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“Yeah, sure. We need to be seated for take-off, then we can do whatever we desire.”

Adam kissed her, feeling his cock harden at the thought of what was to come.

Once they were in the air, Adam showed her where the shower facilities were, then he flopped down on the squishy couch with a large whiskey. Even though he’d worked hard to gain his pilot’s licence last year, he’d asked one of the local pilots to fly them to London tonight, because he wanted to spend time with Amy. That was weird – he rarely spent time with a woman beyond taking her out to dinner and then taking her to heaven in bed. What was it about Amy that was making him want to find out all about her? He wanted to be with her always, to give her the entire universe and more… to protect her from danger. It was almost as if he was falling in love with her. Shit, surely that wasn’t possible. But what other explanation was there for him coming back to London with her now? He didn’t need to. Frank could sign the contracts without him being present. But the thought of Amy leaving New York without him tore a little hole in his heart.

Perhaps it was just because he was still reeling from what had happened with Ivan. And now Tariq Shard had propelled himself back into his life. What a day. Adam listened to the whirring jet engines as his mind churned with thoughts of Tariq Shard and his blackmailing schemes.

He swigged his whiskey and felt his mood start to nosedive as he pondered the possibility that Dylan might be right about Tariq being a murderer. He gripped his glass hard, and his bubbling fury rose. But then he heard Amy’s sweet singing coming from the shower, and the heat in his anger was replaced with passion. He smiled. Once you got beneath that steely exterior, Amy was fun and kind. And that tight little body, those sweet red lips, and that perfect pussy drove him wild with desire. He couldn’t wait to be thrusting her into paradise again soon. He was struck with an overwhelming need to make his mark on her, to utterly possess her thoughts – so that the only name on her lips was his. He wanted to ensure she couldn’t walk straight from all the pleasure he gave her. And then do it all again.

He ran his finger around the rim of his crystal glass and grinned.

Amy’s sensual voice purred, pulling him out of his dirty thoughts. “Hey, Adam. I know you said you like it when I’m wet, so here I am.”

He glanced up and his cock immediately hardened. Her skin was still damp from the shower, and she was striking a pose that emphasised her glorious curves – resting on one foot and sticking out her hip. She’d let her blonde hair flow around her shoulders, and her expression was relaxed. But it was what she was wearing that had Adam captivated. Earlier, before they’d left New York, Amy had gone off for half an hour to do some last-minute souvenir shopping. Now Adam realised what she’d bought.

She was wearing stockings, heels, and a garter belt – which was sexy enough – but on her upper half she wore a red quarter-cup bra, which pushed up her bare breasts, making her look slutty yet sophisticated. The bra was lacy and sheer, but Adam wasn’t interested in the lingerie – he was mesmerised by her fabulous body. The pendant he’d given her last night hung snugly between her perfect breasts now and he yearned to join it. Amy threw her hand to her hip and bent at the waist, posing like a porn star. Then she strutted over to where Adam was sitting and halted in front of him.

“Hi,” she said.

“You look amazing. I’m fucking lost for words.”

“That’s a first. But I can think of plenty of other things you can do with your mouth.”

She ran her fingers through his hair and lowered her tits in his face, so he moved his head forward, and gently sucked one of her nipples, flicking it with his tongue. Seeing her dressed like this was electrifying. His cock needed to fuck her hard, right now.

“You’re awesome, sweetheart,” he whispered.

She grinned. “You’re pretty hot yourself.”

He wrapped his hands around her ass and ran his fingers over the top of her stockings. She groaned throatily, letting him know he was doing the right thing. He lowered his head down further and delved his tongue into her satin panties. She tasted sweet – a mixture of hot pussy and perfumed soap. He pulled her roughly forward by the ass and gently sucked her clit, which caused her to buckle at the knees.

“Yes, Adam!”

He clambered to his feet, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her hard. “God, you’re fucking turning me on!”

“That was the plan.”

“But I need to show you who’s in charge here.” He stepped around so that he was behind her. “Bend over,” he whispered.

Amy shot a sexy glance over her shoulder, then she did as she was instructed, resting her palms on the edge of the velvety couch. Adam grabbed her butt, then delved his fingers into her panties to fondle her wet pussy – firstly circling the outside, then plunging two fingers into the warm stickiness. She lifted one leg, resting her knee on the couch, so he could slide his fingers deep inside her. Her pussy was warm and tight, and he couldn’t wait to thrust his cock into her. But first he wanted to explore her fabulous body some more. He withdrew his fingers and grabbed her hips from behind, then he knelt on the floor behind her, so he could give her oral from here – moving her panties out the way and licking hungrily between her buttocks. She gasped breathily as he gently tongued her rim, then he slipped his fingers into her pussy again, stimulating her G-spot in precisely the place where he could make her come as fast or as slow as he wanted.

Amy’s pussy gripped around his fingers, but she pulled away and turned to face him. “You’re so fucking good at that,” she said.

Still on his knees, he smirked. “Glad to hear it, babe.”

“But I want your cock inside me,” she purred.

Maintaining smutty eye contact, she joined him on her knees and reached out to unzip his trousers, then she tugged out his straining erection and started to move her hand up and down the shaft. She pulled a wrapped condom out from where she’d stashed it in one of her bra cups, and proceeded to roll it over his cock.

“I was thinking about you when I was showering. I started to touch myself, but it’s not the same as having you pounding hard into me.”

“I was just thinking that very same thing, sweetheart.”

He dropped his head forward and kissed her collarbone, working down to those gorgeous tits, then he flicked his tongue over her nipple, as they both scrambled up and onto the couch. Amy sat back and Adam knelt on the edge, between her legs. His cock stuck out eagerly in front of him, desperate to take her.

“I want to fuck you in your sexy underwear,” he said, nuzzling his face into her neck.

She chuckled. “I don’t think it would fit you!”

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance