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“A day in bed watching Vampire Diaries?” I ask, glancing up and meeting Colton’s eyes through the mirror. “I’m so down for that. I’ll be there in twenty.”

Colton’s mouth drops open as he stares at me in horror. “What?” I laugh once Milo has ended the call.

“Let me get this straight,” Colton teases, his lips pulling up into a cocky smirk that has me desperate to kiss him. He releases his hold from around my waist and turns me so that I'm staring straight into his perfectly hazel eyes. “You’ll spend the day in bed with Milo but won’t spend it with me?”

“What can I say?” I laugh, taking a step back from him and edging toward the bathroom door. “Milo has a bigger dick.”

Colton’s jaw drops again, and he stares at me as though I’ve just committed a heinous crime. I don’t give him a chance to defend his honor before I’m slipping from the bathroom and hurrying into his massive closet.

I start searching for something to wear and settle on one of his shirts that nearly drops to my knees and a pair of his sweatpants that I have to roll at my hips three times just to avoid them falling to my ankles. If I’m going to spend the whole day in bed watching Vampire Diaries, then I should at least be comfortable. It’s the only way to do it.

I hear Colton in the shower, and just as I finish getting ready, he meets me back in his room. “I’m going to go,” I tell him, stretching up onto my tippy toes and brushing my lips over his.

“Alright,” he tells me. “Try not to make any unplanned stops this time.”

“Okay,” I laugh as he wraps me in his arms. “I promise. I’ll be a good little girl all day long.”

He drops his lips to mine before murmuring the sweetest words I’ve ever heard. “Only if you promise to be a bad one when you get home.”

Well, shit. Maybe I should stay here with him today.

“No,” Colton says, stepping back from me. “I know that look in your eyes, and if you don’t show up at Milo’s place in twenty minutes as you promised, he’s going to end up here, and then he’ll never leave.”

“But …”

“Nope. Go. Get your sweet ass out of here, and when you get home tonight, I’ll show you exactly what you were missing.”

I let out a sigh, but he’s right. If I don’t show up on Milo’s doorstep with popcorn in hand, there’s going to be trouble. “Deal,” I finally tell him, stepping into him and kissing him one last time before marching my way to the door. “But I swear, Colton Carrington, you better make it worth my while, or you and I are going to have problems.”

With that, I step out of his room and get my ass to Milo’s place as promised.

Thirty minutes later, my arms are laden with ice cream, candy, and popcorn as I barge through the Queen’s bedroom door. What better distraction from my troubles than falling more and more in love with Ian Somerhalder?

“Take your time,” Milo grumbles as I climb into his bed beside him and study his face. He still looks like he’s in a lot of pain but he seems a million times better. I still can’t believe he was attacked purely because he likes guys. It makes me sick, and had the boys not gone and handled it, I would have been more than happy to handle it myself.

Though the swelling on his face has gone down, the bruising has come out, ready to take the spotlight. I scrunch up my face as I look at him and he instantly cuts me off. “Don’t even say it,” he says, holding up a hand to stop me. “I know how it looks and trust me, with the pain meds I’m on, it looks a million times worse than how it feels.”

“Are you sure?” I question, glancing around his room for some kind of way to help him.

“If you even think about fluffing my pillows or fussing over me, I’m going to whoop that fat ass of yours. I’ve had nurses in and around my business for days—constantly poking and prodding. All I want is to be left alone to watch Damon and Stefan fight over Elena as though she isn’t a whiny bitch.”

I roll my eyes and scoot closer into his bed, making myself comfortable. “Fine, have it your way, but just so you know, this ice cream isn’t going to stay frozen forever, and I have absolutely no plans to get up and put it in the freezer. So unless you want it melted through your bed and making everything all sticky, then we have to eat it now.”

Milo laughs to himself. “It’s not the first time my bed’s been all sticky.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance