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Charlie lets his response dangle in the air between us and I nod. “I know,” I tell him. “You’ll make me watch anime porn on repeat until my eyes bleed.”

“Damn straight,” he says, a small smile slowly beginning to spread across his boyishly handsome face. His mood instantly lightens and just like that, everything feels right in the world. Well, mostly. There's always some shit going on in Bellevue Springs, but right this very minute, everything feels just right.

Milo looks between me and Charlie and calls across the table. “What were you two fighting about anyway?”

Spencer laughs and catches Milo’s eyes. “Trust me, you’re better off not knowing.”

Milo laughs and I watch as he stares at Spencer. His cheeks flush and it’s almost as though he’s got a bit of a crush on the guy. I roll my eyes and am just about to file it away in the ‘things to tease Milo about later’ category when I glance back at Spencer to find that same longing.

What the actual fuck?

The two of them continue staring, locked in each other's gaze as though some kind of secret messages are passing between them. I recognize the look in Milo’s eyes. It’s as though he wants to see Spencer naked, but the look in Spencer’s eyes is the one I get from Colton, the one that says ‘I’ve already seen you naked and damn it, I want to see it again.’

No. This can’t be what I think it is. Milo spilled the tea and said he was screwing one of the guys at school who is deep in the closet while Colton said just last night that he thought Spencer was seeing someone.

I wonder if … yeah. It has to be.

I look between the two, feeling as though I'm bursting from the seams. My knees bounce and I bite my lip, desperate to talk about it but knowing damn well that right here and right now is certainly not the place, especially now that my bouncing knees have caught Colton’s attention.

I catch Milo's eyes and as he watches me, I flick my gaze between the new couple. His eyes go wide and within seconds, Spencer catches on to what the hell I’ve just worked out. His eyes go bigger than Milo’s and the horror is confirmation enough.

I fly to my feet, unable to control my excitement. “I freaking knew it.”

Without thinking, Spencer barrels out of his chair and scrambles across the table, sending cutlery and drinks flying in every possible direction. All eyes turn our way but before I can say another word, Spencer falls into me, slamming his hand over my mouth as we go tumbling to the ground.

His arm curls around the back of my head, protecting me as we go crashing to the ground. “What the fuck, Spence?” Colton roars staring down at us in shock.

Milo comes running around, grabbing my hand and hauling me up but before I can get properly to my feet, Spencer is there, grabbing me around the waist and throwing me over his shoulder. “Just need your girl for a few minutes,” he says as he starts heading for the door.

Spencer and Milo practically storm through the mansion until they step through to one of the many private rooms. I get put on my feet and I can hardly stand still as the door closes behind us.

They face me down with their secret sitting heavily between us and just as Spencer takes a breath, the door opens with Colton and Charlie forcing their way in.

“What the fuck was that?” Colton asks. “What’s going on and why the fuck did you just destroy my dinner table?”

“It’s nothing,” Spencer says, looking as though he’s about to be sick.

“Nothing?” Charlie scoffs. “I’m not about to let you fuckers keep me locked in the dark again. What the fuck is going on? Be fucking real with me for once.”

“FUCK,” Spencer roars, glancing at Milo as he begins pacing the small room. “I, um… fuck. I don’t know how to tell you guys this.” My legs start bouncing, desperately wishing he would hurry up and spit the words out so I can start celebrating with them. Spencer takes another slow breath and glances everywhere except for Charlie and Colton. “I, uhh … sorta started seeing someone.”

Colton harumphs with pride as he looks to me, bouncing his brows as though he’s a fucking genius for guessing it last night. “Told you.”

“Yeah, you did,” I grin, knowing there’s so much more to the story.

Colton focuses on Spencer, forcing him to look his way. “You made a scene at my business dinner because you’re seeing someone?”

“Well, that’s just the thing … it’s really not what you think.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, umm …” he stutters, looking back at Milo. “You know last week when we were chilling around the pool and Milo and Jess had that fight and he kinda came out of the closet?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Rejects Paradise Romance