Page 32 of Snowed In

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A brilliant smile split that sensual mouth of his. He kissed her while she lay in Gideon’s arms. “I want you, too, little sub. I love you so much.”

Gideon stared down at her, his face intense. His hands tightened around her body. “Please be sure about this. I couldn’t handle it if this goes away in the morning. I know I fucked up. I should have trusted that you would understand about Reid. I am asking for your forgiveness. I’m asking for your love and I intend to give you mine in return. I’m willing to give you everything I am. We both will.”

A wild joy filled her. They were really hers. “I love you. I won’t leave again. The next time you say something terrible to me, I’ll get out my shoe and use you for target practice.”

Gideon threw back his head and laughed. “I’ll be sure to wear a helmet when we fight.”

He started down the hall toward Reid’s suite. He ignored the people who tried to get his attention. Her hands were still tied. She let her head drift onto his shoulder and breathed in his scent. He smelled like soap, with the faintest hint of the aftershave Reid used. She loved the mental picture of how that happened. That restless feeling she’d had for the last six months seemed to vanish and a calm acceptance settled in her heart. She was loved. It might be odd and weird, but she was loved, and that was all that mattered.

Reid opened the door, and she was tossed on the bed. He quickly undid the binding on her wrists. She was surprised to find she hadn’t lost circulation at all.

“Clothes off, Jessica. You can take them off yourself, or I’ll rip them off you,” Gideon promised. His hands were working to take off his own clothes. He kicked off his boots and quickly divested himself of his jeans and shirt.

She stared for a moment. He was perfect. He was tall with long, lean muscles. His shoulders were broad and his waist tapered. Her gaze stuck on the erection he was sporting. It nearly lay flat against his ripped abs and almost reached his navel.

“He is serious, love. He’ll rip them off you.” Reid’s hands came down to pull at her sweater.

She obediently lifted her arms and noticed Reid was already naked.

“Holy cow,” she said, taking in the sight.

Reid smiled readily. “I’m only a little bigger than he is. Don’t worry, baby, I know how to use it.”

Reid tossed her sweater to the side. His hands slid down to the waistband of her jeans.

“We need to make a few things plain to you, Jessica.” Gideon’s weight caused the bed to shift. She felt Reid drag off her panties and unclasp her bra. Reid’s hands seemed to be everywhere. Gideon gently pushed her back and pulled her hands over her head. “Leave them there. I’ll tie you up again if I have to. Don’t move until I tell you to. I want to talk to you.”

“You talk,” Reid growled. “I want to fuck.” He lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the ring, tugging at it. She moaned and writhed, her pussy already damp. “I waited forever to get these into my mouth.”

Gideon watched Reid with half-lidded eyes. “When you’re done with the nipple play, taste her pussy. It’s so sweet.” He looked back up at Jessica, placing a possessive hand on her belly. “You’re beautiful. This body is mine.”

Reid’s head came up, and he gave Gideon a pointed stare.

Gideon shrugged. “Fine. It’s ours. It belongs to me and Reid. Do you honestly believe we’ll let anyone insult something we love?”

She shook her head.

“Good. Because the next time you call yourself fat, you’ll find yourself over my knee.” His hand moved to play with the nipple Reid wasn’t suckling. He fingered the ring and Jessica struggled to breathe. “This is the way it’s going to work, pet. You’re going to move in with me and Reid. We would love to have you back at work, but if you prefer, you can stay home. We’ll support you.”

“I want to come back.” She missed working with them. She wanted to have it all. She wanted their love and friendship. She wanted to build their future.

Gideon pressed his lips to hers. “All right, but be warned, some of your duties might have changed.”

Reid kissed his way down her torso. His tongue swirled into her navel. “Monday morning conferences could get freaky. And you know I get nervous before I have to go to court. I might need stress relief.”

Gideon replaced Reid at her breasts while Reid settled himself between her legs. He pressed her thighs apart, and she felt him stretching her gently. He parted her labia and pressed a finger deeply inside her pussy. She gasped and then pressed down, trying to get that finger as deep as it could go.

Tags: Lexi Blake Erotic