Page 5 of Snowed In

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The soft trill of her cell phone was a welcome sound. She slowed down. She was glad she was the only one on the winding road.


“Jessica, are you all right?” She heard Reid’s worry over the speaker. It warmed her.

Through it all, he’d been her friend. He was still Gideon’s partner, but he hadn’t deserted her. He’d shown up the day after her debacle with Gideon. He’d held her while she cried. He’d been her anchor. She didn’t know how she would have made it through the last few months without Reid’s steady hand to guide her.

Reid had been the one to help her find a new job.

“I think I’m almost there. It’s hard to tell. Everything looks like mountains.” There was no way to disguise the shakiness in her voice. “But get a martini ready for me. I’m going to need it. I’m never driving up a mountain pass again.”

“I’m sorry, darling.” Reid’s tone was smooth as glass. She loved the sound of his voice. It was rich velvet and rolled over her like a blanket, making her feel safe and loved. “I wish I’d been able to pick you up. I’ll make sure you have exactly what you need. Vodka martini, two olives coming up. I’ll let the bartender know how little you like vermouth.”

She laughed. “Yes. Just a kiss of vermouth, and not an open-mouthed one.”

His chuckle vibrated against her ear. “I’ll have a kiss for you when you get here, pretty girl. I’ve got your room ready. It’s one of the best in the whole hotel. You’re going to love it.”

She smiled at the thought. She was sure it was perfect. Everything Reid did was absolute perfection. He was a man who paid attention to the details. He would make the perfect boyfriend, if only she was his type. His type. The phrase itself made her angry. Damn it, she wasn’t going there. “I can’t wait.”

The idea of a lush suite for a whole week nearly brought tears to her eyes. Reid had made it possible. Reid was making all of this possible. She was going to get over Gideon. She was going to find herself. It was her time to explore and play and enjoy the world again. Reid was a big part of that.

“All right, love,” he said over the phone. “I’m watching for you. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

She groaned, unable to stop. They had discussed this endlessly. “I know what I want. I can’t help it. It’s who I am.”

He sighed. “I wasn’t judging. You know I would never judge. You’ve met me. Lightning would strike and quickly. I just…I love you, Jessica. I want you to be sure.”

Tears crowded her eyes. She took a deep breath. “I love you, too. I know what I’m doing. Gideon showed me what I am and what I want. Just because he didn’t want me doesn’t change the fact that I’m a sub. Don’t be worried. Be excited for me. I’m done mooning over some man who can’t love me. I’m ready to explore. Tell me there are some superhot Doms there looking for a sub to train.” She felt herself flush as she said it. She was putting a lot on the line. What if no one wanted her? What if she spent the whole week in a corner somewhere?

“Stop. I can hear you panicking from here. They’re going to love you, but I get first dibs. You know you’re my sub for the first few days. This is a training seminar, and you’re my guinea pig.” As always, he knew how to calm her fears. It seemed to come naturally to Reid to always know the right thing to say.

She inched forward. Finally, in the distance, the Aspen Retreat came into sight. It was a gorgeous piece of Western architecture. The ski lodge was a magnificent work of wood and glass rising from the snow. “I don’t know why you chose me, but I’m glad you did. I could never afford this seminar on my own. I thank you for choosing to use me as a guinea pig over some superhot boy.”

Reid snorted. He did it often, though he would never admit it. Jessica found it hopelessly endearing. “Honey, if I used a superhot boy, I would never be able to teach. Get that sweet ass in here. I’m waiting, Jessica.”

He hung up with a decisive click. She shivered, and it had nothing to do with the cold. Reid had used that voice on her. It was his Dom voice. She groaned as she made the final turn. Gideon had shown her a whole world and then told her she didn’t belong there. Jessica looked at the imposing Aspen Retreat and knew she was about to find out if his words would prove true.

Tags: Lexi Blake Erotic