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“We can do it as much as you want,” he replied, grateful to feel the knot finally subsiding so he could pull free of her and move up to lie beside her on the bed.

His fingers traced their way along her breasts as they lay there in the afterglow, catching their breath. After a little break, they started over again and again, knotting every single time so that they were forced to stay connected while his cock slowly surrendered the lock that held them in place.CHAPTER SIXTEENKat

“I don’t know what happened,” she said, turning to face him.

She was glowing. Her body was warm and pink with the heat of their ferocious coupling.

“The rut.”

“The what?”

“We’re in rut. We’ll be like this for several days.”

“Like what?”

“Unable to keep our hands off one another. Our bodies will long for the other to the point where we can’t control it.”

“Does that always happen?”

“What do you mean, does that always happen?”

“I mean, with wolves. Does this always happen when they want to have sex with one another?”

“No. I mean, has it ever happened to you before?”

“What? This rut thing?”


“No. Uh, I don’t know. I haven’t ... um,” her voice trailed off.

“Wait. Are you telling me you are a virgin?”

“Was,” she said, her eyes cast downward.

“My god. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Would it have changed anything? I mean, this rut thing. Could we have stopped it?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. It would have been hard, but I could have left, kept my distance until it passed.”

“And then what, just never saw me again so it wasn’t a problem?”

“That wouldn’t matter. I could never see you again and still feel the pull toward you every single time the rut kicked in. That’s its purpose: to bind two wolves together for all eternity.”

“So, we’re mated then? I have no choice but to be with you?”

“Biologically, no. We’ll long for one another every rut.”

“I guess you’ll have to stay near me from now on then,” she said with a slow smile.

“You say that today. That’s part of the rut. You can’t imagine being with anyone but me right now, but it will pass, and then I hope you don’t regret this. I hope you don’t have any reservations about us.”

“What about you? Perhaps you’ll have second thoughts.”

“I can’t see that happening. I wasn’t expecting this, but now that it’s happened, I think it’s incredible.”

Kat lay her head on his shoulder, running her fingers through the dark hair that covered his chest. She had always dreamed her first time would be magical, beautiful. This had been nothing like that. Instead, it had been off the charts hot, and there was no end in sight. Just lying there thinking about it made her want him again.

He didn’t object.

Morning came way too soon as both of them awoke, still exhausted from a long night of sexcapades that would make most people blush. At least, that is what Kat believed. Surely, normal people didn’t get quite so worked up and do things like they’d done, some of them several times. She’d heard her friends talk, and nothing they’d ever said seemed even remotely close.

“I’ve got to go to work,” Travis groaned, climbing out from the covers and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“On Sunday?”

“Yes. Vivianne wants me to show her and the other bodyguards around the quarry for some reason.”

“The quarry? Is it safe to even go out there?”

“Yeah. I cleared it with the pack, but only in exchange for me bringing Vivianne by their clubhouse to meet some of them and take photos with her.”

“She agreed to that?”

“Reluctantly. I don’t know what it is she finds so fascinating about that old place, but she was determined to get out there.”

“What am I going to do here all day without you?”

“Pine for my return,” he smiled.

“Ordinarily, I’d say that was a bit egotistical, but I’m already missing you, so you’re probably right.”

“I’m supposed to be out at five, so it’ll probably be six. She doesn’t really care much about other people’s schedules.”

“So, just leave at five and let the other guys take care of her.”

“I’d love to, but for what she’s paying me, I’ll grin and bear it for the next six months.”

“Do you want to come back for dinner here? I can make a pretty mean lasagna.”

“Sounds perfect. I’d love some lasagna before I ravage you again.”

Kat draped herself across his bare back and kissed his neck. A low groan escaped his throat. Looking over his shoulder, she could see his cock twitch back to life again, and she wanted more of it.

“Down, girl. That’ll have to wait. I’ve got to get back to the hotel, get showered and changed, and meet the other bodyguards for breakfast while we wait on her.”

“You don’t have breakfast with her?”

“Not unless I want to eat tofu,” he said, kissing her on the cheek and slipping out of her arms to get dressed.

Tags: Sky Winters Alpha Meets Omega Fantasy