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I have to admit, not having to worry about getting jumped anymore is definitely a relief, but now there’s another whole thing that’s weighing down on me, something so much worse. This is people’s lives in the balance. How will I ever fix this?

“Are you sure you want to sleep in the pool house? You can hardly move around. I can have the living room turned into your own personal hideout so you can chill out there while you heal. That way you won’t be lonely, and you can see what’s going on.”

I shake my head. “No, I’d prefer to be in my own bed where I can be a hermit and lock everyone out.”

“Babe …”

“No. Don’t ‘babe’ me. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in the living room where I’m going to have maids coming in and out, vacuuming around me, and listening to your sisters arguing over what they’re going to have for breakfast. Besides, in my room, I can just turn on Netflix, sleep, and be a pig until someone barges in on me.”

Colton laughs. “There won't be anyone barging in on you because you’ll have someone with you all the time. Not to mention, Milo’s been past four times already, bringing over magazines, books, loading the freezer with all the wrong kinds of ice cream, and filling your bedside table with every kind of vibrator under the sun.”

“What?” I laugh. “Why the hell would I need vibrators?”

Colton shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess he figures you’d be too sore to fuck. So this way, you can take care of yourself, but honestly, it’s really not necessary. I can take care of every little need you have.”

A grin tears across my face. “Well, he’s kinda right,” I admit. “My hip has been really hurting, so spreading my legs is kinda a no-go at the moment.”

“Fuck, really? Why didn’t you say anything? Do you want me to call a physio and have you checked out?”

“I didn’t say anything because I knew you’d be like this,” I say, gently shaking my head and resisting laughing at how right I was. “But no, It’s been feeling better and better every day. I think it just needs time to heal.”

“Fine,” he groans as the drizzling rain begins to pick up. “But if I hear you complain about it just once, I’ll be making the call.”

I hold my hand up and salute him with a cheesy grin. “Yes, sir.”

He glances across at me while navigating through the heavy rain. “That’s more like it.”

I roll my eyes, and before I know it, we’re pulling into his drive. I watch as his window drops, and he sticks his arm out into the rain to hash in the code for the gate. The gate slowly peels open and I can't resist teasing him. “Geez, for being the richest kid on the block, anyone would think that you’d have some kind of high-tech sensor gate that just automatically opened every time you drive in. I’m disappointed. This shit you have here, this is gated community, low class style.”

Colton’s head slowly turns toward me, a sharp glare resting in his eyes. “What did you just say about my front gate?”

I hold back a grin. “It’s lacking … and it’s kinda slow too.”

His mouth drops open just as the gate opens fully, patiently waiting for us to drive past. “We’re not moving until you apologize to the gate.”

“In your dreams,” I laugh. “It’s slow, and you know it.”

Colton looks out the front window of his car, staring at the gate in question. “It’s waiting,” he grumbles, before glancing back at me with his eyes sparkling. “For the record, I’ve got absolutely nothing to do today. I can do this for hours while you’re probably already cramping up and sore.”

“I think you underestimate just how stubborn I can be.”

“I think you’re the one underestimating.”

I sit back in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest, making a point of not being the one to budge while Colton leans over and grabs a packet of candies out of the center console, also making a point of all the time he has to waste.

One minute passes, then two, and then my ass begins to get sore.

I clench my jaw, feeling my resolve beginning to break. “Oh, fuck it. I’m sorry I hurt your goddamn gate’s feelings, but you can’t deny that I’m right.”

Colton looks back at me, and with a cocky grin, he finally hits the gas, sailing past the stupid gate. We get up to the mansion in no time, and as the Veneno comes to a stop in the ridiculously packed garage, I try my best to get my ass out.

The door swings wide, and as I attempt to move around, Colton gapes at me. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he demands, hurrying out of the car and rushing around to my side. “Just wait. I’ll help you.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance