Page 9 of Snowed In

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“Do you want to see your room?”

“Lead on,” she purred, thrusting her arm into his. “I’m excited.” Her blue eyes were wide as she took in the place. “You really grew up here?”

“Only during the summers.” Reid paused, letting her take in the lobby. It was what he liked to call rustic elegance. “It was cheaper than summer camp. Mother thought I could learn a thing or two from my uncle. Of course later, when I came out, she blamed the whole mess on him. Apparently spending summers outside the city makes one gay. You know these wilderness folks, they’re all flaming homosexuals.”

“Yes, I’d heard that,” Jessica replied, playing along.

It was so good to see her smile. Was he doing the right thing? She was starting to get over Gideon. Did he have any right to throw her back in?

He had a sudden attack of conscience. He didn’t like it.

“Damn it.” He stopped in the middle of the lobby. He had to warn her. Anxiety suddenly tightened his gut. “Sweetie, I have to tell you something.”

She was staring straight ahead. She wasn’t flushed now. She’d gone stark white.

“Gideon’s here,” she whispered.

Reid followed her eyes. Gideon stood watching them, the darkest look on his face. Oh, he was in for so much more than a spanking.

“Yes, Gideon’s here,” Reid agreed. “Please forgive me.” He hoped Jessica would, because there was not a hint of forgiveness in Gideon’s eyes.Chapter TwoJessica felt her heart pound at the sight of him. He looked dangerous even though he was wearing a perfectly sedate black sweater and black jeans. His sandy blond hair was starting to curl around his ears. He would cut it soon. He never let it get too long. She’d been his assistant long enough to know his habits. It was on the tip of her tongue to beg his forgiveness. She hadn’t meant to move into his space.

“What is she doing here?” Gideon asked Reid. His gaze slid off her like she wasn’t there.

Apology forgotten. She clenched her fists even as she promised herself she wasn’t going to punch him. She would be a lady. She would be polite and not let him know how much his dismissiveness hurt her.

“She signed up for the seminar.” Reid’s voice was even, but she saw the fine tremor in his hand. He quickly shoved them in his pockets.

She watched Reid because it was easier to look at him than to see the coldness in Gideon’s eyes.

“And how did someone like Jessica know about the seminar?”

Reid actually swallowed before answering. “She saw the material at a club I took her to.”

“You took Jessica to a bondage club?” The question came out as an angry shout.

“I told him I would go on my own if he didn’t take me.” She didn’t like the thought that Reid was going to get in trouble for helping her. Though he and Reid were friends and partners, she’d noticed right away that Reid tended to defer to Gideon. She wasn’t sure why he’d hidden Gideon’s presence from her, but he’d been nothing but kind to her up to this point. She was willing to listen to Reid’s explanation before making a judgment about his motivations. “He didn’t think it was a good idea for me to go alone.”

Gideon’s jaw clenched. It was a sure sign he was angry. She’d seen him have the same expression with more than one client who turned out to be guilty as sin. “It was a stupid idea. It was an idiotic thing to try. Those clubs are hard core. The men there will eat you alive.”

“I acted as her Dom,” Reid explained, sounding annoyed. “No one is going to question me. No one bothered her. She just wanted to try it.”

Gideon squared off with Reid. “Good, she tried it. Now she can get her ass home where she belongs.”

Angry tears sprang to her eyes. “No. I signed up. I got here. I’m taking these classes. I have every right. Reid is the teacher. You can’t kick me out.”

Gideon laughed, a sound that held not an ounce of humor. “Reid is the secondary teacher. He’s my assistant. This is my seminar, and you are not welcome here. Get your stuff and head home.”

Gideon turned, having made his decision. He simply began to walk away with no further discussion. A righteous anger suffused her. She wasn’t going to meekly walk away. He couldn’t act as though she didn’t exist. Jessica calmly took off her red three-and-a-half-inch J. Reneé pump. Reid’s eyes were large as he realized what she was about to do.

“You don’t want to do that, Jess.”

Oh, but she did. Remembering everything her father ever taught her about pitching with power, she shot a fastball special right at Gideon’s retreating figure. It hit the back of his head with a satisfying thud. For a moment, she was perfectly content with her rebellion. Then he stopped and turned around.

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