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When Children’s Services found her alone and dirty, thanks to a call from one of the neighbors, they had taken her away from the only home she had ever known. Sure, her life had been broken, but that was all she had known. It hadn’t been too long after that when she met Abe, and the two of them became inseparable.

Once she graduated high school, she went to work at Tiny’s and had been there for the past four years.

She made decent money, especially with tips, but she certainly didn’t want to spend the rest of her life dishing out shots and margaritas. There was a community college in Asper, the next larger city over, and she had really thought about taking a few classes. Sophia didn’t have a lot of dreams in life, but doing something that took her out of this shitty town with bad memories was on the top of her list.

She pulled into the parking lot of Red’s and cut the engine to her little Honda. The small building that served as the office sat to the left. Three huge garages were attached to that, the bay doors wide open, classic rock blasting all around. Motorcycles were lined up on the side along with trucks and a few cars. A truck was up on a lift in the center of the garage, and she could see Abe’s grease-covered, tattooed back underneath it. It was almost seven in the evening, and she knew he’d be getting off soon.

Sophia shut the car off and climbed out. Credence Clearwater Revival blasted through the speakers, but all her focus was on Abe. He looked so good, so delicious covered in sweat and grease. Who would have thought the combination would be arousing? Bangs and clanks of tools being placed back in the toolbox drowned out some of the music.

“Hey, Sophia.” She turned and smiled at Seth Red, the owner of the body shop. He was in his late thirties, very good-looking in a sort of rough and rugged biker way. His dark hair hung around his chin, and his goatee showed a few greys. The white shirt and jeans he wore were covered in grease stains and holes but looked good on him.

“Hey, Seth.” He went to give her a one-armed hug, but she held her hands up in warning. “Oh no, you don’t! You are all greasy and sweaty, and I’ve got plans tonight.”

His grin was all straight, white teeth, which was a stark contrast to the grime that covered his face. “I hope you plan on cleaning Abe up, because he smells worse than I do. And he’s uglier too.” She laughed and stared at Abe. He hoisted himself out from under the truck. The rag he used to clean his hands was already filthy.

“Hey, Kid.” Abe walked up to her and kissed her on the forehead. He smelled like he’d been working under a car all day, but to her, it was hotter than hell. “Give me five to clean up then we’ll head out, yeah?”

She nodded and watched him toss the dirty rag in a container on his way out one of the side doors. True to his word, he was back in five minutes wearing a clean shirt and pants and void of any of the grease that made him look deliciously dirty. When had her attraction to him gotten so fierce?

She groaned internally when he swung his arm over her shoulder and ran his knuckles over her head, messing up her hair. His actions were that of an older brother giving shit to his kid sister. If that didn’t just suck some major balls.

“Whatcha wanna do tonight?”

She stopped in front of her car, which she purposely parked beside his Dyna. “Pizza, beer, and a movie?”

“Sounds good. I’ll pick up the movie and pizza if you get the beer.” She smiled and nodded. “Meet ya back at my place.” For several long moments, she did nothing but watch as he grabbed his helmet off the back of his bike and put it on. He didn’t bother with the leather jacket she knew was stored in one of the saddlebags. It was a pretty warm night. In fact, it was so warm she was starting to sweat, but she knew it wasn’t just the humidity in the air that caused her to feel the heat.

“Catch ya in a few, Kid.” He winked and started his Harley. The loud purr traveled straight through her body and right to all her good parts. Clenching her thighs together, Sophia watched him disappear down the dark street.4They had eaten nearly the whole pizza and were finishing their second beer each when Abe finally put on the movie he rented and sat beside her. With his arm slung around her shoulders, he pulled her close so she was curled against his hard body. Sophia could almost pretend they didn’t do this every week, that he felt the same for her as she did for him.

Tags: Jenika Snow Erotic