not that it would matter. He would find her tonight and make things right between them. There was no way he was letting Rene get his rich, pretty hands on her. Lila was his and he would make sure she understood that tonight.

Tags: Lexi Blake Butterfly Bayou Romance