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“You always did like to make these birds fat,” he teases.

I can’t help smiling even though I’d rather he hadn’t found me.

“What are you here for if not to feed the ducks?” I ask, tossing a piece of bread.

Trent sits down next to me and steals a piece of bread. “You can’t do that. Just toss it right to them. You have to make them work for it a little bit. That’s nature,” he says, tossing a piece a few feet away from the duck, who swims to gobble up the piece.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I say. His words make me think about last night. Because that seems like all I want to think about. I feel like he’s saying I was too easy last night when I’d wanted him to kiss me. I look over at him to see if he’s being snide or referring to our almost kiss, but his face is a blank slate.

Deciding I should change the subject, I ask about his family and the ranch.

“They are all doing good. Derrick pretty much never leaves the ranch. And Jason just graduated and says he’s planning on joining the service. He’ll be leaving in a month.”

“We always knew he wanted to join,” I say, remembering Trent’s younger brother when we were growing up. While everyone else was working on the ranch, Jason was always setting up battlefields, playing with his airsoft guns, and shooting at targets.

“So have you had any bites on the flyer?”

“I have a few candidates lined up. Your idea for posting them on the board at Lake Forest Community College was a great idea. Thanks again for your help yesterday.”

He shrugs off my thanks, and I’m pretty sure he’s probably tired of saving me left and right.

We’ve run out of bread, so I say, “Good to see you again,” and keep walking once I’ve thrown away the empty bread bag.

“Whoa, don’t run off just yet.”TrentShe stops walking, but I can tell by the way she slowly turns back to me that she’s cautious of what I’m about to say.

“Go to dinner with me.” I say it more as a statement than a question.

She smiles almost sadly at me. “I’ve already got plans.”

I figure she’s brushing me off, not ready to date me again. She’s acting hurt too, so I’m thinking she misread our near kiss the night before and my reasons for pulling back. She’s in a hurry, though, and clearly not in the right headspace to hear me out.

I’ll have to wait.

“Maybe another time then,” I say and feel an awful sinking feeling when she shrugs in response.14LacyBradley has been talking non-stop about how great he is since he picked me up, and I lecture myself that I have to pay attention and stop thinking about and comparing him to Trent.

I know I’m never going to move on if I keep comparing every guy I meet to Trent.

I see Jason, Trent’s younger brother, getting in his car in the parking lot at the Roadside Diner and Bar.

I can see the way he looks back that he’s taking into account that I am out on a date with Bradley. Why do I feel guilty all of a sudden? I have no reason to feel guilty.

As Bradley opens the door to the restaurant, I turn and look at Jason, and sure enough, he’s staring right at me.

Well, looks like Trent will hear about this date with Bradley sooner rather than later. Good. Maybe he’ll get the message that I’ve moved on, and he won’t keep playing with my heart.

Bradley didn’t make a reservation, so we’re still waiting when Trent shows up. I just shake my head and get ready for what I know is going to be an argument.

Trent doesn’t even hesitate. He gives Bradley a dirty look and then walks right up to me. “What are you doing here with him?” he wants to know.

I am instantly embarrassed, looking around at all the interested faces staring our way.

Instead of answering Trent, I assure Bradley that it isn’t what it sounds like.

I no sooner say the words than Trent is saying, “It’s exactly what it sounds like.”

I, mortified at this point, grab on to Trent’s shirt and tell Bradley, “Give me a second” before pulling Trent to the side and beg him, “You need to leave.”TrentThere’s no way I’m leaving. She can beg and plead all she wants, but as soon as I got the call from Jason, I knew I had to take things into my own hands. I’m done playing games.

When she sees I’m not leaving, she walks away as Bradley’s name is called and pulls her date by the arm to follow the waitress.

I give the hostess a hundred dollar bill. I recognize her as one of Jason’s friends, so I know that she knows what’s going on here. “Get me seated right next to Lacy and Brad’s table,” I tell her, gesturing to the two that are walking away.

Tags: Hope Ford Coming Home To The Grove Erotic