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Russo leans forward on the table, keeping his eyes on mine. “What do you expect us to do about it?”

I shrug. “I expect your help. You said this was supposed to be a family, and I’m counting on that. From now on, Nic will pay. But, I must be clear about this; no more lives will be lost.”

Scoffs are heard all around the room, and a booming laugh comes tearing out of Snake. “What do you think this is? We’re not hired help. If we’re going after the Widows, then you can guarantee that it’ll be a fucking massacre.”

I shake my head, horrified by the thought. “No. There are good guys in there,” I insist, thinking of Sebastian, Kai, and Eli. “No one will be hurt. Take Nic and deal with him but leave the rest of them out of it.”

Russo smirks. “You think that’s how it works, sweet cheeks? You want us to go in there and take their leader, expecting the rest of them to just sit back and watch? Don’t be so naive. If we go in there, men will be lost, both Widows and Wolves. Are you prepared to have that on your shoulders?”

I clench my jaw and instantly start shaking my head, horrified by the plan that’s coming into place but knowing that I have to stay strong and stand by what I’ve said. It’s either me or Nic, but there’s that part of me that can’t be responsible for the deaths of innocent men. If any of my boys were to be hurt … fuck. No, I couldn't handle that. This isn’t what I wanted. “No, if that’s the outcome, then no. I won’t kill my friends. Thanks for nothing.” I start walking to the door, ready to haul ass out of here. “I’ll find another way to get at Nic.”

“Well, well,” Russo says in a tone that has me rooted to the spot. “If only it were that easy. You’ve given us Lou’s killer on a silver platter and unfortunately for you, you’re not the one who calls the shots around here. We don’t play by your rules, Miss Munroe. Now, sit your ass down and tell us exactly what we need to know.”

Shit.Chapter 3ColtonI slam the phone down after calling Ocean for the hundredth time, and just as I expected, there’s no fucking answer. Where the hell is she?

I find myself staring at the security monitors again, and by now, I can’t tell if it’s out of habit or worry. I know I’m not going to see the Audi pull into the drive, it’s all I’ve been hoping for the past few hours, but I know better. She’s not coming back.

There was something off about her when she left this morning. There was an odd fear in her eyes, but she insisted that she was okay. That was nearly fourteen hours ago, and no one has heard from her since.

Ocean should have been home ages ago. She was being shady and said that she needed to go and see someone before school, only she never fucking made it to school. She was a no-show, and I have no fucking idea where the hell she is. I feel sick. I need to know that she’s okay.

I should have gone with her. She didn’t look right. I should have trusted my gut, and now she’s gone. I asked if she wanted me with her, but she blew me off. I should have insisted.

I hope I’m over-exaggerating this bullshit, but there’s just something deep inside me that tells me to be worried.

I’m trying really fucking hard not to panic and to give her the space she needs to do whatever the fuck it is that she’s doing, but I’m running out of patience. I can’t take it anymore. I just need a text or something from her telling me that she’s alright.

If something happened to her, if Nic got to her … fuck. I don’t give a shit how she feels about him, I’ll fucking kill him if I find that he’s laid a hand on her. I don't care if it means the end of my relationship with Ocean. There’s absolutely nothing that I wouldn’t do to protect her. I know I’m only eighteen, and I’m not supposed to be thinking about this shit yet, but she’s the one. I’m going to fucking marry that girl one day, and when I do, it’s going to be the best goddamn day of my life.

I get up from my couch and instantly start pacing the living room, focusing on taking slow, deep breaths to stop me from grabbing the crystal vase that sits on the coffee table and launching it across the room.

Not being able to calm myself, I grab my phone off the armrest and scroll through until I come across Milo’s number. I hit call and wait impatiently as it rings. Once. Twice. Three fucking times.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance