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“How was your day?” I took one more kiss, because I could never get enough.


“How so?”

“Let’s just say I saw a ninety-year-old man with a ball of ear wax that had been growing for at least half of a century, and we’ll leave it at that.”

“Say no more. I have better news. I got our wedding photos back today from the photographer.”

“Perfect. I need something to wash the memory of today out of my brain.”

“I’ll get my laptop.” I pushed the pieces of stained glass I was working on to the side before running to my office. I returned to find Jonah sitting at the bench admiring the piece I was working on for Sabine. My father had commissioned it. It was the silhouette of a woman sitting on piano keys.

“This is beautiful, as is my wife.”

“Wait until you see the photos.” I set my laptop in front of him and clicked on the folder that contained some of my favorite memories.

Jonah tapped on the side of his head. “I don’t need photographic evidence. I relive the memories every day. Especially of our wedding night,” he whispered with a wicked grin.

“I’d be happy to give you a live demonstration again tonight after Whitney goes to sleep.”

He tugged me to him. “I do love you, Mrs. Adkinson. I hope you are well rested because it’s going to be a long night,” he groaned against my ear.

“Those are my favorite kind.” I sat on Jonah’s lap while we pulled up the photos.

The first one that popped up was a family photo of all of us after the beach ceremony in Oahu. I never thought I’d have a destination wedding, but Dean, I meant Dad, said that he wanted to throw me the wedding of my dreams. I told him as long as I could be barefoot in my white cotton sleeveless dress with Jonah waiting for me at the end of the aisle, I didn’t care where I got married.

In the picture, we were all barefoot except Whitney, who’d thought it was inexcusable and had warned us all of the diseases we were potentially exposing ourselves to, and the glass and rocks we could cut our feet on. She was in some cute white sandals. She looked so precious in her pink flower girl dress with her hair pulled up, flowers gracing her hair.

I touched the screen, reliving the best day of my life. My dad stood next to me, handsome and proud, Sabine, beautiful and happy. Grandma and Grandpa stood next to them, happy and adjusting. Grandpa and Dad had both walked me down the aisle. Dani and Kinsley were there and looking gorgeous as my bridesmaids in lace bohemian dresses. Brock and Brant looked stately and tan standing next to them. I could see the longing in Brock’s eyes as he gazed down at Dani. My brothers were laying out in the front, being their goofy selves. They were laughing because they were probably thinking about all the condoms they had plastered on the honeymoon suite door.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Jonah’s parents stood to his side looking anything but amused. While they weren’t outright rude to me anymore, they weren’t warm and fuzzy either. Eliza had been invited as a courtesy but had declined to come. She was dating some CEO from Sweden and used that as an excuse. It didn’t hurt my feelings.

That left me and my groom, who the photographer had caught kissing my forehead adoringly. It showed exactly how Jonah made me feel.

“We need to get this one framed,” Jonah commented.

“I agree.” I started to scroll through more of the photos.

“I’ve been thinking of something else we should do,” he said casually.

“What’s that?” I enlarged the next photo of us saying I do.

“I think we should have a baby.”

“What?” I almost fell off his lap.

He steadied me. “You do want to have one with me, right?”

I readjusted myself so I could look at him. “Of course I do, but we’ve only been married for a month.”

He leaned in and skimmed my lips. “I know, but you are the most wonderful mom in the world and more kids should get the privilege of having a mom like you.”

“You’re just trying to butter me up to say yes.” I rubbed my nose against his.

“I mean every word. Please, say yes.”

He had me at we should have a baby. “Yes.”

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Tags: Jennifer Peel Pine Falls Romance